why is the psp so ugly

QUESTIONS : How much good does your "1337 pimp rig pc's on bright crisp LCD's" or "xbox or ps2 on 36" inch or bigger high tv's" do you when
- you're traveling
- you're in between classes and don't want to walk/drive home
- you're watching TV on your "leet" TV
- you're somewhere where there's not a 1337 pimp rig and bling bling tv with xbox 10 and ps13
- you're in a restaurant
- etc

"real gamers"?

Let's see you lug your PC on a train, plane, or car. Let's see you play your XBox with your HD TV at the mall while your GF is shoe shopping.

$250 is a drop in the bucket, especially considering that the Japanese screen at least, is a sight to behold.

Lemme guess, Super Mario 3 is t3h suxor because t3h graphix sux lol keekle lollerskates. d00m 3 4 lyfe

Sorry, I bow down to your 1337 cool trollness.

When I take a trip to Naples to my condo on the beach, I take my Alienware Area 51-m 7700 3.4 1mb cache P4 laptop with a gig of ddr2 and a geforce 6800 go with me. Playing Far Cry, Mafia and Jedi Academy on the plane was so nice.

When I am out doing things I am too busy to be playing with some jankety little toy like a kiddie. I am a grown 33 yr old man running two companies and when I game I do it in deluxe fashion.

>WP< $lipKnot said:
QUESTIONS : How much good does your "1337 pimp rig pc's on bright crisp LCD's" or "xbox or ps2 on 36" inch or bigger high tv's" do you when
- you're traveling
- you're in between classes and don't want to walk/drive home
- you're watching TV on your "leet" TV
- you're somewhere where there's not a 1337 pimp rig and bling bling tv with xbox 10 and ps13
- you're in a restaurant
- etc

"real gamers"?

Let's see you lug your PC on a train, plane, or car. Let's see you play your XBox with your HD TV at the mall while your GF is shoe shopping.

$250 is a drop in the bucket, especially considering that the Japanese screen at least, is a sight to behold.

Lemme guess, Super Mario 3 is t3h suxor because t3h graphix sux lol keekle lollerskates. d00m 3 4 lyfe

Sorry, I bow down to your 1337 cool trollness.

When I take a trip to Naples to my condo on the beach, I take my Alienware Area 51-m 7700 3.4 1mb cache P4 laptop with a gig of ddr2 and a geforce 6800 go with me. Playing Far Cry, Mafia and Jedi Academy on the plane was so nice.

When I am out doing things I am too busy to be playing with some jankety little toy like a kiddie. I am a grown 33 yr old man running two companies and when I game I do it in deluxe fashion.

Something tells me you have P2 400 with an 8MB ATI Rage Pro.
I think its best we ignore sanctimonious people like $lipknot and focus on whats true. Not all of us make 6 figures and can afford to drop 5 grand on a gaming laptop, especially when a 250 dollar handheld gaming device will suffice.

PS. Notice I said suffice not blow away all other game devices.
Slipknot, why is it that when I read what you just said, I have the mental image of Will Ferrel saying everything?

finalgt said:
Slipknot, why is it that when I read what you just said, I have the mental image of Will Ferrel saying everything?


lol thats funny.
So you're 33 and you already run two companies, this would lead me to think you are somewhat important. Somehow though, I just can't see a 33 year old man of your said status calling something 1337, and pimp.
DS looks more like a kiddy crap than the PSP imo. I'm not sure which one I'm gonna get though
>WP< $lipKnot said:
When I take a trip to Naples to my condo on the beach, I take my Alienware Area 51-m 7700 3.4 1mb cache P4 laptop with a gig of ddr2 and a geforce 6800 go with me. Playing Far Cry, Mafia and Jedi Academy on the plane was so nice.

When I am out doing things I am too busy to be playing with some jankety little toy like a kiddie. I am a grown 33 yr old man running two companies and when I game I do it in deluxe fashion.


Pics of you holding said Alienware laptop to see how slick, easily transportable, and stylish it is. Sorry, you just don't give off the "I'm a generation X'er with my own company", you give off a "I'm 15 and I buy things with mommy's credit card." Feel free to take pics of said laptop playing said games and I'll retract my statement.

And I seriously won't buy the "I don't have a digital camera/webspace" excuse from you.

I'd much rather be playing my PSP while lounging on my privately owned beach in Hawaii while my girlfriend Aly Hannigan hand feeds me hand skinned grapes.

