WD 160 GB notebook SATA HD - $28 Frys B&M

In terms of being the cheapest 2.5" drive out there this is a good deal, but $.17/gb isn't that good of a deal. All depends on your definitions of "cheap" and "deal".

Notebook drives dont need to be big, they need to.. exist and work.

For about 95% of all notebooks I support 40gb vs 400gb would make no difference in their functionality.

Storing large ammounts of important data on a notebook = not smart.
These drives can be used to upgrade your 360 HDD without any sort of bannable hardware modding. I purchased this exact one off newegg for $30 recently and its been chugging along great. Recommended... firmware business is only mildly intimidating.
In case you missed...this is ripped from SD.


eWiz has a sale on notebook hard drives Use code GO4GOLD to bring prices down. Shipping is free. Thank you LifeStyl3r & skydivingcows.
250GB $42
Next lowest on Google Products $50
320GB $47
Next lowest on Google Products $55
500GB $68
Next lowest on Google Products $79
640GB $85
Next lowest on Google Products $90
Note, the coupon allows max savings of $15, so if you are buying multiple drives, make separate orders.