WEIRD Video Resolution problem w/ ATI 3850 1gb


Limp Gawd
Nov 8, 2007
Hey guys whats up. The other day i ran into a really weird problem ive never seen before. Ive always had issues with Vista x64 for some reason. I originally had a GeForce 8800GT 512mb in my PC (with Q6600, 4GB Patriot extreme 6400, SATA 320GB 7200rpm, 700w PSU) and everytime my computer would go to sleep or hibernate, the screen would go black and stay black and never come back on until i literally unplugged the computer (turning it off was not enough). Had to return the card because of needing more money. Returned it and got an ATI 3850 1GB card (i know its worse but it was cheaper). The new card had the same problem except EVERY time i turn on my computer, i hear Vista loading and hear the 'welcome' chime through my speakers but NOOO video. However if i turn my monitor on and off about 5 or 6 times sometimes i will get video. Sometimes this wont work and i had to hit "CTRL + ALT + DELETE" on my keyboard then ESC then CTRL ALT DELETE again etc etc and i will finally get video.

HOWEVER. My computer did the thing again where it went black and neverrrr came back on (yes i have sleep, hibernation, and hybrid sleep turned OFF with everything else set to stay on such as hard disk and monitor etc.) BUTTTT...
I did my normal routine where i unplug the computer, plug it back in, turn it on, let it load. BUT NOW My resolution is set to something like 1440 x 980 which previously i had 1680x1050. When i try to set the display back to 1680x1050, the option is not there. The properties will not let me go higher than 1140 x 980 and i CAN NOT get to 1680x1050 even though ive had it at that resolution forever. I tried disabling/reenabling. Uninstalling reinstalling. Updating Drivers. Restarting. etc. Nothing. I cant get it to go back to the original resolution.

What kind of motherboard do you have? PCI-E 1.0a motherboards had trouble with the 8800GT and maybe other PCI-E 2.0 video cards. Some Asrock motherboards were particularly troublesome.
I have an Intel DG33TL motherboard with PCI-E 2.0. Its the motherboard given at the 2007 intel retail edge deal. As far as im concerned - whatever the problem is - it sucks. I have also reformatted and reinstalled the OS a few times - still has issues. Card has a lifetime warranty on it - im just gunna return it to BBY and get a new one since theyll just swap it out.
In the Display Properties does it show the proper monitor? You may have to install the .inf file.
yes it shows my Samsung SyncMaster 2200wm. The weird thing is... i took out my graphics card, reseated it (although it was in there perfect and snug in the first place) and now the problem is gone and it works perfect again. I seriously straight up hate ATI cards i want to go back to nVidia. THANKS FOR THE HELP THOUGH!!!