PS: I own a $1500 SLR camera, but conviently I don't have a host to put the pictures on and I refuse to downsize these 5 meg PNG files so they fit on a free file hosting service.

Back a few years ago, when the first Pentium-M's showed up, I bought a laptop with the sole purpose of composing and playing games on it while on campus. I brought it with me everywhere I went, restaurants, other campuses, etc. The novelty wore off after a few months and lugging around a huge laptop became a burden. Even with a half hour to an hour here and there, I couldn't get into any PC game installed. An 8 pound laptop was a pain after a while, especially while on the go, I can only imagine what a 15 pound monster like the 51m would be.

And if people thought the PSP had a short battery life, I'd hate to see what they thought of the 51M. Sorry, but if a laptop can't complete a benchmark before dying, its not worth having. Having a DTR and a portable system are two different things...
I have nothing to prove and could care less what any of you think.

Many of you are probably jealous children.

You guys are amusing. How does it feel to give me attention and amuse me?

also I simply do not care that any of you believe what I have or what I do for a living, you mean less than nothing to me. Just because I am a hardworking 33 yr old workaholic/entreprenuer that owns and runs two business's does not mean I cannot use words like 1337. So closed minded are you 20ish children.

My third business is going to be opening up in the next year or so and I am going to be building and selling 1337 hardcore pimp rig pc's. Eventually I will be running an ad within the next couple of years in maximum pc and sending them a test rig after I get this thing really booming.

The name of the company is going to be 3lit3 American Power PC or 3APP, you might want to look for it in the future, not that many of you probably will be able to afford one of my rigs though. My rigs will be along the line of Falcon high end pc's. You kids might want to start saving your allowance money now if you want to be able to afford one.

Also just to steam you. I have 3 cars a mercedes e300, a taurus wagon for the wife and a buick roadmaster for the wife. I also have a 4 bedroom house in a rather nice neighborhood. I have 2 children also and I bet my 14 yr old son is smarter and more respectful than some of the smart mouth's here in this thread.

I have nothing to prove you children trying to put me down are just showing your immaturity and your disrespectful character. Young men today are such punks. Back when I was growing up in the 80's there was a thing called respect and many of you have none for other people or yourself.

added in the edit:

Also : For your info children I enheritied my condo from my late father. Being an enterprenuer runs in my family. I guess I was lucky and born into money. Guess what I voted for Bush too. Pity you guys are not trying to make friends on here and always try to down the opinion of another and always thinking somebody is a liar children. One day if some of you were my friends we could fish off of the dock of my private community in naples florida but then again I really doubt the disrespectful people that some of you are here in this thread would make good friends.

Now talk about how I am a liar and I probably drive a yugo. You kids are so predictable and hilarious. You amuse me so much. I knew me putting down this PSP = Kiddie TOY would start a flame war. I will have to show this to my son he will really think this is funny. My son also thinks the PSP looks like crap and he said he doesnt want one. This forum is hilarious with its ignorant arrogant punk children.

Also I am done with this thread cut me up all you want. Thanks for letting me cotrol you and getting you to amuse me like clowns.
thanks for being the arrogant punk clowns that you are. I seriously got huge laughs out of this. So amusing you kiddies are.
Kyle_Bennet said:
The [H]ard|Forum Rules:

(1) Absolutely NO FLAMING OR NAME CALLING. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm.

:D Oh man, I've always wanted to do that.
>WP< $lipKnot said:
bottom line. PSP is for kiddies, girls and people that want to strain their eyes looking at the so-so graphics on an eenie teenie lcd.

if the psp is for kiddies, wtf is the gameboy and DS for? infants? :rolleyes:

>WP< $lipKnot said:
I have nothing to prove and could care less what any of you think.

Many of you are probably jealous children...........
Is it me or did he just spill his entire life story over a psp thread? And we are the ones with problems?
>WP< $lipKnot said:
I have nothing to prove and could care less what any of you think.

Dude, you are hilarious. You have some of the worst compensation issues I've ever seen.

You spent 30 minutes typing out your life story despite having "nothing to prove".

Congratulations on your Mercedes E300 though, they are a dime a dozen out here in LA. Don't forget that just because you're a big fish in a small pond, there are fish in much bigger ponds that laugh at your small size.

Don't feed the troll, people. Even if he is serious, it's pretty sad coming into a PSP thread and insulting everyone just because they want/own one. It's not worth replying to.

