Which cloud solution for internal hosting?


Nov 12, 2013
Looking for a cloud solution to manage client computers over a private network, due to security concern we want to host the service ourselves. Any recommendations?
What functions do you need to manage on them? Just remote access or something else?
Well, it's mainly for providing storage space for cross-platform applications. For example the clients can save documents to a cloud server hosted by us, whether it's MS Word on iMac, or Google Docs on Android tablet. Our current setup involves a Mac Pro server (10.8) managing a group of iMacs (some are running 10.6, some on 10.10, and some on 10.11), if we upgrade the Mac Pro to run the latest OS X we may run into compatibility issue as we expand, I am thinking that a cloud solution can solve this problem.
Exactly what klank said. We utilize both of those internally for the same reasons.
Does owncloud have direct integration with Google, Microsoft and Apple office applications (mainly word, excel and powerpoint)? In words can clients open/save their work directly to owncloud? It's something that Dropbox and Google Drive are already able to do, but unfortunately neither one offers self-hosting capability.
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