Which site do you use for game reviews?

I stop reading gamespot.com years ago for
1.Bloated with advertisement
2.Bullshit Bias Reviews.
3.Some dude got fire because he gave a game a bad review - (it added more fuel to dislike gamespot)

I use gamernode.com, eurogamer.net and sometime gametrailers.com (I love the HD previews and reviews).
Isn't metacritic more of a review aggregator than an actual review site?
I check gamespy then IGN, and if i need more opinions ill go to metacritic and grab some more. Usually i find that gamespy does a pretty good job and also coencides with my interests, and IGN is a nice second opinion.
I don't read through game reviews i just come to forums like this and figure out if it is a good game or not.
I use the collective whine of gamers here, on the somethingaweful forums, and people I've gamed with in the past. Review sites are obsolete really, just like print game magazines.
To be quite honest I don't really trust anyone for reviews.

Review sites can be influenced by the people that sign their paychecks. Forums can be full of melodramatic whiners. I take both with a grain of salt.

That said I mainly read PC Gamer.
Nowadays I take reviews with a grain of salt, there's too much money and politics involved in reviewing games. Plus, everyone has different preferences in terms of what makes a great game. So, I just go off of videos and game features and form my own opinion.
I don't trust any reviews.
Most game reviewers wouldn't know good gameplay if it wacked them upside their dumb high end graphics loving heads.

Oh plus the game producers pay for advertising on most of the sites.
Conflict of interest much?
I stop reading gamespot.com years ago for
1.Bloated with advertisement
2.Bullshit Bias Reviews.
3.Some dude got fire because he gave a game a bad review - (it added more fuel to dislike gamespot)

teh fail.
gamesranking and forums now n days... and demos (dont ask)
Same here. Game publishers don't have enough funds to pay off (errr, advertise on) every site, so I use that to balance out the views. Plus i'm kind of lazy for those things. :p

What this man said. Metacritic. ;)
I stop reading gamespot.com years ago for
1.Bloated with advertisement
2.Bullshit Bias Reviews.
3.Some dude got fire because he gave a game a bad review - (it added more fuel to dislike gamespot)

QTF! Anyway, i dont really read reviews for games, i usually download a demo, or other means of testing it :) before i buy. i also have one of those master founder accounts from ign only so i can download all the latest beta's, demo's, patches, etc really quick and just for fun.

But like everyone, i dont really base games on there reviews.

Hell, Crysis was rated as high as a game can go, but i got bored of it like 2 hrs in. Yes the graphics were great, but its so linear and repetive i couldnt take it. And the only way i ended up finishing it was by using cheats so i could get through it in like an hour or two before i got bored again... :D
www.gamefaqs.com sometimes has good reviews.
www.1UP.com as well if I'm looking for console games, though they have PC games now as well.

This is a great thread to have since it's hard to find a general consensus sometimes on a game and having more sites to check out should help in the future.
None. I don't read reviews to base my judgment on whether or not to buy a game. Usually if a lot of people are giving a game praise from multiple sources that's a pretty good sign...
I stay clear from 'reviews'. Reading a 'review' can potentialy spoil your true experience since you have some background info and expectations of good/bad things about the game.

I usually rely on www.metacritic.com (especially the user votes) and what people have to say on forums.
You know, what the real players say.
I haven't found a site I trust. Demos are king. When I do look at reviews, its only for PC games and I check the regulars, Gamespot, GameTrailers, 1UP and IGN. If its a console game I subscribe to GameFly I just rent it if there is no demo.
I'm surprised by those who said Yahtzee. IMO his reviews aren't for anything more than entertainment. He used to talk about shitty games and make funny analogies. That was all fun and good and I enjoyed his videos. But with his changeover (Que new intro & outro music + ads at the end) he's "sold-out" per say. People like that he would pick apart games. But now he tries to do the same with popular games that don't deserve or have much to criticize about, and it just comes off poorly and not funny.
