Warframe's Fortuna Expansion Coming to PC in November


Mar 3, 2018
Warframe got a big, open world expansion last year as part of the Plains of Eidolon update. But developers Digital Extremes didn't stop there, and are tacking even more features onto their F2P space ninja shooter. The Fortuna expansion will add space combat, hoverboards, and an open world, Blade Runner-esque city to explore. Unlike some other games, the expansion is coming to PC before it hits consoles, and it will be available free of charge.

Check out 30 minutes of gameplay from earlier this year here.

Fortuna introduces a vast, frigid Venus wasteland populated with specialized Corpus units, an alien ecosystem and subterranean mysteries. In Fortuna, you will meet the body-augmented Solaris who live in debt-slavery to their profiteering Corpus overlords.
Railjack is the space combat expansion and that is coming next year.

But I am very excited about Fortuna.
Please correct that space combat is NOT coming with fortuna.

Other than that...if you like grindy games, Warframe will scratch more itches that you can possibly imagine.
if you like grindy games, Warframe will scratch more itches that you can possibly imagine.
I don't think that is a fair statement. "grind" is a largely negative connotation now, fundamentally everything is a "grind". It's just in different forms with varying levels of enjoyment in the process. I think most people who run into the "grind" in Warframe do so because they objectify their time instead of just go with the flow and enjoy themselves. I'm not sure why I said this too much other than I think the game is much more than "grindy" or any such derogatory statements such as this, not that I think you meant it like that, either, but that's the taste most will take from words like that, which isn't fair to the game.
I don't think that is a fair statement. "grind" is a largely negative connotation now, fundamentally everything is a "grind". It's just in different forms with varying levels of enjoyment in the process. I think most people who run into the "grind" in Warframe do so because they objectify their time instead of just go with the flow and enjoy themselves. I'm not sure why I said this too much other than I think the game is much more than "grindy" or any such derogatory statements such as this, not that I think you meant it like that, either, but that's the taste most will take from words like that, which isn't fair to the game.
I play Warframe. I like Warframe. But I sure as hell wont try and convince anyone (myself included) it's not a HUGE F'ing grind.
I play Warframe. I like Warframe. But I sure as hell wont try and convince anyone (myself included) it's not a HUGE F'ing grind.
Yup, my enjoyment of the game went up greatly when I got a 75% off plat and spent $25.
I play Warframe. I like Warframe. But I sure as hell wont try and convince anyone (myself included) it's not a HUGE F'ing grind.
Name something isn't a grind of some sort, i'm just saying man. You could literally play one frame, one weapon set and one mod set, complete that set in like 20 hours and never change it again. It's what you make of it. Just because the option is there, doesn't make it mandatory, better or something you even "should" do. Warframe is a game you play as you want. No different than being a completionist on the Witcher or something and doing every single petty side quest in the game, yeah that's a lot of time doing fundamentally the same things, no you didn't need to do it, you enjoy doing it, in theory, and thus the negative connotation is unwarranted.
Witcher 3 is probably the worst example you could come up with to defend Warframe's grind. Every side quest in Witcher 3 gave you a little story, a little extra flavor to the world. Sure many were similar but most added to the total experience. Warframe on the other hand? Um no. As of last patch Orokin derelict missions are now soloable I've run it for days now,farming void traces to build keys then into the mission over and over.It's just you versus the wall of RNG. Witcher 3 had nothing like grinding to pad out the experience. Hell, if you tried to see the whole story you would out level every zone. The best defense of Warframe is that they are the little scrappy developer busting their ass to make enough content. The 800 pound gorilla of of these MMO type games is World of Warcraft and even they cant keep up with the demand so I give Warframe a pass since you know they're doing the best they can. That said, the grind is real.
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The grind, or the farm is the game. Unless your endgame goal is fashion frame/Lunaro/Frame Fighter. And to not burn out you just don't rush the grind, find frames you like and have fun with them while gathering other parts and stuff.

One of trhe worst things is pushing for Mastery Rank for no reason.
Really like Warframe. it definitely scratches a lot of itches. It has a single player story built into a coop multiplayer game. Also, the community is far more friendly/helpful than some of the other online games(especially free ones) that I have played. The different weapons and being able to customize with mods reminds me of what I liked from the first Mass Effect. I also like being able to switch between classes (i.e. Warframes), when i want to play a bit differently. The specializations remind me of the skill trees in other games, which appeals to my min/maxing nature. I also like that it does not feel very pay to win. The only thing I can see spending any money on is buying more weapon and warframe slots, which is what I did with the initial 200 I got in game. Everything that you can buy, can be unlocked just through playing (and pretty easily as well). The Warframe you start out with can actually still be used just as effectively at the "end game", as you did early on, since strength/power is really more about the mods than what warframe you are using.
I do wish they would create new maps. There seems to be a limited number of "tile sets", which gets very repetitive. It is kind of silly when I can do an alert on one planet, and then do a mission on a totally different planet it feels like it is the exact same level.
I also hope the space combat plays better than the Archwing missions. Something about the Archwing levels, just don't work for me. That said, I do like the Archwing in POE.
There seems to be a limited number of "tile sets", which gets very repetitive. It is kind of silly when I can do an alert on one planet, and then do a mission on a totally different planet it feels like it is the exact same level.
I also hope the space combat plays better than the Archwing missions. Something about the Archwing levels, just don't work for me. That said, I do like the Archwing in POE.

