Why console gaming is dying.

not surprised at all, they sure did piss off the home brewing community as well
"Despite $60 games and a $350 price, Nintendo's Wii U will compete with free mobile games.."

I stopped reading right there.
Cant wait for his PC gaming is dying because of free flash games article.
Damnit does this mean the consoles wont turn on now? :eek:

They did... Now I have totally lost faith in the media...:(
I never type this and assuredly didn't even come close to doing it in real life, but...LOL
You think all 3 platforms are going to survive past the next generation? I don't.
A first step would be fresher consoles themselves. The Xbox 360 is 7 years old, while the Wii and the PlayStation 3 are both 6.

This is the ENTIRE reason console gaming is dying. We're getting less new consoles as time goes on.
This is the ENTIRE reason console gaming is dying. We're getting less new consoles as time goes on.

lmao no dude. just no.

consoles are sold at a loss. it costs MORE money to make a new generation console. especially when their consoles are still selling and selling well. so new consoles have nothing to do with console success or failure.. the longer the life a console the more financial gains they see

this entire theory is absolutely retarded.

the only place console gaming is dying, is on hardforum.. because most of us know, understand and can afford PC gaming

anybody who thinks a PC is as cheap as a console is full of shit. consoles = easy as shit to obtain.. cheap. and play the same games as pc just way shittier quality. which they dont even realize cause they dont play on the PC.

this thread title and the article is garbage and should be closed.
You think all 3 platforms are going to survive past the next generation? I don't.

yup once steam is running on a simple linux distro that just boots into steam with a big catalog, all those dinosaurs are fucked, this is going to happen no ifs, ands or buts and valve wont even need to make a single "console" which will be a glorified mini-pc.
lmao no dude. just no.


If console gaming is only doing poorly on HardForum, why is it that every Best Buy I've been to in the last six months has shrunk the size of their video game section by at least 50%? If they were still moving the volume, they'd have it out. Instead, they're cutting back.
If console gaming is only doing poorly on HardForum, why is it that every Best Buy I've been to in the last six months has shrunk the size of their video game section by at least 50%? If they were still moving the volume, they'd have it out. Instead, they're cutting back.

yeah, best buys gaming section is definitely a good basis for an evaluation of the gaming market.

please, contribute something worth reading.


Weekly Hardware Chart 03rd November 2012
Platform N. America Europe Japan Global
3ds 88,725 105,972 87,466 301,578
ps3 93,237 143,844 22,433 298,399
xbox360 151,083 85,575 1,269 258,456
wii 42,625 22,549 3,728 75,210
psvita 20,728 30,563 5,319 59,326
ds 31,232 12,137 512 47,547
psp 1,982 6,028 13,588 33,086

Does that look like a dead or dying industry to you?
If console gaming is only doing poorly on HardForum, why is it that every Best Buy I've been to in the last six months has shrunk the size of their video game section by at least 50%? If they were still moving the volume, they'd have it out. Instead, they're cutting back.
Because Best Buy is a dying company lmao
console gaming is not dying.... the profits from Nintendo and MS should be a huge indicator of that....
yeah, best buys gaming section is definitely a good basis for an evaluation of the gaming market.

please, contribute something worth reading.


For someone who is being such a condescending dickbag, you're pretty pathetic to show total sales. Again, the main systems have been out for several years, and most of those sales occurred years ago. Let's take a look at the numbers you posted without a single intelligent things to say:

Weekly Hardware Chart 03rd November 2012
Platform N. America Europe Japan Global
3ds 88,725 105,972 87,466 301,578
ps3 93,237 143,844 22,433 298,399
xbox360 151,083 85,575 1,269 258,456
wii 42,625 22,549 3,728 75,210
psvita 20,728 30,563 5,319 59,326
ds 31,232 12,137 512 47,547
psp 1,982 6,028 13,588 33,086

Does that look like a dead or dying industry to you?

Hmmm...$68 million in total PS3 sales over roughly six years. That would average a little under a million a month. And what are the latest sales figures? Somewhere between 1/2-2/3 of the average. Yeah, I'd call that a dying industry. But then, I have actual figures to back it up, as well.

Video game retail sales declined for the ninth consecutive month in August 2012. According to market research firm NPD, U.S video game store sales slumped 20.3% year over year to $515.6 million in the month of August. Although the year-over-year decline was flat with the prior-month level, dollar sales deteriorated from $548.8 million reported in July.

