Which recent game...

Which would you buy?

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World of Goo, just for a change. Next I'd vote for Warhead, and then Left 4 Dead.
I had to go with Warhead. While Fallout offers the superior single player experience, it will get old after a while (but what doesn't?). Then the contest comes down between Warhead and L4D, the multiplayer contenders, since that's what will keep me playing the longest. Had to give Warhead the win because the lack of content in L4D. I can only assume that more campaigns and levels will be introduced in the future, but the current amount leaves me... wanting. Crysis on the other hand, MP can keep me going for a long time.

Though, if the poll was more open, I would have gone with a different game. Probably CoH, or maybe even WotLK.

Ask this question again in a month, and then compare the answers.
I own all those except Goo and Farcry - L4D is the entertaining and will provide the most bang for your buck IMO.
FO3 however i have not started anything except WoW and the expansion since it came out
World of Goo for the hell of it :eek:
Crysis: Warhead. It has a short (but sweet) single player, but it makes up for it with a really good multiplayer component. It's also one of the least expensive games on the list.
It depends, if you have a couple friends that already own or plan to buy L4D thats probably the best investment. If you dont i vote fallout 3.
I already have:

Far Cry 2
Dead Space
Fallout 3
Sacred 2
Call of Duty: World at War