Whats new in DC land?


Apr 21, 2004
I have been working 14 hours days and have not been on much, whats new in DC land? My computrons are still folding.
Someone has three dozen CPUs folding for me. I can't figure out who.

unhappy_mage said:
Someone has three dozen CPUs folding for me. I can't figure out who.

NO CRAP they do, that a ton of points you're putting up now mage, I'm jealous!

I'd find out who they are and give them a cookie or something nice like that.
Well we are goign to be playing a few games of flag football

the race is still on and Tier 2 is getting there butts kicked. And lets not forget about Tier 1 Which has one good race going down.

Moose wants me to spend my money on a chance to win a new folding box

We are giving the boot to anyone that trys to blackmail us

I broke top 100 and am trying to break 50 in a year.

We all got in the way back machine

Someone wants to hear all of our geeky voices on a podcast

marty has a new g/f can't find pic but trust me you don't want to see it.

We have lots of new people hanging out and folding. And alot of new things going on

It has been busy :)

edit: added tier 1 and tier 2 links if u don't already have you should :)

DR_K13 said:
I have been working 14 hours days and have not been on much, whats new in DC land? My computrons are still folding.
Hey Bud.

We have been running some interesting contests here lately and just having some fun. How have you been?
Well what is new in DC land, well you get to see what I am putting in today in my case mod. Or better yet a picture of it, ahh the new folding boxen!

a8n-sli deluxe.JPG
ooh...SLI...(drools). Aratech and I are in a noobie race, and we're pretty much neck-and-neck. And we're discussing the idea of adding [H]orde ranks to our badges based on daily production.
AtomicMoose said:
Hey Bud.

We have been running some interesting contests here lately and just having some fun. How have you been?

Working at my Day job now includes going on the road for new customers, Plus I am an apprentice at Tattoo shop ( anyone want a free [H] tattoo , see me) on nights and weekends, so I am putting in 80 hours a week, plus my GirlFirend keeps me a busy boy. My heart is still with you Guys eventhough I can only pop in from time to time for a while. Sorry to Leave the load on you Moose :(
DR_K13 said:
Working at my Day job now includes going on the road for new customers, Plus I am an apprentice at Tattoo shop ( anyone want a free [H] tattoo , see me) on nights and weekends, so I am putting in 80 hours a week, plus my GirlFirend keeps me a busy boy. My heart is still with you Guys eventhough I can only pop in from time to time for a while. Sorry to Leave the load on you Moose :(
No problems....the kids have been good lately.

Is this your schedule for the forseeable future?
DR_K13 said:
Sorry to Leave the load on you Moose :(

That sounds so disgusting when taken out of context................. :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
That sounds so disgusting when taken out of context................. :D

Esp, when you start talking about mod's that like to browse from the pot. :D

DR_K! Glad to see you've returned, at least for a little while. :)

And I'd totally take you up on that tattoo if you are in the Denver Metro area... ;)

AtomicMoose said:
No problems....the kids have been good lately.

Is this your schedule for the forseeable future?
for a little while at least.
OSUguy98 said:
That sounds so disgusting when taken out of context................. :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Whats on your Dirty Mind OSUguy98?
not a dirty mind... just taken in light of the "mod on the pot" thread..........

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

what's up, doctor. good to see you around. sucks about the work though, i know how that feels (i do debate , debate = LOTS of work :()

hopefully your life will become a little less chaotic and you can come hang out with us some more again! :p

oh yeah, and i killed my a64 3200 box. dead. the BIOS wouldn't flash right. frickin' learn how to write software, MSI. damn you... :mad: :(
Duster said:
Well we are goign to be playing a few games of flag football

the race is still on and Tier 2 is getting there butts kicked.

Moose wants me to spend my money on a chance to win a new folding box

We are giving the boot to anyone that trys to blackmail us

I broke top 100 and am trying to break 50 in a year.

We all got in the way back machine

Someone wants to hear all of our geeky voices on a podcast

marty has a new g/f can't find pic but trust me you don't want to see it.

We have lots of new people hanging out and folding. And alot of new things going on

It has been busy :)

This sounds like one of Steve's better [H]ardforum [H]appenings posts. Hey, Rich Tate, take a quick look at this. I think you have just found a helper for pimpage. :cool:

SmokeRngs said:
This sounds like one of Steve's better [H]ardforum [H]appenings posts. Hey, Rich Tate, take a quick look at this. I think you have just found a helper for pimpage. :cool:

Well I have been reading front page since the start.... heck look at join date, I have been here for a long time (just lurked) I guess it is starting to rub off.
