Why doesn't apple make a PDA?

Darth Bagel

Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2005
Seriously. This seems like something that would be right up their alley, but I don't see anything.
Apple makes the iPod, which is approaching PDA. Of course it's no replacement, but it's getting there. They've already shows an interest in adding contacts, games, and now video. There have also been whispers of an iTunes phone. So Apple is definitely taking steps to break into the market.

And the Newton did not suck, it was way ahead of its time.
miazmaticdotcom said:
Apple makes the iPod, which is approaching PDA. Of course it's no replacement, but it's getting there. They've already shows an interest in adding contacts, games, and now video. There have also been whispers of an iTunes phone. So Apple is definitely taking steps to break into the market.

And the Newton did not suck, it was way ahead of its time.
PDAs are being made obselete by the advancements of cellular phones. There really is no market for a stand alone PDA.
yeah, i'd have to agree that there really isn't a huge market for stand alone pda's... i have one, but don't ever use it in favor of carrying around my cell (which now synch's with outlook) which is small and lighter than my pda, or my full laptop, which is obviously much larger, but incredibly more versatile...

apple probably knows there's no market for it and therefore no money in it... and why invest if there's no return
miazmaticdotcom said:
...There have also been whispers of an iTunes phone.
uh.. yea... havent you seen the pics of the phone?? :confused:

i just recently got a new cell phone plan, locking me in for another 2 years. in two years i will be driving and i will have my own car. that means i will be replacing its audio system so that i can interface w/ my ipod.

i want an apple PDA w/ a 5" OLED screen, an 80GB microdrive, and a 3G cell phone built in. i want integrated bluetooth 2.0 EDR, 802.11n, and WiMax. and i want it all for 500$ or less w/in the next 2 years.

i think theres a market for it, and i think Apple could pull it off... ;)
If you have bluetooth you may not even have to wire in a setup for an apple music player (the variable), wireless technologies are wonderful
TSS Modder said:
uh.. yea... havent you seen the pics of the phone?? :confused:

i just recently got a new cell phone plan, locking me in for another 2 years. in two years i will be driving and i will have my own car. that means i will be replacing its audio system so that i can interface w/ my ipod.

i want an apple PDA w/ a 5" OLED screen, an 80GB microdrive, and a 3G cell phone built in. i want integrated bluetooth 2.0 EDR, 802.11n, and WiMax. and i want it all for 500$ or less w/in the next 2 years.

i think theres a market for it, and i think Apple could pull it off... ;)
if by 500 u mean 2 grand. plus 500 cuz its apple
sniff... sniff... I smell stagnant water... like the kind that pools up under bridges atop the rocks at the banks to which supports connect... the kind that permeates around the lowest of the low, the weakest of the weak, the troll.

zappa86 said:
Newtons are big.

No, no, no.... The Newton is small (compared to my old eMate 300, that is :rolleyes: ).

It would be pretty neat if Apple were to get back into the PDA market...but, as mentioned before, the iPod is getting there.
Petra said:
No, no, no.... The Newton is small (compared to my old eMate 300, that is :rolleyes: ).

It would be pretty neat if Apple were to get back into the PDA market...but, as mentioned before, the iPod is getting there.

Ahh! emate! thats so big for a PDA, lol
TSS Modder said:
uh.. yea... havent you seen the pics of the phone?? :confused:

i just recently got a new cell phone plan, locking me in for another 2 years. in two years i will be driving and i will have my own car. that means i will be replacing its audio system so that i can interface w/ my ipod.

i want an apple PDA w/ a 5" OLED screen, an 80GB microdrive, and a 3G cell phone built in. i want integrated bluetooth 2.0 EDR, 802.11n, and WiMax. and i want it all for 500$ or less w/in the next 2 years.

i think theres a market for it, and i think Apple could pull it off... ;)

wow, a 14 year old with no concept of money or reality, i've never seen that before[/sarcasm]

in all seriousness tho, a 5" OLED screen would make the device huge, and expensive... and an 80 gig microdrive would kill the battery, and be expensive... and 802.11n and WiMax integrated on a PDA would be... well... really damn expensive... for $500 just get a celeron dell laptop... it'd only be maybe a pound heavier but would have a way bigger screen and would be way more versatile
I dunno, I think it would be pretty cool if I could get a combination ipod / mobile phone / pda with at least some video capabilities. I know as of now, while the technology is here, the realistic pricing isn't, but that can't be more than 5 years away. Imagine a 4-5" x 1.5-2.5" 'iphone' with a touchscreen that takes up most of said space, with a 40+ GB HDD (or solid-state; we are talking about 5 years from now, hehe), that would be capable of playing videos & music, as well as making cell phone calls, having most realistically (sp?) useful pda functions, and having wifi support. That would be kinda cool, in my book, and the technology isn't that far away (I think the touchscreen with a high enough resolution, and a high enough durability, would be the hardest part at this point.)

