What games do you Regret buying in 2008?

Mass Effect (PC) -Boring to the extreme.
Age of Conan- Just horrible all around.
Far Cry 2- Disappointing at best. At worst, a travesty.
Far Cry 2
Crysis Warhead
Frontlines: Fuel of War

Literally the only one I liked was Stalker Clear Sky.:rolleyes:
All the little stuff I didn't need or really won't ever play that I bought from Steam - Audiosurf, Wolfenstein3D, X-Com pack
Far Cry 2
Crysis Warhead
Frontlines: Fuel of War

Literally the only one I liked was Stalker Clear Sky.:rolleyes:

Stalker Clear Sky is probably my game of the year so far. Loved every second of it.
I didn't know the Wii was an option for this thread.

Yes, absolutely, i regret buying a Wii this year more than anything.
To all the people who say they regret buying a Wii: Did you guys try at Mario, Zelda, Trauma center, resident evil 4/umbrella chronicles, etc.? Why don't you like it?
Frontlines Fuel of War for sure.....wish I hadn't wasted $50 for that piece of crap...
Golden Axe Beast for the PS3... worst game of the year... I didn't wait for the review...my mistake.
To all the people who say they regret buying a Wii: Did you guys try at Mario, Zelda, Trauma center, resident evil 4/umbrella chronicles, etc.? Why don't you like it?

I had every single one of those games you listed and in the end, I still didn't play my Wii enough to justify keeping it. This was even more apparent when I looked at the upcoming releases. YAWN!

I seriously doubt that I'll regret selling it.
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2(made no sense in the story. First one ends in a cliffhanger, yet the 2nd is an entirely different story that does not remotely fit in with the first one.)

GTA4. The game just stunk. Boring, bad driving, etc.
I had every single one of those games you listed and in the end, I still didn't play my Wii enough to justify keeping it. This was even more apparent when I looked at the upcoming releases. YAWN!

I seriously doubt that I'll regret selling it.

But the Wii is getting more hardcore games like Animal Crossing! Reggie said so!

And don't forget Wii Music!
Assassin's Creed, I guess....

I liked it, but after one play through, all you got is how fun the game was the first time. If you try to play again, you get so utterly bored. There isn't any real deviation in the strategies to get information, and if you fail, you don't really fail, you just try again... its like wtf. (I know its a computer program that reads the past and can't be altering the past but it was just lame.

The story wasn't all that great, though I think it had potential... it was like a class that put out a lot of crap for you to think about then just when its about to tell you about each of teh aforementioned crao, the class bell rings and the teacher goes, next week kids.
My two most regretted purchases are, oddly enough, probably the most popular games released this year, GTA4 and MGS4. In the case of GTA4, it was poor judgment on my part. I never much cared for the GTA games, but for the 4th game I bought into all the hype and told myself that it would be different this time. It wasn't.

For MGS4, I played and, for the most part, enjoyed the game. However, upon completion I became painfully aware that it was a game that I would likely never pick up again. It would be destined to sit on my shelf, forever a reminder that I spent $60+tax on what I could have gotten for a $7 rental.
To all the people who say they regret buying a Wii: Did you guys try at Mario, Zelda, Trauma center, resident evil 4/umbrella chronicles, etc.? Why don't you like it?
Because just because you can trot out a list of halfway decent games for the Wii doesn't mean that every game on that list is going to appeal to people.

If I like to play RPG's and I buy a 360, I can get Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Fable 2, Oblivion, Lost Odyssey, etc... If I have a Wii and I like RPG's I can play Zelda, which isn't really an RPG at all but it's about the closest thing the Wii has, and that's about it.

If I like Shooters and I get a 360, I can play Halo 3, GRAW, Gears of War, R6 Vegas, Call of Duty 4, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, Farcry 2, and god only knows how many other great games. If I get a Wii, I can play Metroid Prime 3, again not really a shooter but it's about the closest thing the Wii has to a AAA shooter, and a handful of WW2 spinoffs that aren't as good as they are on the other consoles.

