Water system: Project: Silver Ocean

thanks dude, I havn't seen it yet but, I'm thinking this is gonna look totally cool with those orange panels on and lights on. :D
Looking great! But a few questions-

Why is there a peice of cloth there? Why not put some blue spray painted dust filter there instead, or a metal one.

The part where you slipped drilling the holes through the case for the pipes, will you sort that out? Maybe a peice of metal over it, brushed shiny aluminium maybe?

The window looks nice, but I dont really like the blowhole trim thing, you can clearly tell where it ends/starts :(.

Other than that, it looks GREAT, good luck in the build.
To answer a few of Noni's questions the cloth just seemed like a good idea, it's fun to try modding with new materials. When it's complete i think the cloth looks a lot better than a flat piece of metal.

I do have a plan for the dinged up hole. The idea is create some graphics in photoshop and print them on wet slide decal paper. This should completly cover the bad areas on the top of the case.

The trim will just stay the way it is. It would be nice if you couldn't see the seam on the window moldings, but i don't think there is any way to fix it. Unless somebody has some idea about how that could be fixed up.

As of now the project is on track and going smooth. The painted panels look pretty darn good considering the crappy airbrush i have. The fiber optics are now installed, just need to hook up the lights and switches. I'm currently installing a temp gauge and 3 switches on the front of the case where the floppy disk drives would go. This computer will not have a floppy disk drive.

Pics coming soon
update time.
ok, my wife thinks the whole blue cloth on top with fiber optics looks way out of place. she thinks i should just paint some plexiglass blue and put that under the hole. I don't know, i like the coth. What do you guys think?

Here's the assembly process...

Witht he wires poked through the cloth and then the styrofoam, the cloth really started crinkling. Unless i spent forever on it, theres no way to keep it from making wrinkles.



Oh my, it was as hard as it looks.




And now for the results. I attached the pieces to the case. I really like the look of it now :D





thanks, i like the don't change anything replies :)
btw, from now on the images will be slightly bigger
That looks nice, but you seriously need another barb on your reservoir so you don't need to use the Y. It would clean up your tubing so much.
The reservoir is only designed for 2 fittings, and i don't think i should start dilling holes in it at this point, so yea the Y isn't the best thing to look at, but its going to have to do.

The painted clamps are now in place, you can't see it in the pics but i used refletive clear coat. It looks really cool, has a really neat shine to it.


Just like Marquee thought, they scratched up.

coming out real good!!!
are you planning on putting anything on top of the raddy??Maybe some orange plexi? :)

your wife helps you out with your mods? :eek: I cant even touch a computer when my fiance comes over...she says i pay more attention to my computers than her :rolleyes:

Im really liking how its coming out though...I check this worklog out everyday so see where you are at :D

You just gave me a killer idea with the Plexi bits.

Rock on my man, can't wait to see this one done!
Man, this is fricken sick, I HAVE to see how this turns out, such an original and creative project. I love the 3d look of it, and the colors contrast excellently, kudos. :cool:
First off... Dude great ideas on the case!! look forward to seeing this finished!
I had one suggestion for you on your optic setup.
stretch the cloth over the styrofoam instead of the case then, mount the styrofoam to the case. That should stop the fabric from wrinkling. That should also give you a easier way to mount the cloth by putting screws into the side styrofoam :)

p.s. you may wont to glue the cloth to the edges of the styrofoam. don't forget to use glue that won't eat the styrofoam. (elmers white or wood glue, maybe?)
cornelious0_0 said:
Man, this is fricken sick, I HAVE to see how this turns out, such an original and creative project. I love the 3d look of it, and the colors contrast excellently, kudos. :cool:
I agree, this is a very nice project. The colors are great.
Fenix said:
stretch the cloth over the styrofoam instead of the case then, mount the styrofoam to the case. That should stop the fabric from wrinkling.

I dunno, I thought the wrinkling looked kinda cool...gave it a more realistic look, and added to the three dimensional feel of the case.
your wife helps you out with your mods?
haha, well she offers ideas now and then, mostly nods and smiles.
She really wants the table clear of all computer stuff as soon as possible. Another reason why this project is moving along swiftly.

stretch the cloth over the styrofoam instead of the case then, mount the styrofoam to the case.
wow, thats a great idea. i'd hate to redoo all those wires now though. It's a tough call, becuase like cornelious0_0 said, the wrinkling kinda looks cool. I'm trying to get done as fast as possible so that will be the deciding factor.

thanks everybody for ideas and support :) I'll have recent progress images up tonight.
i like the wrinkle. makes it look like water. and the projects name is silver OCEAN. so i assume ocean = water. wrinkle=water so wrinkle=stay ;)
i like the wrinkle. makes it look like water. and the projects name is silver OCEAN. so i assume ocean = water. wrinkle=water so wrinkle=stay

EXCELLENT observation, gotta stay with the titles theme now ;)
HaVoK said:
i like the wrinkle. makes it look like water. and the projects name is silver OCEAN. so i assume ocean = water. wrinkle=water so wrinkle=stay ;)

Nice bro, perfect way of saying it. :p
I got the box done that will light up the fiber optics, it works really well.

