Western Digital 750GB SATA/300 Hard Drive ~ $189 @ FRY'S B & M


Dec 6, 2006
Western Digital
750GB SATA/300 Hard Drive
7200 RPM | 16mb Buffer



Limited 1 per customer. Limited to quantities on hand.
I just saw this ad. I hope they go down in price a little quicker than they have been. I want one!
Incredible deal for a store pickup, sure glad I don't live near a frys'.
I've got seven of these in RAID5 on my Areca 1231ML. They are nice drives, better than the Seagate 750gb which I previously had. Plus they are MUCH quieter and run a bit cooler. I plan to buy two more, add one to my array and keep one in my desk drawer for a spare. I paid the same price from Mwave.com, but they are OEM drives. All I do is toss the retail box, so big deal.
i heard these are comparable with th 10,000 rpm raptor drives...is that true? can someone confirm this? which would be better?
a raptor would smoke this drive. there's a reason a raptor is the same price but it has 5x less space. you can't compare a huge 7200rpm drive to a small 150gig 10k rpm drive.
a raptor would smoke this drive. there's a reason a raptor is the same price but it has 5x less space. you can't compare a huge 7200rpm drive to a small 150gig 10k rpm drive.

More uninformed information...


"Desktop / Single-User Western Digital Raptor WD1500 Lowest Price: $190.99

WD's newest Raptor delivers the best single-user performance one can buy regardless of interface and spindle speed. For those with more expansive budgets, Hitachi's Deskstar 7K1000 offers performance that matches and in many cases even exceed's that of the Raptor while offering more than six times the storage of WD's petite unit."