Whats the best wireless adapter for a desktop?


Jul 1, 2008
I want wireless on my desktop but I don't know what to get. I want the newest "n" technology. And would it be better to go pci over usb? I'd think it be better to get pci or even pci-e over usb lol. price is not really an issue...but I would prefer to stay under $100.

PCI, or PCI-E for that matter, offers more available bandwidth than USB, so it's better to go that route. There aren't many PCI-E adapters available, and the few that are available aren't necessarily cheaper or better than the PCI models.

There are many companies available, but D-Link and Linksys are two of the better known brands.

As a caveat, the 802.11n standard, while being backwards-compatible with the 802.11b/g standards, is still in draft phase. When the IEEE committee finally ratifies the 802.11n standard within the next few years (I don't know exactly when), it may not be fully compatible with what is currently available (and vice versa).
hmm ok i guess i will stick with the g technogoly.

those both look like they don't have very stellar reviews? I dont really feel confident in buying those. :( anything else?
I heard from some silent guy that the Abit AirPace is great. I dont use WiFi on my desktop, since a cable is soooo much faster for transferring files from my media server to wherever I am. ;) Also, I can't play any FPS game while on WiFi... its just too laggy for me.
I was going to recommend the AirPace, but it's somewhat difficult to find now. Also, it is not easy to get working with Vista SP1 64-bit. I don't have very much confidence that Abit will offer any further support for this device.

I don't use my WiFi either :(
I use the Linksys usb "G" adapter for one computer, never had to reboot, power cycle or reinstall, always works, had it for a year now. Also have a Linksys PCI "G" and it has been working now for about 2 years on three different routers 2 linksys and 1 belkin, never had any issues. I am at work so dont have the model number handy, but for wireless the pci would be best, usb can quit, only seen that happen on ethernet usb adapters though.
try and get that model whenever you get home, i'd appreciate it!

and I plan on using vista 64bit. prolly ultimate? idk, whatever is the best for games and most stable.
I'd suggest Linksys or Buffalo. I've always had excellent luck with both, and I reiterate the comments on using an internal card. In my experience, the internal cards also detect/connect virtually instantly while the USB wifi adapters take a few seconds to do so, upon booting.
hmm ok i guess i will stick with the g technogoly.

those both look like they don't have very stellar reviews? I dont really feel confident in buying those. :( anything else?

Ignore NewEgg reviews for the most part, as the majority of them are written by people who don't know what they're doing.

Because not many people think about wireless cards, finding a good review on one can be tough. Check out the Networking & Security forum here, or other forums or websites focusing on Networking, to see what others would recommend.
hey someone posted this "A compatible router running DD-WRT in "client bridge" mode. E.g. Asus WL-520gU


- driver free, OS-independent, independently connected, supports multiple devices, not expensive, easy to use and maintain once set up, positionable for best reception, re-purposable, also supports repeating and other wacky features


- complex initial setup, requires working wired LAN port, size / portability "

Can you give me more information on how to do this? How would I set it up? I was orginally going to go with a wireless n draft pci adapter but this seems like a better idea. I have a linksys wireless 54g router that is set up with internet and gives wifi to 3 other laptops and a ps3.

The thing is, is that I am using a desktop and I need wifi. Do you still think I should do this router idea in client mode instead of using a pci draft n wireless adapter?

Thanks man!

and what is this DD-WRT technogoly?

would it be better to go with SMC SMCWEB-N or ASUS WL-520gU IEEE 802.3/3u/3x, IEEE 802.11b/g Wireless Router. Price not really an issue. Also I am using vista 64


n draft (can this run DD-WRT in "client bridge" mode)


g tech running DD-WRT in "client bridge" mode.


pci adapter http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124069
Read the DD-WRT wiki for more info

It'll be much simpler to just get an adaptor rather than this client bridging setup.
Only thing I would add - if you are going with just a B/G device - the extra bandwidth available in a pci much less pci-e would be wasted. Remember that G device is maxing out at 54mbs - far below the max spec of USB 2.0.
do NOT go for a Netgear adapter...pure evil in those cards.

I use a Hawking PCI G card....works very well.
I use a Linksys wireless PCI card and it works flawlessly for me. The desktop is in my bedroom and the router is in the living room next to my bedroom and I have 100 percent signal through 1 wall and about 20 feet.