Sales declined for nearly a year now? Huh. Can't be a dying industry, or anything. Certainly can't be anything to do with no new conso-

According to NPD, total consumer spending in the month of August was approximately $989.0 million. The weak retail sales were primarily due to the ongoing transition from physical to digital platform, aging hardware consoles and lack of big new releases as publishers continue to postpone titles for the upcoming holiday season.

Aw, dammit. :eek:
If console gaming is only doing poorly on HardForum, why is it that every Best Buy I've been to in the last six months has shrunk the size of their video game section by at least 50%? If they were still moving the volume, they'd have it out. Instead, they're cutting back.

Because Best Buy is a failing business with a failing business model that can't hope to compete with Amazon?

A shrinking section at Best Buy means about as much as what Donald Trump thinks of Obama.
For someone who is being such a condescending dickbag, you're pretty pathetic to show total sales. Again, the main systems have been out for several years, and most of those sales occurred years ago. Let's take a look at the numbers you posted without a single intelligent things to say:

Hmmm...$68 million in total PS3 sales over roughly six years. That would average a little under a million a month. And what are the latest sales figures? Somewhere between 1/2-2/3 of the average. Yeah, I'd call that a dying industry. But then, I have actual figures to back it up, as well.

Sales declined for nearly a year now? Huh. Can't be a dying industry, or anything. Certainly can't be anything to do with no new conso-

Aw, dammit. :eek:

Yawn..........Consumer spending overall is in the crapper it is slightly up from 2009 levels. MS Sony and the Big N know this and have pushed console releases back accordingly.....

Rule #1 never trust what some gamer site states... get the real reasons as to why sales suck......


If you did a global chart you wold get something similar.......
Sales declined for nearly a year now? Huh. Can't be a dying industry, or anything. Certainly can't be anything to do with no new conso-

According to NPD, total consumer spending in the month of August was approximately $989.0 million. The weak retail sales were primarily due to the ongoing transition from physical to digital platform, aging hardware consoles and lack of big new releases as publishers continue to postpone titles for the upcoming holiday season.

Aw, dammit. :eek:

Summer is never a good time for console gaming in general. Everyone knows that.
Because Best Buy is a failing business with a failing business model that can't hope to compete with Amazon?

A shrinking section at Best Buy means about as much as what Donald Trump thinks of Obama.

Best buy stated the problem is they are just used for window shopping. People goto best buy to look and see the items in person then go online and buy them elsewhere....Wah wah wah. If they didnt have bad prices(this is offset by decent price matching), or those stupid sales people trying to sell everyone $120 HDMI cables, they might make more sales.
Gaming sales are about to get a big boost. Wii is gonna be 89.99,Xbox and PS3 199 and tons of 60 dollar games half price plus all the new releases and the Wii u launch console gaming will be just fine. This is gaming's time of year PC included.
Oh noes! save the endangered consoles before they join pinball tables and baseball card collecting on the extinction list. Our childhoodb past times are dying at an alarming rate, something must be done to stop this catastrophe now.
Console gaming is dying. PC gaming is dying. Handheld gaming is dying. Radio is killing books. Movies are killing radio. TV is killing movies. The internet is killing TV.

PC gaming is doing great. Steam continues to grow at a fast pace. Indie games are doing better than ever. Star Citizen has already raised over $3 million dollars.
Best buy stated the problem is they are just used for window shopping. People goto best buy to look and see the items in person then go online and buy them elsewhere....Wah wah wah. If they didnt have bad prices(this is offset by decent price matching), or those stupid sales people trying to sell everyone $120 HDMI cables, they might make more sales.

Exactly my point. Best Buy is a Dinosaur attempting to act like a human being , being able to order whatever you want from your PC , smartphone or whatever is far less of a hassle than hoping Best Buy has what you want in stock , waste gas money driving to it and time as well. Not to mention long annoying lines full of people that don't want to be anywhere near each other.

No amount of money is suddenly going to make a big electronics store like BB suddenly able to compete with Amazon.
Console gaming is dying. PC gaming is dying. Handheld gaming is dying. Radio is killing books. Movies are killing radio. TV is killing movies. The internet is killing TV.


yup we are. it really is just more bs that the media is putting out again, low sales does not mean console gaming is dying- just means people are getting sick of it or already have everything they want.
Console gaming is growing more than PC gaming.....if anything PC Gaming is dying look at how many ports and the lack of excellent PC exclusives that the PC has gained within the past year.

