watching videos, and playing games on the same computer at the same time.


Jan 20, 2002
Here is my dilemma, I have my main gaming PC hooked up to a LCD projector in my Home Theater. my gf likes to watch shows and surf the internet on the projection screen and with the Home Theater speakers.

When she is watching something I don't like, say Americas Next Top Model. I would like to play a game, say starcraft 2.

I have extra mice, keyboards and monitors but i don't have enough to build a second system.

What i would like to do is somehow run a virtual machine, or something to allow her to watch her shows and i can run a game. it would be nice to be in separate instances so the programs don't conflict. basically i want to run two version of windows on the same hardware at the same time, but through a KVM so it acts like two separate systems

my computer is relatively beefy Q6600. 8gb ram. can I split things up 1core for her 3 core for me, 2GB for her 6GB for me?

any idea how to make this work.
It would be difficult to say the least. And once you launch any game it would take overall system priority. I don't think you'll be able to accomplish what you want with one system.
If you have realtec/most other brands, you can set it so that the front panel audio and the rear audio channels are seperate streams. Set starcraft to the front panel audio and use headphones. Americas next top model goes out the back.
I do it with two monitors, however I have to set the video before I start the game because the mouse only works in the game. It sounds like you want 2 pc's from one. It is possible but a pain from what I have heard.
Ok, so you have two monitors. First of all youll need to have two audio streams set up. If you have realtek audio you go to the control panel and set to seperate front and back audio streams. Set the back as your default on the "sound" thing.
Open up americas next top model and drag to monitor two. Check the sound is coming out.
Open up starcraft 2. go to options and set as window mode. Go to sound and choose the front panel audio. Dont do either as full screen (just make as big as possible) otherwise when you click something it will exit. If its on a website then most browsers will left you cntrl+mouse wheel to zoom.
Any chance you can just get another TV? I do the exact same setup as above only with 2 monitors. Its extremely easy.
Invest in a monitor to add to your rig, and then just set it as extended...Play on the monitor and watch a movie on the other...

I do it all the time. I don't think however there's a good way to use 2 keyboards and 2 mice with one computer, would that not mess with your game?
Sell some of your excess equipment and build yourself a budget dual core Celeron machine with 1-2gb ram. Should be enough for videos. If its just SD material she watches, a $20 Xbox 1 will work.
Sell some of your excess equipment and build yourself a budget dual core Celeron machine with 1-2gb ram. Should be enough for videos. If its just SD material she watches, a $20 Xbox 1 will work.

Or even something like a WD TV Live, which can stream the movie off of your computer without affecting your gaming.