What's a good CPU to pair with my 4850?


Aug 18, 2002
I'm wondering what's a good cpu to get with my 4850. I'm running an AMD 3500+ and I can just feel it holding my system back.
Great video card.

I'd go with at least a E8500 with E0 Stepping or a Q9400 with R0 stepping.

I prefer quad core.
Do you do anything intensive other than gaming? If not just stick with a dual core, either E7200 or E8400/8500 EO depending on your budget.
Another vague overposted thread. Budget? What do you want to do with it? I mean.. there's so many posts below that answers all that. I ran away from guru3d's forum because every page of threads were the same and the same and the same..

http://www.legionhardware.com/document.php?id=770 will answer your question, titled CPU Scaling with the 4870x2.
I started out with an E2160 and my HD4850, then I switched to the E8500 and HD4850 and I noticed a HUGE difference. The cache is what made the biggest difference since my E2160 was OC'ed to the same speed as the stock E8500.
I started out with an E2160 and my HD4850, then I switched to the E8500 and HD4850 and I noticed a HUGE difference. The cache is what made the biggest difference since my E2160 was OC'ed to the same speed as the stock E8500.

looking at your sig... you got an allendale to 4ghz?