What should my voltage be at for stable Overclocking?


Limp Gawd
Jan 15, 2007
I have the e6850 overclocked to 3.6 w/ a 1:1 ratio.

1600 FSB x 800 (Memory)

I have the Asus P5NE motherboard.

1Gb Corsair PC6400 DDR2 Ram

Current voltage is running anywhere from 1.4 to 1.46 - It jumps around those numbers.

What should the voltages be for the e6850 to run stable? Curious, if anyone has the same processor, what is your voltages at?
This is something that you and you alone can figure out. Run Prime95 or Orthos and test for stability. I personally start off low and work my way up, its a lot easier to have a stress test fail after a few seconds and adjust things than wait a few hours at a more surefire setting and then have to test it out again at lower volts. Try 1.4v and see if it boots, if you can get into windows run a stress test. If it passes for an hour then lower it more. Once you think you've found the sweet spot, let it burn in for a few hours and you're set.
I do what Dethred does as well. Good idea really, considering that a certain voltage will stay for a matter of seconds, while the next couple up might be 8 hours stable (the recommended time)
This is something that you and you alone can figure out. Run Prime95 or Orthos and test for stability. I personally start off low and work my way up, its a lot easier to have a stress test fail after a few seconds and adjust things than wait a few hours at a more surefire setting and then have to test it out again at lower volts. Try 1.4v and see if it boots, if you can get into windows run a stress test. If it passes for an hour then lower it more. Once you think you've found the sweet spot, let it burn in for a few hours and you're set.
+1. I found this way too, you're less likely to have to go in an pull the CMOS out.
Makes is simpler, quicker (sometimes) and easier, IMO.
Baby steps :).
Thanks guys...

Ok, so to change the voltages, I would be going into the bios and changing the "VCORE," correct?

If so, that is currently set at "AUTO." And when it's set at that, it jumps around anywhere from and in between 1.40 to 1.46.

So, should I start of by manually putting it to 1.40 on the VCORE?
I'd just start off by putting it at 1.40 (or whatever is closest to that in BIOS) and then work your way up if it's unstable, or work your way down if you can Prime95 on all cores for at least 8 hours without taking an error.
All processors are different, but my e6850 is at 3.8 at 1.45. That's Orthos stable 5 hours. I actually started out at 1.48, so I've been running Orthos and dropping the voltage after 4 hours. Got down to 1.45 which I'm okay with. Probably can go lower though, but I'm lazy. :p
All processors are different, but my e6850 is at 3.8 at 1.45. That's Orthos stable 5 hours. I actually started out at 1.48, so I've been running Orthos and dropping the voltage after 4 hours. Got down to 1.45 which I'm okay with. Probably can go lower though, but I'm lazy. :p

Is yours running @ 1:1 ratio? If so, what are the numbers you have including type of memory?
Is yours running @ 1:1 ratio? If so, what are the numbers you have including type of memory?

Rig is in my sig, but yes it's at 1:1, memory is OCZ "Special Ops Edition" PC6400 (OCZ2SOE8001G) 425 MHz at 2.1v
Now, if I run these programs and it's stable, would it be a little different if it froze up while gaming?

Currently, 1.40 didn't work.
Now, if I run these programs and it's stable, would it be a little different if it froze up while gaming?

Currently, 1.40 didn't work.

Yah, it'll most likely be the vidcard. To test this, loop 3DMark. To test RAM stability, use memtest86+ (test #5 for quick testing, couple passes). To test CPU, use Orthos/Prime95 SmallFFTs test.
Yah, it'll most likely be the vidcard. To test this, loop 3DMark. To test RAM stability, use memtest86+ (test #5 for quick testing, couple passes). To test CPU, use Orthos/Prime95 SmallFFTs test.

I did 3DMark06 and it ran completely through w/o a problem. However, sometimes while gaming, it will lock up/freeze. And on some rare occasions while in normal windows, it'll either a.) reboot or b.) freeze/lock up [similar to while in gaming].

I will do some of the other testing that you did mention though, just a matter of having the time to do so.
Mobo - 30-35 C
Proc - 30/32 C idle 40/42 C load
Grphics - 33/38 C idle 40/45 C load
Hard Drive 1 - 24/28 C
Hard Drive 2 - 35/40 C

Some temps and testing....
Mobo - 30-35 C
Proc - 30/32 C idle 40/42 C load
Grphics - 33/38 C idle 40/45 C load
Hard Drive 1 - 24/28 C
Hard Drive 2 - 35/40 C

Not bad... I get similar temps with my E6750 at 3.8Ghz (1.55v):
28°C idle
52°C load
22°C ambient
HDDs: 34°C