What ancient pc game do you want remade?

Road Rash for 3DO was awesome. There was some video posted a while back of a possible/scrapped remake or sequel, and it looked friggin' awesome.

I wouldn't mind to see:

System Shock 1 or 2 (a true remake; not Bioshock)
Return Fire
An updated Robocop vs. Terminator could be very cool; too bad most movie video game adaptations suck. Maybe the team that did Batman: AA could do it.

for some reason i cant forget this game never even beat it but loved playing it lol
Ok aside from XWING/Tie Fighter

X-COM -a REAL remake! Not the pathetic attempt to cash in on the name to make another bland FPS.

Oh an someone said Masters of Magic, another good choice!
I would also have to say the Terminator FutureShock, Skynet series. They were the only good terminator games and it would be nice to bring them into 3d accelerated territory (they were software rendered only games)

for some reason i cant forget this game never even beat it but loved playing it lol

Man that poster really sells me and then looking at the explaination and reviews just fills you with wanderlust.

I wish more games existed just for the sake of imagination and exploration without being hampered by linearity or repetitiveness. I'm not saying this game doesn't have those problems, I haven't played it but man everything today is cookie cutter I wish there were more room for creativity.

I miss dreamcast games -__-. *digs up Shenmue.*
Awesome question...

Sword of Aragon

amazing 4 color CGA game I played on my um. Tandy 1000 SL with a rockin 640K of RAM

Master of magic

another very good Microprose game, I mourn the passing of Microprose...

Another vote for Master of Magic here
Chuck Yeager's Air Combat.

good to see it mentioned - my purple and black joystick was never the same after the B-52 I was escorting was shot down right at the end of the mission by a damned MiG

I would also like to see SkyRoads remade with some modern graphics, new ships and crazy tracks/physics
I would have said Secret of Mana, but I think a lot of the charm of the original would be lost so it's probably for the best.
Descent.... the grand daddy of em all. Plus with all the sweet joysticks out there today... oh man.
Would love a new and legitimate Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon. The same games with today's graphics would be great.

Would also love to see a proper Quake game without the stupid sci-fi Sprogg bullshit. Quake was a very creepy and dark game, largely due to the overpowered demonic creatures that dogged you at every corner. Quake II, Quake IV and Doom 3 didn't have anywhere near the same effect or levels of immersion that Quake had. I had much love for the Ogre, the Fiend, the own-flesh-throwing Zombie, the Death-Knight, the Vore and of course the Shambler...and killing them felt satisfying because even on Easy they were not pushovers.
Lode Runner

It was 1983 or 84. My 5th grade teacher showed me this game one day during recess at my schools Apple II computer lab. I kept playing and never came back to class and got in trouble. My first video game addiction and the addictions repercussions all in the same day. :(
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Hah, I remember Forsaken. I had it for the original Playstation...my dad and I used to try and find all the secret items/areas in each level. After a while we had found most of them, so the time between new finds became pretty long. When one of us did find a new secret, it was quite an event. (Neither of us knew what walkthroughs were at the time...)

As cool as a remake of that would be...I think a Descent remake/reboot would cover it.
Impossible Creatures!!! I loved that game... great idea of army building before the game starts that just worked sooo well.

a great fighter sim is hard to find... a non-arcade version of HAWX would be nice... a modern day version of Wings of Prey might be a good way to put it.

Planetside (already in the works)

Heavy Gear 1/2... needs a 3!

Beyond that... there was a RPG years ago that had a very developed world that would be very cool to see made into a MMORPG... Rifts.
Pretty sure that was a console game only...

Damnit. You're right, and I totally missed the "pc game" portion of the thread title as I thought we were talking retro games, period.

Sadly, out go the votes for Silent Hill. So let's see a Silent Hill 2 remake for God's sake!
Dungeon Keeper. I'm sure it was mentioned a few times already, but I loved that game when I was younger!