WAR Screenshots!!

No it does not look like wow and you could tell it you looked.
Wow roads use small/large/small bricks....this is definitely large/small/large

and wow uses 99 crap colors on every piece of eq. a tauren warrior that looks like he got spray painted by a fairie that is not right

very nice pics and very clean interface for a stock setup...can you hide the quest text down the side?
I also want to know the answer. Everyone was saying the beta download would be too large if they included the full textures and high rez graphics. Well retail is here now and I don't see anything better at all, and no in-game AA/AF option WTF :rolleyes:

You've asked this multiple times in the other thread and the answer is still no.

You'll be better off with WoW.
I played both.
Warhammer Online looks and plays a lot like WoW. But I guess the games were made for different people.

If your like me, and know the Warcraft storyline and have played the previous games, WoW will be much funner.
Same applies to Warhammer, which is the reason I didn't like it, because I had no story or background on races. Then again I had only played Dawn of War :p

With WoW, I can look at my map and be like "Oh shit there is Dalaran" or "Oh man, I'm standing in the spot where Arthas murdered his father!"
Same thing applies to Warhammer geeks.

Take your pissing contest elsewhere.
I played both.
Warhammer Online looks and plays a lot like WoW. But I guess the games were made for different people.

If your like me, and know the Warcraft storyline and have played the previous games, WoW will be much funner.
Same applies to Warhammer, which is the reason I didn't like it, because I had no story or background on races. Then again I had only played Dawn of War :p

With WoW, I can look at my map and be like "Oh shit there is Dalaran" or "Oh man, I'm standing in the spot where Arthas murdered his father!"
Same thing applies to Warhammer geeks.

For me, liking the Warcraft story line made me hate WoW because of how much they butcher it.
TheCowOfNow and stryder2720 are correct this is a screen shot thread.

Nice pics Rofl-Mic-Lofl what is the purple glow in the second pic?
TheCowOfNow and stryder2720 are correct this is a screen shot thread.

Nice pics Rofl-Mic-Lofl what is the purple glow in the second pic?

The Chosen has a class mechanic called "Auras". They buff you and allies, and debuff enemies. I believe the purple glow was the one that increases/decreases Strength.
hell Kevl4r at least we got the word pic in the post. LOL
working back to picture posting
Considering most of your computers couldn't handle WAR graphics at max settings during a large scale keep battle -- why are you all wanting better graphics?

The graphics are "good enough" -- They create the atmosphere, the fun is in the RvR.
when I get home I'll take a screen shot or two in 1920x1200 with 16xAA and 16AF that I play with. I don't know how to embed a screen shot though on the boards.
when I get home I'll my screen shots in 1920x1200 with 16xAA and 16AF that I play with. I don't know how to imbed a screen shot though on the boards.

Upload the pic to an image host then use the IMG tags to imbed the pic. There's also an "insert image" button in the reply editor.
Why the hell would someone sacrifice ALL their invested time in WOW and switch to play this carbon copy? This will be squashed in a matter of a few months just like Age of Conan was.

I take issue with this.

You see, were it a carbon copy of WoW, it wouldn't be fun. It is. After 3 years of putting up with WoW's sad excuse for PvP, balance, and end game content in general, this game is way too much fun to be a carbon copy.

- Former 70 Troll Rogue Lieutenant General (that's the old school PvP system title for those of you who aren't old school enough), Alleria server, full PvP "welfare epics" to include 3 from arenas.
Ok, if you think Warhammer's graphics are no better then WoW's than quite frankly you are 100% RETARDED.

oh yeah, if you haven't played both games then cont bother posting "LOL IT LOOKS LIEK WOW!!"

Oh, you want in game screenshots, not screenshots of you guys playing :p

My bad.
It doesn't matter. When you release an MMO years after WoW that graphically looks the same as wow with maybe some better textures, something is wrong.

I played it last weekend, it sucked. I could not believe the horrible animations of skills and the lack of ingame AA option.

I don't know who that is.

I have many variants of the name Frostex for all my alts, including Frosty, Frosteh, Frostex, Frostay etc

Another screen of me and the goons capturing points in RvR, say cheese :)

I also have a character called Tylerdurdened as well, which logically means I must also be you, funny cos this one is a naked dwarf for some reason, kinda wacky eh?