If I like strategy, I can play C&C3, RA3, Endwar, Halo Wars, SupCom, and Civ Rev on the 360, or I can play Fire Emblem on the Wii.

Repeat over and over again for just about every genre besides "licensed PoS platformer". That's why people don't like the Wii.
My two most regretted purchases are, oddly enough, probably the most popular games released this year, GTA4 and MGS4. In the case of GTA4, it was poor judgment on my part. I never much cared for the GTA games, but for the 4th game I bought into all the hype and told myself that it would be different this time. It wasn't.

For MGS4, I played and, for the most part, enjoyed the game. However, upon completion I became painfully aware that it was a game that I would likely never pick up again. It would be destined to sit on my shelf, forever a reminder that I spent $60+tax on what I could have gotten for a $7 rental.
I feel your pain on both, but why didn't you trade them in?
The only one I regret is GT5 Prologue....can't believe I paid for a lackluster extended demo.:rolleyes:
Now I don't buy to many games but UT3 is the only game I regret buying- EVER. Epic employees should have been tarred and feathered and force to run in the streets for that piece of shit.
+1 for age of conan

......the beginning of that game was awesome, and i thought i had finally found a replacement for WoW. unfortunately once you hit level 30 or so the game was about 99.9% grindfest and full of major bugs. i got to about level 55 and about threw my pc out the window in frustration.

classic "it had potential" game imo.
I regret buying pretty much ANY game because I keep getting sucked into WoW and spending countless fun hours in it. But if I didn't play that so much, I do enjoy playing FO3 and Dead Space.

Games I've regretted:
Unreal 3
Hellgate London (ok not in the time frame but possibly one of the worst decisions a human being can make would be buying that garbage)
Far Cry 2...one of the worst games I have played in soo long. Yet I cannot sell it either because it seems people know how awful it is and dont wanna buy it even at a discount price
UT3 - 15 minutes is all i gave it
GTA4 - Played it for awhile.. LOVED the beginning, then got to island 3 where apparently everyone wanted to call me to hang out, and every mission was just driving and shooting. What happened to throwing boxes off a truck? Ice cream? Robbing houses? Being fat?
To all the people who say they regret buying a Wii: Did you guys try at Mario, Zelda, Trauma center, resident evil 4/umbrella chronicles, etc.? Why don't you like it?

Most of those games are about a year or so old... Meaning I've played them a long time ago. After considering those games (and some you haven't listed), there really isn't anything to play on the Wii.
Hellgate London and Age of Conan. Both blew hardcore. I made the retarded move of buying the CE for AOC. T.T
Most of those games are about a year or so old... Meaning I've played them a long time ago. After considering those games (and some you haven't listed), there really isn't anything to play on the Wii.

Animal Crossing.
Far Cry 2...one of the worst games I have played in soo long. Yet I cannot sell it either because it seems people know how awful it is and dont wanna buy it even at a discount price

I regret forking over $50 for it. Its worth $20. Though as you said, who would give you even that?
These weren't released in 2008 but I bought them...

Red Orchestra
Garys Mod
Hellgate London
I 100% regret buying FarCry2. By far the worst $50 I have spent.

2nd game I regret buying was DrangonBallZ Burstlimit. As soon as I bought my Ps3 early 2008 I bought a whole bunch of games. I though burstlimit was gonna be fun just like the Ps2 games, but I was so wrong.
Tehy have changed it too much and stupid cutscene things that just appear in mid battle. Totally throws off my pwnage flow.

I had the game for about 10 months and only played it about twice.
This year? Just Assassin's Creed. Such a buggy pile of crap, and the interface was just painful. This game is infamous for having eleven steps and half a dozen "loading" screens before you can exit the game (see video below).


To top things off, while I was playing I had all sorts of buggy lighting. I tossed the game without looking back.