What is the deal with W7 and nvidia drivers crashing


Sep 5, 2013
Bought a EVGA 710 for a older stable computer, using the latest driver and getting the nvidia driver crash and recovery. Returned it and bought the Gigabyte 710, same thing.

DVI cable is good, it does it with HDMI as well.

Found a hotfix from MS about a timeout issue, installed but it did not fix the issue.

Prior to the hotfix the screen would go black prompting a hard reset, that is fixed but not the screen flash.

I installed said card into another machine running 10 and no crashes so it's 7 related, not hardware.

Nvidia with crappy drivers? No way:eek: lol They always gimp the older cards one way or another j/k Try under clocking it? If it fixes it why not? (probably wont help, but i would try it)
Black screen, that's a TDR, and they have many causes. Most likely you have a corner case hardware issue that you've suddenly tripped over.
Could just be an odd bug with recent drivers as well.....I doubt they do as much testing on those older cards. Use DDU and try out some different drivers...Maybe much older ones
If DDU doesn't fix it, then you've got bigger problems.
I've been averaging one crash every few weeks since I got my 980 Ti. Not great, but managable. Stacking driver installs seems to make it worse.

I think I had a total of 3 crashes in 1.5 years with my 280X. Although I ran that card at stock, and I'm pushing my 980 Ti pretty hard with stock voltage.
Used the latest DDU, surprised the MS hotfix did not cure it. As for older card, technically the 710 is kinda new, least the EVGA card just came out although
based on older tech.
Funny thing is the card it replaced, EVGA 9400GT was rock solid and would still be in use if not for the fan dying.

I tried some older drivers with no luck.

As the card is stock and runs underclocked [2D] it's not a stress issue.

I ran it for hours with scanner X full stress and was problem free.
Funny thing is the card it replaced, EVGA 9400GT was rock solid and would still be in use if not for the fan dying.

My wag, the new gfx driver path is tickling a cpu / system memory / motherboard issue.
DDU and uninstalling should not leave any path as nvidia drivers by default install in the same place.

Elaborate more on this?
Whats the CPU mobo? I've had issues with my 710 on my P45 and G31 boards. It seems like older chipsets dont like the video cards that are missing PCI-E pins.
Hmm, it is a Gigabyte P45 board actually and true, the 710 runs with just pci power.

More odd the same card though works fine on my even older P35 board but with 10
I have 7 on that computer as well on a another drive and I had one TDR.

Difference, my Abit board has a extra power plug for the pci which I've always used, maybe the difference?

I have been monitoring this and it seems to be behaving better of late after another driver wipe/install.

I did find it odd that one of the earlier drivers for the 710, 353XX the driver stated it could not find any gpu and it aborted.
It's clear in the doc that 710 is supported so not sure what's up with that.