what displat choice for elder scrolls??


[H]F Junkie
Sep 13, 2009
so Skyrim has been languishing in my backlog for over a year, never loaded it up yet

the other day I was at half price books and picked up a copy of Morrowind, got some time over the holiday, figured I'd maybe play them in order

So here is my quandary, I have 2 systems I could use; the main FPS battlestation display is a 3@24" eyefinity setup, 5760x1080, the guest/media box has a single Korean 27" 1440 display.

Which display would folks recommend for Elder Scrolls?

edit/ displat, that's cute, fml
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You could always load it up on both machines and see which you prefer. Skyrim works okay on Eyefinity (with tweaks), and Morrowind only requires a few tweaks to make that work correctly (see: Morrowind Graphics Extender XE), so it's not going to be a technical issue either way.
Landscape Eyefinity/Surround looks like shit, it just stretches everything unless you can edit the FOV. Just use the 1440 display.
Landscape Eyefinity/Surround looks like shit, it just stretches everything unless you can edit the FOV. Just use the 1440 display.

thanks, that is what I was wondering

another question, so the Morrowind I got is the GOTY version with both expansions, do I want to install those right off the bat before I start playing?
Will Steam accept the code from it? Might just add it to your Steam library that way.
where was the code in retail GOTY? I did not get a book
Morrowind is completely unplayable in surround or Eyefinity, every time you read a book you'll get stuck because the button you have to click to exit is hidden off screen. Skyrim on the other hand, is pretty awesome across triple monitors thanks to flawless widescreen.
another question, so the Morrowind I got is the GOTY version with both expansions, do I want to install those right off the bat before I start playing?
I don't think there's any new content in the original game world, and one of them will dump a quest on you almost immediately.

But they did add some useful stuff to the base game, like an overhaul of the journal system. I'd probably install them, but disable them. Just run the launcher and un-tick the expansion data files before you start a game. Switch them back on whenever you're ready.
wow, the documentation for these mods and tools is weak

it is like if you were not on the specific forums while they were being developed, fuck you
heads up, enb (the most popular "mod" for skyrim) sucks for crossfire. (2x6950)

i highly recommend that you use the fear.exe crossfire profile for skyrim, when you use enb.

(there is an enb crossfire trick where you name the TESV.exe skyrim executable to oblivion.exe to enable awesome framerates with enb, but it is cumbersome to do with steam drm.)