What is a good older card for 50-70 dollars?


I Cleaned My Room - And I am a Dude
Jun 9, 2003
All it needs to do is be able to play WoW with good settings. Suggestions?
I would see if you can pickup an 8800GT, you could probably find one for that price. Otherwise maybe a 4850 or even a 3870 if you prefer ATI.

That is assuming you don't mind looking at used cards. Trying to buy a new mid-range card instead is just going to end up giving you half the performance for the same price.
Any of the g92 based cards are a good call for wow (8800gt, 8800gts 512, 9600gso, 9800gt, etc) and should be found in that price range (ebay etc). If your an AMD guy a 4670 will do you fine in wow... I recently sold one of those on ebay for $46 for example. The beauty of the 4670 is that it doesnt need any special power supply connectors. It's efficient enough to need only whats supplied by the pci-e slot on your MB. A guildie of mine uses the 4670 for 25 man raiding and loves it.

ALL of those cards can be sli'd or crossfired as well so you may want to look at your motherboard, check if running two cards is an option, and make sure you go with the card that your motherboard supports.

For example, up until last week ran a 8800GT and it handled wow perfectly. My motherboard can run two cards but it's chipset is for Crossfire so a 2nd 8800GT was out of the question (I was a bit dissapointed about that one).

Making the right "cheap" card choice now could give you the option to "sli" later.
A 4670 would do you well, it's the best performing card in it's price range.

If you're ok with buying used, you could get a 4850 or 4770 (pretty similar performance) in that price range in the For Sale/Trade forums (provided you have PCI-E power on your power supply).

If possible, I'd pick up a 4850 used instead of a 4670. The 4850's got a solid 15-20 fps lead on the 4670 in major games. That's a pretty significant performance gain for less than $20 more than a 4670. Of course, this is a moot point if you don't have PCI-E power plugs.

What resolution are you trying to run WoW at? If it's any higher than 1440x900, go used and stretch your dollars as much as possible. Also, what's the rest of your rig look like? That could have an impact as well.
All it needs to do is be able to play WoW with good settings. Suggestions?

Ram and CPU in your Machine ?

Dont expect running WoW on a X2 3800+ with 1Gig of ram and a 8800GT, lol. (With Med-High settings)
Ram and CPU in your Machine ?

Dont expect running WoW on a X2 3800+ with 1Gig of ram and a 8800GT, lol. (With Med-High settings)

Depending on res (19 inch monitor native or so), Thats exactly what he could do. It's just wow.
I assembled a PC last month from spare parts leftover from upgrades. The only thing missing was a video card. I bought this for it:


Paired with an Athlon X2 5200+ and 2GB of RAM I was able to max all graphics settings in WoW save for Shadow Quality (off) and View Distance (about 70%). With those settings I kept a solid 60 FPS in the old world and between 35-55 FPS in Northrend and places such as Zangamarsh and Terrokar Forest. This was at 1680x1050.

I was quite pleased with it.
The 4670 is an amazing deal.

It comes in slightly behind the G92 cards mentioned above, but you can get a new 4670 (meaning with warranty and no gamble) for the price of the used G92 card.