What causes Cd Rw drives to quit?

Jan 4, 2005
I just ordered a new Plextor deluxe because the HP drive spins the media but is unreadable when done. The media comes out hot but lacks that change of color that a written disk has. Any attempt to reuse the disk and the program will say it is full.

So has anyone addressed this problem? Seems to me that the laser head must be just dirty but how to get at it?
How about changing the media you use? Try some name brand stuff, eg. Fuji.
BTW, there is an Optical Drive section for just this kind of problem ;)
Every time one of mine quits, I pop the cover, clean it, remove all lubrication, re-apply lube, clean the lens, and it's good to go. Unless it's a actual hardware problem, like a chip or motor going out, something that in my case has never happened.