Both are on the "chopping block". Pretty sure from the dev streams that DE has indicated a) Fortuna was a bit too big of a bite b) titlesets will be reworked. I feel that the gas city rework is basically their "technology test" to figure the right forumla for reworking the rest of the title sets. From what I've seen it looks good and highly encourages mobility. This might actually see a power shift from maximizing offense to sacrificing offense/defense to have more movement. I'm okay with this actually. There is enough power creep in the game that give up a bit of strength is a fair ask IMO. As for archwing....that will get an overhaul with Railjack; DE has explicitly stated as such.

Either way i'm ~90% happy with what DE does. This is pretty high bar IMO to have reached.
I love warframe, have put tons of hours into it, have pretty much everything except fashion frame junk, still log in daily for sorties and to build forma. MR is kind of importantish, if you plan to stick around as it allows you to do things more easily, and also allows more affinity to be traded for items that can be turned into plat. Anyway the last update brought more items and allowed founders to hit MR26. I am some 19k away, which means about 7 items. Fortuna should do that. :)
Both are on the "chopping block". Pretty sure from the dev streams that DE has indicated a) Fortuna was a bit too big of a bite b) titlesets will be reworked. I feel that the gas city rework is basically their "technology test" to figure the right forumla for reworking the rest of the title sets. From what I've seen it looks good and highly encourages mobility. This might actually see a power shift from maximizing offense to sacrificing offense/defense to have more movement. I'm okay with this actually. There is enough power creep in the game that give up a bit of strength is a fair ask IMO. As for archwing....that will get an overhaul with Railjack; DE has explicitly stated as such.

Either way i'm ~90% happy with what DE does. This is pretty high bar IMO to have reached.
Don't get me wrong, I too am quite happy with Warframe. Those are the only complaints I can come up with, and the same tile set thing does the "grind".
I am sad I did not find out about this game earlier. I have only been playing around 2 months, and am still MR10 and working on getting the Natah quest so I can get to Neptune.
Don't get me wrong, I too am quite happy with Warframe. Those are the only complaints I can come up with, and the same tile set thing does the "grind".
I am sad I did not find out about this game earlier. I have only been playing around 2 months, and am still MR10 and working on getting the Natah quest so I can get to Neptune.

Enjoy the ride. This isn't like every other MMO where if you aren't on the cutting edge you can't enjoy the full experience. Or if they try and "catch you up" they make all previous content completely irrelevant.

My only $0.02 is to realize that modding is the true source of "player power" in this game and spend sometime understanding how the damage system works. LeyzarGamingViews is very good for understanding weapon modding and iFlynn has a good beginner series (while outdated, still very accurate). Don't get too mired in the details but realize that a little knowledge in this game is a very powerful thing. GL out there tenno.
I don't think that is a fair statement. "grind" is a largely negative connotation now, fundamentally everything is a "grind". It's just in different forms with varying levels of enjoyment in the process.
I haven't played Warframe, but I have to call BS on this. What defines a grind is repetition as a wall towards progressing. You play through a normal shooter campaign, you're constantly moving forward. You have a different level, story progression, dialogue, new music, etc. You're not repeating levels unless you suck. While you're technically repeating the same action of shooting, in a good campaign, the experience remains persistently novel, since everything else is changing and moving forward.

In a grindy MMO, you're repeating the exact same sequence over and over as a mandatory barrier towards progressing. If I have to kill 10 boars in World of Warcraft, to get a reward or progress the story, that's doing the exact same thing over and over with no new feedback, acting as wall. In a shooter, if I have to progress through an area with 10 enemies, I could shoot some of them, run past them and ignore them, try to sneak around, blow up the area with explosives and watch the bodies fly around, etc. My goal is to get from point A to point B, the enemies are there to spice it up for me, not act as a toll bridge.
warframe is extremely grindy, but.... that is not necessarily a bad thing. I am currently playing through AC Odyssey. One of my goals will be to complete all locations and story quests. That is an extreme grind considering how vast the world is. In warframe you have 3 difficulty tiers, 6 common mission types, 3 common factions, probably about 15 different planets.

Basically yes, you are doing the same stuff over and over but there can be a lot of variety in what you choose to do. And if you do nothing (leech), most people are ok with that also.

Mission rewards are shared for the most part. You can buy a lot of stuff with plat, but there is a lot to be said about "earning" weapons and frames the hard way. Where frames take 4 full days to build. The grind is about systems to incentivise spending plat, but there is so much to see and do that you can have 20 things building at once and just pull them out as they complete.

