Where the (no cussing in thread titles) is KILLZONE 2 ???


Dec 2, 2005
So far the sony presentation is sucking and I mean SUCKKKing.
All I care about is the games really.
So has anyone learned or seen anything concerning KILLZONE 2? Remember the cool looking pre-rendered realtime demo of that game that wowed us all at E3 last year? All I've learned so far about killzone this year is that killzone for the little psp.
Has anybody learned anything new about killzone2? Has sony revealed anything about it? :confused:
Killzone 2 has yet to be shown, last years PS3 video was Killzone 3. Some art was releasedf that pointed to it anyway.

As for its absence, no clue. Many key titles were missing such as Devil May Cry and even Unreal Tournament 2007.
|MaguS| said:
Killzone 2 has yet to be shown, last years PS3 video was Killzone 3. Some art was releasedf that pointed to it anyway.

As for its absence, no clue. Many key titles were missing such as Devil May Cry and even Unreal Tournament 2007.

Fine then killzone 3. But in anycase where is the new info on it? Its getting to be a rhetorical question at this point.
I sware.....something tells me that microsoft smells blood in the water.
Luke_Skywalker said:
Um e3 really hasn't even really started yet.

Well it sure has for sony. They were the first to lay all their cards down on the table. Microsoft is going to spin the sony's presentation in their favor and eat them alive with their presentation. Wanna bet they have a trailer of halo 3 ready?
StalkerZER0 said:
Well it sure has for sony. They were the first to lay all their cards down on the table. Microsoft is going to spin the sony's presentation in their favor and eat them alive with their presentation. Wanna bet they have a trailer of halo 3 ready?

I could really care less. I guess it's important to you.
They didn't show it again because they know they can't deliver it.
K600 said:
They didn't show it again because they know they can't deliver it.

I concur and I've been suspecting this for awhile. That new CEO that took over (first foreign CEO, British guy) has been essentially cleaning house and paring Sony down to its strengths. It sounds like there's been alot of corporate bloat and out of touch management since the PS2 launched.

Sony's still a behemoth and has a hell of a product name out there already. If I was betting though, I'd start shifting my bets toward Microsoft and Nintendo this time around.

If they would of shown the real Killzone 3 their conference would of been even worse than it already was.
What most definitely happen is that the team was working on a build to bring to E3 06 and it simply did not meet Sony's standards when it came to picking what would make the show. I mean think about it, if the real deal didn't come close to last years trailer, Sony would of taken a massive blow for deceiving everybody and that would do way more damage than it's absence.