What is your prefered OS?

Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I am still on my original install from August of 2009.
Windows 7 x64 Ultimate on my desktop, the laptop has 7 x86 home.
Was with Win 7x64 for a while. Now switched to Mac with OS X and couldn't be happier.
I'm on Windows 8 x64, mainly just because I'm always a sucker for something new.

Windows 7, while very functional, was a total headache for me. I ended up reformatting my Win7 install 4 different times. That's directly opposed to 2 formats during the nearly endless lifespan of XP and only a single trouble-free Vista install.
I'm not sure if that was because it was my first x64 OS or what, but Windows 7 was problematic on my systems.
Win 8 has been quirky, but hasn't given me any major problems yet.
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Miss my Arch Linux though so may dual-boot or just simply go back to Arch in the very near future.
Windows 8 x64, simply because its newer and a bit faster than Win 7. I don't have a Mac, and every time I try a Linux distro, seems like they are all trying to play catchup.
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit all the way. Running Windows 8 Professional 64-Bit, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Ubuntu 12.10, and Windows XP in Virtualbox.
Wow really? :confused:

Yes, the OS is tailored/matched up with the Hardware Apple uses perfectly. Just like when you are tuning a car, you can get a "Canned tune" for it or you can have a Tuner on a dyno dial in the tune for your car specifically. That is where you get reliability and efficiency= power. In the computer realm of things "power" is productivity.

Another thing that I like pointing out is that with Apple...initially you bite the bullet(cost of the product) but after that, updating an OS has been easy and cheap. $30-$60 for an updated OS. For over a decade getting an upgraded OS from MS would sometimes cost an arm of a leg($300-$400). It wasn't till now with Win8 that you could upgrade for a much lower price. I mean even the System Builder versions for Win8 are $130, give or take. In the MS world developer support is there but the nature of the beast is that you have an OS which has the Hardware for it everywhere but suffers from some people having a flawless experience but at the same time for others, a headache(Compatibility issues between people having all types of combinations of hardware). Just like Android, powerful and efficient(feature packed) but again the hardware variety it can run on will be prone to issues for some people and not for others.

Windows has its place for some people while Apple for others. What gives you an enjoyable experience and gets any work you need done, should be your obvious choice.
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I use both Windows 7 and OSX. If I were to choose only one, it has to be 7 because I play games.
Windows 7 for Desktop and HTPC
CentoOS for Music/Games/Documents/Pictures/Software Storage Server
Windows Server 2008 R2 for Video Server
I use a win7 64 machine for my primary rig, and for my work computer. I also keep an arch installation because I enjoy tinkering.

I'd like to spend more time in linux, but work keeps me in windows.
Have you guys tried the new OS from Sun Systems? Its called "40rty Sky" and its based off Android.....WTF? Apparently its going head to head with OSX as per their description and being implemented into all sorts of markets. Phones, Notebooks, Tablets, Desktops etc.