Let's make one ourselves! Whose with me?! :p </end unrealistic fantasy world>
Don't rag the Newton.. it was pretty revolutionary when it originally came out. There probably a lot of people that didn't even have a computer in 1992-93... much less a PDA.
kidicarus74 said:
wow, a 14 year old with no concept of money or reality, i've never seen that before[/sarcasm]

in all seriousness tho, a 5" OLED screen would make the device huge, and expensive... and an 80 gig microdrive would kill the battery, and be expensive... and 802.11n and WiMax integrated on a PDA would be... well... really damn expensive... for $500 just get a celeron dell laptop... it'd only be maybe a pound heavier but would have a way bigger screen and would be way more versatile
15, thank you very much. and i have an extremely good grasp of the concept of money and reality. more than most adults do... :rolleyes:

my post was mostly a joke (a little sarcasm, if you will. surprised you didnt pick up on that :p )

but i honestly think that it could be possible. ok, so not a 5", but a 3.5"-4". OLED is going to be inexpensive. at least thats the point of producing it (to create a superior display technology at extremely low prices).

look at the size of a current iPod. that (theoretically) can achieve up to 12 hours of battery life. a PDA would allow it to have a bigger battery. and the microdrives will take far less power (even less if its solid state). battery power shouldnt be too much of an issue.

how would 802.11n and WiMax make it so much more expensive?? we already have 802.11b in there. it shouldnt cost too much more. esp in a few years when mass production increases.

when apple does something, they do it right. if they actually wanted to, they could do it and make it work. the only issue is that apple always charges a premium. so, yes, this would most likely cost more than 500$. but, if it did have all of those things combined, i would buy one. that takes care of my iPod, cell phone, and PDA. im planning on getting a PDA when i begin to drive (GPS), and ill need a new cell phone at that time, so might as well kill 3 birds w/ one stone. suck up the price and increase the productivity.
TSS Modder said:
15, thank you very much. and i have an extremely good grasp of the concept of money and reality. more than most adults do... :rolleyes:

my post was mostly a joke (a little sarcasm, if you will. surprised you didnt pick up on that :p )

but i honestly think that it could be possible. ok, so not a 5", but a 3.5"-4". OLED is going to be inexpensive. at least thats the point of producing it (to create a superior display technology at extremely low prices).

look at the size of a current iPod. that (theoretically) can achieve up to 12 hours of battery life. a PDA would allow it to have a bigger battery. and the microdrives will take far less power (even less if its solid state). battery power shouldnt be too much of an issue.

how would 802.11n and WiMax make it so much more expensive?? we already have 802.11b in there. it shouldnt cost too much more. esp in a few years when mass production increases.

when apple does something, they do it right. if they actually wanted to, they could do it and make it work. the only issue is that apple always charges a premium. so, yes, this would most likely cost more than 500$. but, if it did have all of those things combined, i would buy one. that takes care of my iPod, cell phone, and PDA. im planning on getting a PDA when i begin to drive (GPS), and ill need a new cell phone at that time, so might as well kill 3 birds w/ one stone. suck up the price and increase the productivity.

You could always get the Palm Lifedrive, and a GPS attachment. Then the only thing left out of the equation is a cellular phone. If you get Skype or another VoIP program for the Palm, you can make calls in WiFi hotspots for cheap.
i dont like palms. ive had 4, and ive hated them ever since i got rid of the last one. i only use Pocket PCs, but im really wishing that Apple would come out w/ a PDA.

the LifeDrive wouldnt work due to the lack of storage. i need storage for my music and videos (w/ the new vPods :D ) and id need it to be a cell phone because there are a grand total of two hotspots that i know of here. not like id drive all the way to one of them just to make a call...