First i bought one of those little project boxes at radio shack, then drilled a couple holes on both sides. Cut a straw to fit the width of the box then glued the straw in place.



I'll need some holes to mount the switches.


3 switches? i better get some more lights in there


I glued the switches into the holes. Let them dry overnight


First time using this contraption, i like it.


With a "power assist" from my current computer, i tested it out, it worked first try. YAY.


Cool, lights it up nice. I'll show you how it looks later heheh


ahh looking better and better with each update. ive been looking at the wavemaster for a while now and i have to ask- is it worth the money? is it heavy? and how is the build quality..i assume its great being a cm and it looks nice and thick/sturdy. i love what your doing with the orange and the blue. i always wanted to paint my car the blue you have and put some techish looking stripes going down the side in an orangey around the color you have. if everything goes well in school, i'll be able to do it as senior project in the body shop :D :rolleyes:
mechatech said:
wow, thats a great idea. i'd hate to redoo all those wires now though. It's a tough call, becuase like cornelious0_0 said, the wrinkling kinda looks cool. I'm trying to get done as fast as possible so that will be the deciding factor.

thanks everybody for ideas and support :) I'll have recent progress images up tonight.

As long as your happy with this Its All Good to me! :p I miss read and though you were wanting to get rid of them, like I said All Good!
keep up the great work! :D
HaVoK said:
i like the wrinkle. makes it look like water. and the projects name is silver OCEAN. so i assume ocean = water. wrinkle=water so wrinkle=stay ;)
I agree, maybe mechatech can use some safety pins to make a nice pattern in the cloth that stays put?!
I miss read and though you were wanting to get rid of them,
I was planning on the cloth being flat. It was disapointing seeing how it wrinkled up, but then i started looking at it and thinking maybe it wasn't so bad afterall.
ive been looking at the wavemaster for a while now and i have to ask- is it worth the money? is it heavy? and how is the build quality..i assume its great being a cm and it looks nice and thick/sturdy.

I have had probably 6 cases that i have really worked with, most recent would be this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16811163002 Pretty much all of them were cheaper cases. This cm is extremely surpreme over any case i've ever used. I think its almost perfect for what i'm using it for. Some die hard cm fans don't like the looks of the front because it's not as clean as the usual cm cases, but that was a selling point for me. The removable motherboard tray is awesome, first time with a case with that feature. It's easy to take the case appart, plenty of room. I've never liked removeable hard drive racks. The rack on the cm is great, easy to access and plenty of room. The alluminum is very thick and even with the case stripped down its isn't wobbly. I was hoping that it would be a little wider though. The specs give the width of the front bezel which is much wider than the rest of the case.

Worse thing about the case though is the powersupply mounting area. It sucks for PSU's with a modular design like my ocz. I really need a pic to show it, but the there is a lip on the top and bottom of the alluminum PSU rack that makes using the plugins on the PSU almost impossible.

This case was worth the money and i'm very happy with it. :cool:
This is looking real good. I like the switch bay. Way better than mine (you don't wanna see it). Isn't aluminum fun :)
This small update shows the installed temp display.

I wanted to mount the temperature display on the front panel, so i just cut up the floppy bay cover into 2 pieces, then glued them to the display.




ugly paint job. It looks better when finished.


Installed and ready to use. The display is impossible to read unless you are looking at it from a high angle. The LCD fades to nothing from anywhere below looking straight on.



This project is getting close to the end i think. Lets hope it's up and running by next saturday, thats my goal anyway. I have a lot of decal work to do next. I'm guessing it won't be easy to use very large decals like the ones i need for the front of the case.

All for now..
this is just an idea, but maybe you could take the praetorian logo off and make your own for this project.
TheOneGreatX said:
this is just an idea, but maybe you could take the praetorian logo off and make your own for this project.

Agree-I think this mod demands it!
Agree-I think this mod demands it!
A Silver Ocean logo is on its way!

for now, its mouse painting time...
This old mouse has seen better days, it's actually on its last leg. The button 1 clicker isn't working to well anymore, while holding and dragging windows it will unclick while dragging, even when the clicker is still complelty depressed. Oh well, i'll just use it till i can't stand it anymore.

Worn out and ready for blue

I gave it a good cleaning


sand it down all the way



paint a little and sand





All done




The Logitech logo is stuck on there but my double sided tape was a little thicker than what was on there before, the logo sticks up a little bit too high. My hand doesn't notice it though.

I used rust-oleum plastic paint, pics on first page. and regular clear paint. It's actually more durable than i thought it would be.
It's not a bother at all compared to the mouse button1 clicking issue.

Did some quick ideas for the logo,
any of these doing it for ya. I kinda like the last one best. no reasons for the 1 outlined circle, just looked neat.




photoshopped it onto the case.
I really like what you did with the orange panels. I actually have had 5 or 6 pieces of metal cut out for the case Im currently "working on", they serve the same purpose as your orange panels. I say "working on" because I havent done anything to it in months. I need to get motivated and finish it so I can put it all together... haha.