What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Wife and kids have been away for a month and I tried to get through Alan Wake 2 while they were away. I made good progress but I couldn't do it. It's just too damn scary playing this while home alone.

Ended up playing GTA v.
Starfield. Mainly to test outpost configurations that will net a intersystem supply chain spanning the galaxy.

God of War to finish of the achievements list.
Sticking with Fallout 4. The DLC stuff I never played before has expanded the game in a massive way. Nuka World alone is huge. I'm having fun building my compound, too. I never messed with it much originally, but I got the bug when playing 76 a few years ago.
Trying to get the last 4 tasks done before the Season of the Construct ends in Diablo IV next Tuesday. "Just" need to grind one more glyph to level 15, kill Avarice one more time, kill Echo of Duriel, and complete a Tier 90 Nightmare Dungeon.
Decided to finally play thru and finish all of the Secret of Monkey Island games. I've always started them but have never finished any of them. I will play my current favorite game, Isonzo on the side. Also considering finally finishing Elden Ring as the expansion comes out next month...... Is it weird that when you find a game you love playing you refuse to finish it because you don't want it to end. This was Elden Ring and Red Dead Redemption 2 for me.
Is it weird that when you find a game you love playing you refuse to finish it because you don't want it to end.
I've done that with a lot of games :). I like the feeling there's a little more left I could return to eventually. I'm weird on that I think :confused:.
Finished up Control Ultimate Edition.
I think the added DLC's was a good cure for the information gap of the base game, especially The Foundation DLC. Still a lot of unanswered questions though.

I'm going to give Alan Wake 2 a shot since I've played the OG about 10-15 times and loved it, but from the shit that I've heard about the game, I'm not too confident in it.
Metro Exodus almost done with the Forest people level it's a big level.
Had to look up on Youtube on how to activate a lift ran out of filters for my gasmask.
Alan Wake II is not my cup of tea. I gave it 5hrs of my life and could not be bothered to play it any longer. I'll return to it again another time...maybe.
I guess since I'm on a Remedy streak, I'll play Quantum Break again for like the 5th time.
Just finished a playthrough of Star Control 2: The Ur-Quan Masters in celebration of the true sequel getting funded on kick-starter!!!
Bought this space game called Chorus a year ago for like $2 and man it is fun. The RT in the game causes CTD's, so after killing that off, the game is good so far minus the very, very touchy controls.

Much better than Back 4 Blood.
Played a bit of Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.

Wine wasn't having it (system freeze before menu), but OpenJKDF2 seems to work well after copying the assets. Haven't tried the expansion yet, might play more later.
Doom 3 BFG Lost Misson. Added RBDoom-3-BFG and a HD texture pack… everything is really shiny now but it’s way better than stock. Having a blast with it.
Finished up Chorus and man that game was extremely fun, will play again.

Now I'm going to go through all of the Remastered Crysis games, (Warhead too) has been years since I played the OG's.
Trying out this Japanese game, Sailing Era, which hearkens back to games like Uncharted Waters I and II. It's...ok. I am hating the arcade style pirate fighting, because I am bad at it.