What would you do with a 1 YottaFlop Super Computer


May 23, 2012
So I was looking at Folding@Home out of interest as unfortunately I haven't been contributing lately. At the moment the capacity of the project is at approximately 6PetaFlops, which is a great achievement. But flicking over to here, I found a rising scale for computing performance referenced by name. In case you didn't know:

YottaFlop -> 10^24 FLOPS
ZettaFlop -> 10^21 FLOPS
PetaFlop -> 10^18 FLOPS

If you had access to a 1 YottaFlop super computer for an indeterminable amount of time, what would you use it for in order of preference? Personally I'd use it to top the Folding leaderboards, though whatever internet connection it may have may prove to be a considerable bottleneck :)
I've often wondered if all this processing has ever amounted to anything? Let's be honest, drug companies are not in the business of curing diseases and I can't recall anything being cured since Polio(1952!).
What would you do with a 1 YottaFlop Super Computer?



The thing is though, in one hour the rig would complete 19 years worth of smp units. I think you could probably wipe clean every finite DC project within a day and then move on to things like mathematical searches or maybe seti that have a more infinite data set. Also you would need a huge internet pipe.
The thing is though, in one hour the rig would complete 19 years worth of smp units. I think you could probably wipe clean every finite DC project within a day and then move on to things like mathematical searches or maybe seti that have a more infinite data set. Also you would need a huge internet pipe.
*tinfoil hat*


Find cures for:
Build 2 more YottaFlop Super Computers. Duh. :D
A yottaFLOP computer would cost closer to a quadrillion dollars to build and even more to run but since no one has the money to pay for that it would go to the highest bidder. I figure one of the super powers would be able to go at least a few trillion into debt for that kind of power.
What would I do with a yottaflop computer? I would harness its ungodly powers to determine how many beers it would take to stink up all of DC.
Whatever you do, don't ask it the meaning of life.
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i'd use to render animated porn.. wtf are you people thinking.. why fold on that when you can make real-time porn, lol. :D

jk if i had access to 1 yota flop i'd use it to do real-time rendering and make myself a billionaire selling access to companies like pixar and shit..
recompile the Matrix and retire the current back-end to folding
I'd use it as a proxy server to filter all the stupid out of the internet.
I would use it to move this thread to GenMay.