IMO direct quoting images should be a bannable offense.

What did he do to you that you got your panties all in a knot?

I quoted his image because his character name is named Frosteh. His imagine was my evidence that he is Frosteh on the forum, and hence should be banned again.

I don't know what he did but that doens't matter. His original account here was banned. He went ahead and made a new account. If you're banned, you're banned.
Here are some from the other night.

Some guy from an order guild came on our vent and asked if we wanted to set up some RvR. We holed up in our keep and they would siege us.

Instead of our one guild vs one order guild about 3 order guilds arrived and raped us once we lost the first floor.

We spent the rest of the night trying to take it back. The biggest 2 or 3 order guilds were defending vs us and a few other large destruction guilds.

Some shots from taking it back:

Running to the keep from our warcamp (no mounts at this level)

Coming up the hill


Dropped our ram, started taking the door down. Can't see it in this shot, but they had a bunch of sorcerers up top, and random guys pouring oil on our ram guys.

This shot is after we took the first floor, we got pinned in here. Our tanks kept people out the front door, and we had a squad of people murdering anyone who zoned through the back door. There was a good ammount of order on the second floor blocking the ramp and picking off our guys trying to come up. We held this spot for so long, the front door respawned.

With the keep door respawned, order could right click it to zone into the keep. We broke it down from the inside so they had to go through our tanks to get in. Not being able to run through people in RvR is awesome.

Here is what we had facing us upstairs. On the top they had Bright Wizards and Engineers. On the third floor they had tanks/melee keeping us down. They defended this choke point for at least an hour, and we defended the first floor to keep reinforcements out.

It was a pretty awesome battle, but we didn't manage to take the keep. We took it later on that night, but a lot had left by then.
The above is exactly why WAR is epic, and WoW is pale in comparison.

Thanks for posting that, it's great to see what the T3+ keep fights will be like, so far I've only been in T2 but with a similar numebr of players. The keep guards are a push over but the elites up top are solid as hell, i can't see you taking even a T2 keep which has player defenders in addition to the keep lord and his cronies, it takes a full warband of T2 guys to take out the keep lord on his own, much less additional players.

WAR is just epic, T4/5 is going to be amazing, and 75man city raids...oh boy I can't wait.

By the way, being a healer in raids like that...it's mental, you suddenly see 24 people that need healing on your Warband HUD section and you just have to go mental with heals, it's crazy stuff, you're just constantly healing, buildin up energy, unleashing built up attacks to help, and morale abilities which are like super charged abilities you get after building up morale from kicking ass.


And for all you guys harping on about how bad it looks (not much better than WoW etc etc) now you can see why. Because if it was anymore complex keep battles like this wouldn't be possible, and this sorta thing is where the game shines, and it has to be playable on as many PCs as possible.
If anything WAR looks like LOTRO, more than it resembles WoW.
In all fairness, most folks that say this is a "WoW" clone fall into 2 categories:

1) People that will not leave WoW and throw away all their progress to play a new game, no matter what game is released. Furthermore, those playing WoW currently are getting bored with the game (after all, it has been out 4 years) and get sick of new games stealing all their thunder. AoC this.. WAR that.. it gets under their skin.

2) People that don't play either game, BUT still like to bitch about every NEW game released, and tear it down to nothing. At the end of the day, these are the worst kind of people.. because honestly, their opinions don't mean shit to the gaming community at large.

Guess what? It is just a matter of time before you will come across someone comparing EVE Online to WoW, and call it a "WoW clone"

After seeing that raid screen shot, I have this sudden urge to get into another MMO again. Keep up the good work and more screenies!!!
Thank you for finally posting some screens. PLease post more, looks really cool.
So I was looking at the box yesterday when I was wondering around BB and could not see if this is a monthly fee or what... Still waiting for the trial... want to play before I pay.
AWESOME pics and a awesome story too grendel240sx

thanks for the post

S3th13 high rez in youtube....BS

WOW high rez video

hey whats they guy doing to that horse...oh wait that is a house, NO its a hell I don't know what that is...

sorry S3th13 I could not resist LOL