warm: eVGA 7900GTO $229 AR (TigerDirect)


[H]F Squad Captain
Apr 10, 2005
EDIT: update - looks like the rebate might be invalid now:

lgestle said:
Just FYI: You may want to add to your post that even though tigerdirect listed the rebate was valid to 10-29 the actual rebate at onrebate was only valid up to 10-2.

I believe that was the reason why tigerdirect pulled the rebate.

I know, I know.. rebates kinda suck... but anyways, thought someone might like this dealio

If you haven't purchased from Tiger Direct before yourself, please don't post "Tiger Direct suxors" posts. We're sick of seeing that crap. That was years ago.
Actually, they -have- rocked the last two times I have bought from them... same day shipping.. good prices, etc.. I bought a 7900GT at 3pm with 2day shipping and I got it in less than 48 hours.. pretty nice. anyways..
I find you get much better service if you buy your tigerdirect stuff through Amazon.
dfedders said:
If you haven't purchased from Tiger Direct before yourself, please don't post "Tiger Direct suxors" posts. We're sick of seeing that crap. That was years ago.
No, their reseller ratings have gotten worse.
TD is 4-0-0 with me, and at least 3 of those transactions were rebates.

This is a hot deal.
beowulf7 said:
No, their reseller ratings have gotten worse.

man those r pretty bad for within the past month..most of them had to do with rebates. im guessin it must be pretty bad if they always have someone to respond for bad ratings
i have purchased many times from tiger direct. i think they are a fine company and i will purchase from them again. i will say that mail in rebates suck ass. i never buy an item because of a rebate. M.I.R. are the biggest scam in the market place. a big FU to M.I.R. :mad: lol. i'm not bitter. nope.
People refer Tigerdirect as the no rebate back website. We all have experiences with rebates but what i have to say is the rebate is the main attraction of the purchase.
bench261 said:
man those r pretty bad for within the past month..most of them had to do with rebates. im guessin it must be pretty bad if they always have someone to respond for bad ratings
Yeah, I've always heard mixed reviews when it comes to TD's rebates. Mixed reviews = bad when it comes to rebates. Stores should never screw their customers out of rebates. If they outsource rebate processing like many vendors do, then the store should still be responsible since the outsourcing company is representing that company (in this case, TD).

That said, I have 0 experience w/ TD so I'm not speaking from personal experience. To those who've had good luck w/ TD's rebates, all the merrier. :)

And enjoy your shiny, new, fast video card. :cool:
^^ thanks.. I updated the OP with the rebate link also. :)