Warm? LG 6x BDR at Circuit City $199.99

not too bad - shame you can't buy it online and pickup at a closing store. They have already been pulled from the listings.
pretty good only if your local Circuit city is closing (all 3 stores around around me closing -_-; ).
wow! Thats the drive I want to. I wonder if any CCs are closing here in Austin.
Only a couple - there's one in Cedar Park. Been by there twice over the last few weeks - most of the good stuff is gone for the most part. The redshirts wouldn't really disclose when the store is actually closing, and if they're getting more inventory of some items.
CC here still has it for the original price, $278 -30% which comes out just over the Newegg.com price...CC FTW!
While I cant wait for the time when I have access to cheap blu-ray media and burners, remember these things will be just like dvd burners and cdburners before them. They will drop in price next year significantly.
I never regretted my first 6x DVD Writer for $180 and when the 16x was around $30 I upgraded.
Does anyone have a reliable list of CC stores that are closing? I checked online and called the store in my area that was listed as closing and they had it for $199, so Im not sure if the list I found is reliable.
i think circuit city is doing 10% off if you do in-store pickup. although i don't know the exact terms / conditions, might it be worth a shot since it could net an extra $20 off.
thanks op!
gonna be installing me new drive here shortly!
I never regretted my first 6x DVD Writer for $180 and when the 16x was around $30 I upgraded.

To me the difference is that media was relatively inexpensive when I bought my $200 dvd burner (which is sitting around here somewhere). I just can't see spending 11 bucks for quality media.

Besides, the only thing I can think of that I'd put on there is a High Def U2 Bootleg. I can wait another year.
To me the difference is that media was relatively inexpensive when I bought my $200 dvd burner (which is sitting around here somewhere). I just can't see spending 11 bucks for quality media.

Besides, the only thing I can think of that I'd put on there is a High Def U2 Bootleg. I can wait another year.

In case you haven't been paying attention, currently you can find quality HD movies on pirate websites. Even anime is being uploaded in 720p now a days.
In case you haven't been paying attention, currently you can find quality HD movies on pirate websites. Even anime is being uploaded in 720p now a days.

Why would that matter? MKV files are about 1.25GB/hour at 720p, so no need for 25GB of storage. And if they're actual Blu Ray images, at 10 bucks/disk, I'd be inclined to buy the originals to support those who created the anime in the first place.
Most of it is off Japanese HD channels and is released on a weekly bases, so they are some ways away from being released here. I do buy the anime I like here when it does come out.

Anyways DVD media were relatively expensive also originally, BD take it to a new high though (thanks Sony). It is a cheaper solution now a days to just buy large HDD then burn to discs, but this is a great price considering the cheapest burners are $200 for a 4x and $230 for a 6x (this is a 6x for $170). People that can wait another year great, for people like myself who have been considering a ROM drive, to get a burner for $70 more is a good deal.
Most of it is off Japanese HD channels and is released on a weekly bases, so they are some ways away from being released here. I do buy the anime I like here when it does come out.

Anyways DVD media were relatively expensive also originally, BD take it to a new high though (thanks Sony). It is a cheaper solution now a days to just buy large HDD then burn to discs, but this is a great price considering the cheapest burners are $200 for a 4x and $230 for a 6x (this is a 6x for $170). People that can wait another year great, for people like myself who have been considering a ROM drive, to get a burner for $70 more is a good deal.

Ranger, I'm not saying the price for the drive is bad. If media prices were less, I'd probably jump, but since I don't really need to burn BR movies, it becomes a storage device and both DVD-r and HD's are more economical solutions.

As for blaming Sony, I'm not sure that's fair. On a $/GB basis, quality BDR media is cheaper than quality DVD-R media was when DVD-R drives hit $200-$230.

A single BDR is around $10-$11 and 10 Fuji's (with jewel cases, which makes them equivalent buys) cost me around $20.00. $10 for 25GB or $20 for roughly 40GB.

The difference is that I had some live video to put on DVD and I had a need to convert all of my CDs to Flac and back them up to DVD.

A year from now I think BDR is going to be a viable solution....just wish Yuden would start making media. I <3 TY.
whats the diff in GGC and GBW?
i picked 1 up at $90 at fry's on day after BF day;;