Where'd the guides page go?!


Jun 18, 2004
We used to have it stickied and now it leads to a dead end when i hit the link in the hard central thread. :( Pretty rotten day at work, got disconnected during our hon game cause my pc blue screen'ed on the nvidia driver which it hasn't done EVER. Then the cat knocked over a speaker in the living room and chipped the corner. Now i can't find the link to the cuda drivers. I might just put the folding on hold for a while.
The newest nvidia drivers fold just fine. Is there anything else you are looking for? If so, just ask.
Haha they don't when windows crashes on startup even after i uninstalled the old one and installed the new ones. DAMN IT!
win7 64 bit, even after running driver sweeper and installing the drivers fresh it still dies on the nvlddmkm.sys. Awesome.
Ok, tell the whole story. Was it working fine until you upgraded the drivers? If so, did you try to rollback the drivers?

My bad, you ran a driver cleaner, not sure rollback will work.
Win7 64bit CUDA drivers

Just for future reference there is a difference in CUDA and Desktop drivers. CUDA drivers are specifically for CUDA while the desktop drivers have CUDA support.
Some cards specifically TESLAs will not run on desktop drivers
setup has worked flawlessly under vista and win7. I had been running the 190ish drivers with win7 and folding without issue. today i was playing hon and was getting some graphical issues and then it rebooted me after everyone's fav, the BSOD on nvlddmkm.sys. Attempts to clean the driver out and install a new version have failed so far. Driver sweeper doesn't show nvlddmkm on the list of files, it might not be cleaning it out. My last resort here is probly a sys restore and hope that gets me to a workable state. Does evga have lifetime warranty?
We used to have it stickied and now it leads to a dead end when i hit the link in the hard central thread. :(
EvilAlchemist merged it with the Horde Central thread. All the guides are now included there. Just scroll down and you'll see the links.
Win7 64bit CUDA drivers

Just for future reference there is a difference in CUDA and Desktop drivers. CUDA drivers are specifically for CUDA while the desktop drivers have CUDA support.
Some cards specifically TESLAs will not run on desktop drivers

Yeah that has been my experience too. Looks like I was running the most recent drivers then already. I've jumped thru some serious hoops so far tonight trying to get this dumb thing back up and running. Driver sweeper didn't help, system restore back to 1/26 didn't help, i even deleted out the nvlddmkm from the sys32 drivers folder so i'd make sure it updated and it still dies. PC works fine in safe mode tho :( I'm thinking at this point I might need a reformat of win7, not excited about doing that. It's either that or a dieing card. I'm up for suggestions tho.
setup has worked flawlessly under vista and win7. I had been running the 190ish drivers with win7 and folding without issue. today i was playing hon and was getting some graphical issues and then it rebooted me after everyone's fav, the BSOD on nvlddmkm.sys. Attempts to clean the driver out and install a new version have failed so far. Driver sweeper doesn't show nvlddmkm on the list of files, it might not be cleaning it out. My last resort here is probly a sys restore and hope that gets me to a workable state. Does evga have lifetime warranty?

well theres obviously something else wrong.. because in windows 7 video drivers should not crash and cause a BSOD since the OS is designed to reload the nvidia drivers after they fail.. i would try the system restore.. sounds like something else is screwing up.. then go into safe mode and try installing the 196.21 drivers or the 186.16 drivers.. those 2 versions i know for sure work without any issues..

if your looking for regular drivers these are the best one's. the new one's may fold fine but they do have problems for some people.http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7_winvista_64bit_195.62_whql.html

i recommend not using these drivers.. they are a pos.. and you will get better PPD with the 196.21 anyways..

Yeah that has been my experience too. Looks like I was running the most recent drivers then already. I've jumped thru some serious hoops so far tonight trying to get this dumb thing back up and running. Driver sweeper didn't help, system restore back to 1/26 didn't help, i even deleted out the nvlddmkm from the sys32 drivers folder so i'd make sure it updated and it still dies. PC works fine in safe mode tho :( I'm thinking at this point I might need a reformat of win7, not excited about doing that. It's either that or a dieing card. I'm up for suggestions tho.

highly doubt the cards dying if you are getting a .sys file error.. i cant remember but didnt they put the non destructive system repair back in windows 7? may have to do some googling to see if it is.. but if so then it should be a quick fix.. also if you have an extra hdd laying around.. try installing w7 on that and running it.. if the problem goes away, then you know its your w7 install thats the problem.. if the problem is still there with a fresh install then its quite possible the cards dying.. but i really doubt it is..
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Yeah I really don't think its the card either to tell you the truth. I think win7 has somehow gotten corrupted because my pc works fine as long as the nvidia driver isn't installed. But I also think there's a chance that the nvidia driver is accessing a part of the video card that windows does not and the card is sending back garbage and crashing the driver.

