Why are reviewers afraid to give bad reviews?


Oct 6, 2004

This is an ugly case.

I just wanted to throw that out there. It's fugly. My opinion yes, but I just showed it to my co-workers and they laughed at it. The Cherry Red finish is the only thing it's got going for it.

Yet the review they gave was more than positive. It was as if the reviewer did a line of 'Happy Dust' then got to typing. The inside looks like cheap metal and it makes a Ferrari sound when you turn it on.

What ever happened to the days of honest reviews that said "This case looks like crap. Noone wants Optimus Prime's forehead on their desk."

And just to wrap up my mini rant, here's the oddest case I could find:

I think the 430 case would be good for someone under the age of 12.

I don't think they like to criticize looks because that is just a matter of opinion.
Reviews aren't personal opinion, they are about construction, ease of use and the item serving its function. Just because you think something is ugly doesn't make it bad.
If you were a true Gundam Seed fan...this case would be on your desktop in about a second.
Commercial reviewers (as opposed to Some Guy with time on his hands and an opinion) have to keep their advertisers happy -- if they slam Super Dragonfly RAM one month, then it's likely that next month they aren't going to get their fix of money pimping Super Dragonfly advertising.

It also harms their chances of getting review items (read: free stuff for review) from the manufacturer in future.
That green ball (is it a case?) is awesome and I want it.

As far as the "ferrari" case... I don't think people that design these cases are in touch with the community at all. If they know anything about case design, the number one rule is don't copy from exotic cars. Cases have their own look, not the look of a race car.

The reviewer, like said above, probably can't give a harsh review because he won't get anymore free hardware.
I agree with Spaceninja about the reviewing. Looks are too subjective for a reviewer to say much about. I wouldn't buy that Inwin "Ferrari" case but I can think of two or three people I know who would probably think it looks awesome. The review's not all positive: the "front panel" ports are in kind of an awkward place; the hard-drive racks aren't removable enough; the drive rails don't work with some devices; there isn't room for large CPU coolers. And with tactful understatement: "The engine starting sound ... may get old after awhile."

I also agree with Qtip42 about the green ball. It looks like something to hide your Mac Mini in, but if it was an actual case... Imagine carrying that into a LAN party---you know you'll have the most unique and unusual case there. (Though I'll stick with a Lian-Li for my main system...)
Yes Qtip, that's a mac mini inside that ... thing.

And for Spaceninja, so you're saying that when reviewers 'prefer' a removable mobo tray, that that 'preference' is not their 'opinion' for a feature?

Ok. Gotcha.
that must be the funniest case I have seen. For some reason I feel that it was made in JAPAN...
Commercial reviewers (as opposed to Some Guy with time on his hands and an opinion) have to keep their advertisers happy -- if they slam Super Dragonfly RAM one month, then it's likely that next month they aren't going to get their fix of money pimping Super Dragonfly advertising.

It also harms their chances of getting review items (read: free stuff for review) from the manufacturer in future.

Agreed. Other manufacturers would also be scared to send in their product for a review too, especially if they are already concerned about their quality.

It's almost to your best interest to give a great review or give a bad one but word it in such a way that it comes out as a life-saver.
As for this case in question, I think it's cool :D
While that case isn't my thing, I really was expecting something so much worse. Basically anything with the words Ninja or Dragon in the name....