What "device" for streaming


Sep 21, 2003
I need something other than my PS3. Don't get me wrong, it works well, but lack of MKV support and lots of audio quirks make it annoyingly frustrating at times. I want basically a stupid decoder that will handle pretty much any and every file a throw at it without complaint. I am researching the Popcorn hour units. Is there anything else, cheaper if possible. All my files are on a WHS, I do not want to transcode. I currently use PS3 Media Server, but will change software if necessary, but the PS3MS integrates very nicely into my Windows Home Server.


Streaming receiver

1080P output (HDMI a must) native- any scaling done by my receiver

MUST handle Matroska

wireless is unnecessary (CAT 6 on GB already there).

PS3MS integration preferred, but not a deal killer.
wdlive or Patriot box office

If you want something with a fancy UI then the boxee box
WDTV Live is for you. Very good with MKVs. And a good price.

Chapter Support
Multiple Audios
no header problem.
If I had known what to call these things, I'd have found some on my own. Thanks fellers, keep 'em coming. I wanna make sure I do my homework before I get something.