I've got win7 partitioned away from all my other data so a reformat will only wipe out win7 and installed programs, so that wouldn't be horrible to do. Altho I've not had to reformat it and i've got the win7 upgrade disc only, anyone know if i can just reformat as needed or did they take that away?

Really i think the worst part of this whole thing is that most of my work colleagues are mac zealots and I'm one of the few windows users. So i'm maintaining its a bad card so that they have less ammo for the osx vs windows debate :)
Yeah I really don't think its the card either to tell you the truth. I think win7 has somehow gotten corrupted because my pc works fine as long as the nvidia driver isn't installed. But I also think there's a chance that the nvidia driver is accessing a part of the video card that windows does not and the card is sending back garbage and crashing the driver.

I've got win7 partitioned away from all my other data so a reformat will only wipe out win7 and installed programs, so that wouldn't be horrible to do. Altho I've not had to reformat it and i've got the win7 upgrade disc only, anyone know if i can just reformat as needed or did they take that away?

Really i think the worst part of this whole thing is that most of my work colleagues are mac zealots and I'm one of the few windows users. So i'm maintaining its a bad card so that they have less ammo for the osx vs windows debate :)

upgrade disc should still let you install since its just the normal w7 anyways.. if you boot up with the disc in it should show the format/install option.. could also try loading the disc within windows and see if it gives a repair option.. ive never tried it though.. just blame nvidia not windows.. problem solved.. :p
Got a spare HDD laying around?

Load windows on the spare skipping the product key (your not going to keep the machine on this HDD for more than 30 hours not to mention 30 days)
Load up divers and F@H and see what happens.....
Got a spare HDD laying around?

Load windows on the spare skipping the product key (your not going to keep the machine on this HDD for more than 30 hours not to mention 30 days)
Load up divers and F@H and see what happens.....

I've actually got 2 drives in the rig right now, and now that i've moved off the vid collection to archive it doesn't have much on it, i'll probly empty it completely and try that out this weekend. Thanks for the suggestions so far guys.
It was for a good reason

The admin's only really want 4 stickies per sub forum, we had 4 already. They had to merge a few.

I may do this with my guides now too just to ensure there is the room!
well theres obviously something else wrong.. because in windows 7 video drivers should not crash and cause a BSOD since the OS is designed to reload the nvidia drivers after they fail.. i would try the system restore.. sounds like something else is screwing up.. then go into safe mode and try installing the 196.21 drivers or the 186.16 drivers.. those 2 versions i know for sure work without any issues..

i recommend not using these drivers.. they are a pos.. and you will get better PPD with the 196.21 anyways..

highly doubt the cards dying if you are getting a .sys file error.. i cant remember but didnt they put the non destructive system repair back in windows 7? may have to do some googling to see if it is.. but if so then it should be a quick fix.. also if you have an extra hdd laying around.. try installing w7 on that and running it.. if the problem goes away, then you know its your w7 install thats the problem.. if the problem is still there with a fresh install then its quite possible the cards dying.. but i really doubt it is..

the drivers with the messed up shader gets better ppd! Love to see a screen shot of that
Welp, a quick update, i reinstalled win7 on a spare drive and as soon as it completed and rebooted, it blue screened right on the nv file it did before. So I'm pretty much conceding a dead card here. I'm looking for deals on new or used at this point. I'll probly put a WTB thread in our FSFT forum here in a minute. Shoot me a PM if anyone has a GTX class card in good shape for around 160ish, otherwise i'll probly be getting a 5770. Thanks for all the help guys.
I figure this thread is a good place to mention this:

It would be nice to have an SMP2 install guide. I know it's essentially the same as regular SMP + a couple tweaks, but I had to search a long time before I was sure I was doing it right