when is the new version of WHS due out?


Jun 18, 2004
I know the vail beta has been out most of this year, anyone know if we're going to get a retail version soon? I couldn't find much via google that told me when it's due to hit retail. I'd kinda like to wait for it if its going to be sooner than later.

Any ideas?
I don't know for sure, but it will be a while. :/ I think something I had found said April or February or something (I may be making that up :p).
Hmm well that sucks, I'd really like to get a home server up and running before april :( Should I just go ahead and buy the current version? Anyone else with any details?
I don't really know what all is gonna be changed in v2, it's supposed to be a lot better, but I don't see why you should wait for it. WHS v1 works fine for most people, but if you really want, you can install the beta of Vail and try it out.
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Is there something else besides whs? I use it for the automatic backups on 4 computers. my whs is a celeron 2.8 from 8 years ago. The main drive has been failing and i think it needs a upgrade. I wanna swap it out. is there anything else out there? I have 2003 server I back up with it too.
Just want to point this out: if you're thinking about FreeBSD, then I highly recommend reading up on these links on ZFS:
Building your own ZFS fileserver

A few other options that don't require a true Hardware RAID card:
Some alternatives for those who are interested, perhaps we can start pooling info on the closest replacements for WHS that offer drive pooling and the ability to use drives of any size.

greyhole in amahi: http://wiki.amahi.org/index.php/Greyhole



Some notes about the above options though:
Greyhole is still very experimental and I would not put any data you like on it.
FlexRAID is a great idea, but until FlexRAID Live becomes available I dont see it being a very good option either.

UnRAID is just a software implementation of RAID4. It uses a dedicate parity disk that has to be larger than all of the data disks. Since you were considering WHS (JBOD) single drive performance may be all you need/want so this might be a good fit. The only problem with Unraid is the licensing scheme sucks $120 and you can only use up to 20 drives.

ZFS - Free, decent performance, good drive protection. BSD OS is difficult to use IMO (Im a Windows guy) You cannot expand arrays, you have to build a new array and add that to the drive pool. Its only free if your time is worthless.

Basically the conclusion I came to when VAIL still had DE was that past about 10 drives DE was not efficient with my storage, but i still wanted all the features VAIL had to offer. I opted for the RAID 6 route and pass 10TB volume to Vail (Vail supports GPT Disks natively). I add it to the storage pool but i turn off all duplication.
I know the vail beta has been out most of this year, anyone know if we're going to get a retail version soon? I couldn't find much via google that told me when it's due to hit retail. I'd kinda like to wait for it if its going to be sooner than later.

Any ideas?

MS still says some time in 1H 2011.
I read on Neowin (I think) that Balmer acknowledged the amount of complaints and is looking into the possibility of keeping DE. I have my fingers crossed.