Which should I get: Sager 9280 or OCZ Force Extreme 840?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 13, 2008
Tax return is coming soon, along with a chunk of other cash. I will have around $1500-2000 to play with. I want a gaming laptop. I want 17" of 1920x1200 outputting goodness. After a good deal of searching, I've come down to these two:

The Sager 9280.

The OCZ Force Extreme 840.

My first question: is an i7 in a laptop, even with a 280M, really going to be worth it, or would a P8700 do the job without bottlenecking?

Second question: At 1920x1200, would Crossfire'd 3870s bottleneck versus a 280M in games like Fallout 3, Oblivion, GTA4 etc?

Ultimately, the OCZ as I've spec'd it out would save me a few hundred bucks. Is i7+280M worth the extra few hundred? Would I be better off getting this, and possibly installing a bigger CPU and 280M in a year or so when they've come down in price?
I'm sure you have seen the Asus G73 on their site, I'm getting it once it becomes available, The 5870 beats the 280m.

mobile i7, 5870, 8gb ram, 1920 screen, dual 500gb HDDs, bluray (which you could take out to save 100$)
I'm sure you have seen the Asus G73 on their site, I'm getting it once it becomes available, The 5870 beats the 280m.

mobile i7, 5870, 8gb ram, 1920 screen, dual 500gb HDDs, bluray (which you could take out to save 100$)

That looks very tempting. How would the i7-720XM stack up next to an actual i7 920 that's in the Sager?