What do YOU do with your second monitor?


Move Like a MoFo
Mar 16, 2009
I run xfire and google sidebar + the occasional ventrilo. What programs do you run, wether gaming or not, on your second monitor? mines a little bland :)
It's a HDTV so it's just for movies and games, never use it for anything else.

When I was still running a three monitor setup (HDTV + 2 monitors) I had IRC, Gmail, Google Reader and µTorrent open on the 2nd monitor. Now I just use a single 30" for all programs except the afore-mentinoed games and videos.
Lots of things.

- I usually surf on my secondary monitor.

- When I'm coding, I have my editor/IDE up on one monitor and either docs or the app/site I'm working on up on the other.

- When I'm editing graphics with GIMP, I'll create new views without selection and layer borders and move them to the 2nd monitor to use as live previews.

- I'll have several *nix SSH consoles open and tiled on one monitor while working on the local OS on the other.

- I'll watch video on one while working on the other.
Nothing, I don't have one yet. :( My use once I get one would be to watch TV episodes while browsing the net.
I have two regular (and small by today's standards) monitors. I -always- have a browser open on one if not both. Depending on whether I'm doing work stuff or not I'd have videos running on the other or have work stuff up.

I can't function without dual or more monitors anymore.
My second monitor is a 27" SD Samsung CRT TV made in ~2005 or so hooked up via s-video -> component adapter to the TV. Picked it up with the intention of using it for watching SD TV series and anime, and running emulators (nes, snes, genesis, etc). Nothing, and I mean nothing beats a CRT for these types of things, so I don't think I'll be replacing it any time soon.

My main display is a 2209WA, which is wonderful for new games and HD movies/tv shows, but when it comes to SD, CRT is still king. Pretty damn good bargain for only a bit over $100 on Craigslist too.
My second monitor is a 42" Plasma.
It gets used approx 50% of the time for browsing/gaming/movies/recorded TV from my PC, the rest of the time it is used for TV.
On my second I keep an IRC client going as well as several programs which run in terminal windows, Vista/Win7 gadgets, Netmeter, Thunderbird, video encoding app, utorrent when I'm torrenting, TS and other miscellaneous programs. I also watch 4:3 content on that monitor as it's a 19" CRT.

Just about everything else is done on my main monitor although I will run a browser on my secondary at times. If I had a PCI-e x4, x8 or extra x16 slot on my motherboard I'd drop another video card in it and run at least one more monitor. As it is, I already have more than enough stuff I run on a regular basis to fill a third monitor and possibly a fourth. This is also with two other computers with one monitor each on either side of the two monitors on my main system.

It was awesome when writing essays for uni and when I was using photoshop on a daily basis but now that I'm not doing much, I have just set it up as a tv. It's probably on half as much as my pc saving me a bit of power [money].
So most of you are using this for tv purposes? Thats interesting, i feel however it might be too distracting :)