Where can I buy anti static bags?


Limp Gawd
May 21, 2008
Sup I need some anti static bags asap. Anyone know where I can find some? Best buy maybe?
How many do you need? What size?

I've got a huge pile in the garage....if random size / used will work for you, PM me your address and I'll send some to you.
How many do you need? What size?

I've got a huge pile in the garage....if random size / used will work for you, PM me your address and I'll send some to you.

Thanks a lot man but I'm leaving the US tommorrow so I'm gonna see if I can buy some today. It's just to keep some Corsair Dominator dimms safe during the trip.
You can get anti-static bags from www.cyberguys.com a lot cheaper than Fry's. I ordered a pack of 10 bags, 6"x10" for $3.09 + shipping, and it came to less than what Fry's was offerring for the same item!
Most PC shops do not throw away their anti-static bags. They re-use them until they are thrashed before discarding them. By then of course, they are of no use to anyone. If a PC shop does discard the bags, they should be hung up on nails and poked with leads from the pc board parts they deal with..repeatedly until their skin is shreaded...Anti-static bags are good for one thing: keeping your pc board from shorting out due to what...Oh Yeah! STATIC!!!