It's the main reason why I'm getting a PS3 and as all of the amazing titles are now on the consoles as they have much bigger budgets for their games and have much better series such as the MGS & Uncharted series.
Console sales have fallen off lately but only because we're close to the end of this generation.

The CNN article is retarded. No chance smart phones and tablets and shit are going to replace consoles anytime in the near future. The games really aren't comparable at all.
Exactly my point. Best Buy is a Dinosaur attempting to act like a human being , being able to order whatever you want from your PC , smartphone or whatever is far less of a hassle than hoping Best Buy has what you want in stock , waste gas money driving to it and time as well. Not to mention long annoying lines full of people that don't want to be anywhere near each other.

No amount of money is suddenly going to make a big electronics store like BB suddenly able to compete with Amazon.

You are a little bit uninformed and/or dont know how to shop correctly.

Best Buy now will PM amazon, and other major online retailers. Started past few weeks.

Secondly there is a FANTASTIC thing called in store pickup which I use all the time. I have never had to wait very long to get something that way. Walk to the pickup area, get your stuff, leave. Pretty quick and easy and you know they have the item and they pull it for you without having to find it yourself.


Oh and anyone dumb enough to fight over NPD results is ignorant. THEY DONT INCLUDED DIGITAL SALES FIGURES. Steam, Origin, XBLA, PSN, none of that is reported in that figure. So yea, pretty worthless numbers at this point, No idea why anyone even looks that them any more...
You are a little bit uninformed and/or dont know how to shop correctly.

Best Buy now will PM amazon, and other major online retailers. Started past few weeks.

Secondly there is a FANTASTIC thing called in store pickup which I use all the time. I have never had to wait very long to get something that way. Walk to the pickup area, get your stuff, leave. Pretty quick and easy and you know they have the item and they pull it for you without having to find it yourself.


Oh and anyone dumb enough to fight over NPD results is ignorant. THEY DONT INCLUDED DIGITAL SALES FIGURES. Steam, Origin, XBLA, PSN, none of that is reported in that figure. So yea, pretty worthless numbers at this point, No idea why anyone even looks that them any more...

A lot of people find price matching, driving to the store, and all of the hassle that comes with it a pain when you can order something from Amazon and have it delivered to your door step for free the next day (I have 6 months of prime for free and I had something delivered overnight for free this past week).
I didn't know Yahoo Finance was some gamer site. :confused:

See, typical response to something posted because someone does not want to understand the data.

Do you know what that chart even means? Let me help you.... It's called consumer spending which has maintained relatively flat since 2K9....with only a slight upward trend....This directly translates into lesss sales of goods overall including *gasp* consoles

Just a little background for console longevity. Replaced = when the newer console was launched and does not take into account refreshes like fat console to slim console or consoles sold after release of newer console.

NES remained for 7 years before it was replaced
SNES which remained for 6 years before being replaced
N64 witch remained for 5 years
NGC which remained 5 years
Wii which is still here until Nov 18 when it is replaced by Wii U. This makes it 6 years before being replaced- right in line with Nintendo's historical performance.

Average console life before successor: 5.8 years (and this is when the economy was in relatively good shape)


Playstation lasted 6 years before it was replaced
Playstation 2 lasted 6 years before it was replaced
Playstation 3 is entering it's 7th year

Average console life before successor: 6 years (again, this is when the economy was in relatively good shape)


Not really a history to work with but they are clearly with Sony in their line of thinking (economic reasons) no new hardware for forseeable future.

September 6th, 2012, 00:15 GMT · By Andrei Dumitrescu

Next-Generation Consoles from Sony and Microsoft Delayed to 2014


I seem to remember Sony stating 10 year life for PS3, ah, yes, here we are

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i think most people here agree. consoles are very much alive. and the wii u launch will only further prove my point.
When I read the editor's note, right at the top, that said "Since 2005, Blake Snow has covered video games," I knew I was going to be in for a treat. So basically the guy has been covering consoles right around the time the Xbox 360 launched. When consoles are 6-7 years old, and/or new hardware is on the horizon, sales slow?! Who would have thunk it!?
"People aren't as motivated by cutting-edge graphics as they once were," says Paul Neurath, creative director at Zynga, makers of "FarmVille," "Mafia Wars" and other social games on Facebook.

I stopped reading after this. Zynga? LOL.