Web service returning value to browser


Ravenufo's Macs
Feb 28, 2001
I'm building a web service that will do several different things based on a configuration file it reads in. The name of the configuration file is passed to the web service through a web page form post. This is to allow any one on the network to go to the web page and click a link to send the configuration file name to the web service to do its thing.

The code below is how I am posting the data to the web service. I need the web service to return a value to the browser so that it will load a web page telling the user the process is complete after they have clicked the link. After the user clicks the link, what is the best way to instruct the web browser that the web service is complete and load a "complete.html" page?

<title>Customer Delivery Builds</title>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
<!--Config file name for the web service to load and execute with-->
<form action="http://localhost/Test/Service1.asmx/HelloWorld" name="Test1" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="config_name" value="Test1.xml"</input>
<form action="http://localhost/Test/Service1.asmx/HelloWorld" name="Test2" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="config_name" value="Test2.xml"</input>
<form action="http://localhost/Test/Service1.asmx/HelloWorld" name="Test3" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="config_name" value="Test3.xml"</input>

<h1><center>Services Customer Delivery Builds</center></h1>
<p>Select an application to build.  Final build will be located in \\Releases</p>
<!--Link to the web service to execute and include the form data from the listed form name.-->
<b>|</b><a href="#" onclick="document.forms['Test1'].submit();return false;">Test1</a><b>|</b>
<b>|</b><a href="#" onclick="document.forms['Test2'].submit();return false;">Test2</a><b>|</b>
<b>|</b><a href="#" onclick="document.forms['Test3'].submit();return false;">Test3</a><b>|</b>
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