There is a lot of flexibility in how the game can be played. Do you enjoy killing stuff? Do you enjoy making builds? Do you enjoy crafting stuff? Then this is probably a game you would like.
I haven't played Warframe, but I have to call BS on this. What defines a grind is repetition as a wall towards progressing. You play through a normal shooter campaign, you're constantly moving forward. You have a different level, story progression, dialogue, new music, etc. You're not repeating levels unless you suck. While you're technically repeating the same action of shooting, in a good campaign, the experience remains persistently novel, since everything else is changing and moving forward.

In a grindy MMO, you're repeating the exact same sequence over and over as a mandatory barrier towards progressing. If I have to kill 10 boars in World of Warcraft, to get a reward or progress the story, that's doing the exact same thing over and over with no new feedback, acting as wall. In a shooter, if I have to progress through an area with 10 enemies, I could shoot some of them, run past them and ignore them, try to sneak around, blow up the area with explosives and watch the bodies fly around, etc. My goal is to get from point A to point B, the enemies are there to spice it up for me, not act as a toll bridge.

Again this is only true -OF WARFRAME- if you want it to be, and being you've never played the game, perhaps you should refrain from speaking about something you just admitted to having no idea what you're talking about.
Again this is only true -OF WARFRAME- if you want it to be, and being you've never played the game, perhaps you should refrain from speaking about something you just admitted to having no idea what you're talking about.
You say "again", but that's not what you said.
Other than that...if you like grindy games, Warframe will scratch more itches that you can possibly imagine.
I don't think that is a fair statement. "grind" is a largely negative connotation now, fundamentally everything is a "grind". It's just in different forms with varying levels of enjoyment in the process.
Maybe don't say "fundamentally everything" when referencing grind as a concept as a response to a post that also references grindy games in general then. Obviously with your followup, that's not what you meant, but that's what you said.
I do wish they would create new maps. There seems to be a limited number of "tile sets", which gets very repetitive. It is kind of silly when I can do an alert on one planet, and then do a mission on a totally different planet it feels like it is the exact same level.
I also hope the space combat plays better than the Archwing missions. Something about the Archwing levels, just don't work for me. That said, I do like the Archwing in POE.

I agree ~Plat should be only for inventory until you really understand what's going on or have finished most of the story quests.

But I {kinda} disagree about the maps. The artists constantly add little things to existing tiles, just look around and keep your loot sensors running. There are often new hidey holes full of stuff that were not there previously (I really think there is probably a change or two every hotfix). And the maps are different enough that you should be able to ID your location within a few rooms at most. And remember, there is a huge Jupiter rework about to drop, which will make two whole planets redone in the 'new' tech and more to follow now that people are coming off of Fortuna.
Again this is only true -OF WARFRAME- if you want it to be...
Saying Warframe isn't grindy if you make it what you want to be, is like saying Cuphead isn't difficult as long as you stay in the starting zone. Want to get all the frames? Grind. Want all the weapons? Grind. Mastery Rating? Grind. Operator focus? Grind. As of this last patch the story now requires Warframe's endgame raid-ish content.
The new sword blueprint that Ballas gives you needs shards from Eidolons
Saying the game isn't grindy if you don't play the content is technically true but not exactly what most people are looking for in a game.
You say "again", but that's not what you said.

Maybe don't say "fundamentally everything" when referencing grind as a concept as a response to a post that also references grindy games in general then. Obviously with your followup, that's not what you meant, but that's what you said.
'kay 'll TL;DR it. I have 4000 hours in Warframe, while I don't play anymore, there was not a single point that it was "grindy" compared to any other game I've ever played included climbing competitive ladder in professional e-sports. That clear enough for you?
Saying Warframe isn't grindy if you make it what you want to be, is like saying Cuphead isn't difficult as long as you stay in the starting zone. Want to get all the frames? Grind. Want all the weapons? Grind. Mastery Rating? Grind. Operator focus? Grind. As of this last patch the story now requires Warframe's endgame raid-ish content.
The new sword blueprint that Ballas gives you needs shards from Eidolons
Saying the game isn't grindy if you don't play the content is technically true but not exactly what most people are looking for in a game.
But there is very little reason to do anything you just said except that you can. You don't have to get 100% completion in the Witcher either, just because you can doesn't mean you will. Do -ANYTHING- enough and it's a "grind" further my point was using the term in it's negative pretenses, more so than you will do things often.
But that's all there is to do. . .

Game is basically the Candy Crush of MMO's: Simple, easy, repetitive gameplay with a heavy-handed freemium model. It's fun to goof off in the game, but grinding for MR and grinding out mods / weapons / frames to perfect builds is pretty much the entire content.
I don't get this whole argument. there is no "need" to progress in warframe. you are not going to reach a story conclusion where you presented with a list of developers. It is simply about doing whatever you have fun and find interesting and challenging. If you don't enjoy what the game provides then the answer is pretty simple. I also tend to doubt the "heavy handed" argument. I spent about 50 bucks early on because I was enjoying the game so much I wanted to support the developer. That got me about 2.3k plat. Since then I have picked up another 10k plat selling shit. If you enjoy doing something, it.... is not a grind.