Hairline scratches? Hmm. I haven't got any of those, but I keep it in the soft pouch (that comes with it) whenever I'm not using it.
nintendo ds is a ripoff
I've gotten more movie playback and music playback out of my PSP than have done actual gaming on it really, and the battery life has been more than respectible in my eyes.

Ridge Racers is top notch for a handheld game, and Lumines is like the PSP's answer to Tetris. I fire up a game of Lumines and literally time would just fly by.
I would think about getting one just for Ridge Racer and Wipeout. I mean, I probably won't, since I don't have any need for a portable gaming system, but those are the games that appeal the most to me. They seem to be made specifically for portability.
>WP< $lipKnot said:
I have nothing to prove and could care less what any of you think.

Many of you are probably jealous children.

You guys are amusing. How does it feel to give me attention and amuse me?

also I simply do not care that any of you believe what I have or what I do for a living, you mean less than nothing to me. Just because I am a hardworking 33 yr old workaholic/entreprenuer that owns and runs two business's does not mean I cannot use words like 1337. So closed minded are you 20ish children.

My third business is going to be opening up in the next year or so and I am going to be building and selling 1337 hardcore pimp rig pc's. Eventually I will be running an ad within the next couple of years in maximum pc and sending them a test rig after I get this thing really booming.

The name of the company is going to be 3lit3 American Power PC or 3APP, you might want to look for it in the future, not that many of you probably will be able to afford one of my rigs though. My rigs will be along the line of Falcon high end pc's. You kids might want to start saving your allowance money now if you want to be able to afford one.

Also just to steam you. I have 3 cars a mercedes e300, a taurus wagon for the wife and a buick roadmaster for the wife. I also have a 4 bedroom house in a rather nice neighborhood. I have 2 children also and I bet my 14 yr old son is smarter and more respectful than some of the smart mouth's here in this thread.

I have nothing to prove you children trying to put me down are just showing your immaturity and your disrespectful character. Young men today are such punks. Back when I was growing up in the 80's there was a thing called respect and many of you have none for other people or yourself.

added in the edit:

Also : For your info children I enheritied my condo from my late father. Being an enterprenuer runs in my family. I guess I was lucky and born into money. Guess what I voted for Bush too. Pity you guys are not trying to make friends on here and always try to down the opinion of another and always thinking somebody is a liar children. One day if some of you were my friends we could fish off of the dock of my private community in naples florida but then again I really doubt the disrespectful people that some of you are here in this thread would make good friends.

Now talk about how I am a liar and I probably drive a yugo. You kids are so predictable and hilarious. You amuse me so much. I knew me putting down this PSP = Kiddie TOY would start a flame war. I will have to show this to my son he will really think this is funny. My son also thinks the PSP looks like crap and he said he doesnt want one. This forum is hilarious with its ignorant arrogant punk children.

Also I am done with this thread cut me up all you want. Thanks for letting me cotrol you and getting you to amuse me like clowns.

You may have all of that, but what I think you really need, is a hug.
joethemole said:
Hey, haven't you realized that what YOU THINK, isn't the way the world works? i thought thats like what they teach kids in elementary. There ARE NO differences between different types of opinions. OH yes, i bet i would have pleased your eyes if the topic read the psp was "gawd darn sexy". Don't you know that there are no right or wrong opinions?

btw we hate Nazis in America, so get ur sorry ass out of here.

my 2 cents.

Uh, oversimplification here. I can say "well my opinion is that all homosexuals should be herded together and exterminated in a big pit because the Bible says they are bad".

Yes, it's an opinion, however just being an opinion does not free it from scrutiny.

We may not be able to say it is an objectively wrong opinion, however we can claim that the opinion has little or no merit.

See there's this concept called "supporting your opinions" or "making a case for your opinions".
>WP< $lipKnot said:
I have nothing to prove and could care less what any of you think.

Many of you are probably jealous children.


Also I am done with this thread cut me up all you want. Thanks for letting me cotrol you and getting you to amuse me like clowns.

Ad hominem

I guess one could argue that the iPod is ugly, or the new Mustang is ugly, etc. etc. but once you see one in action, you can't deny that the screen really is beautiful. Plus, give it time and someone will come up with a SNES emulator for it. Portable FF6? Sweet... I'd pay $200 just for a Tiger Toy handheld kids toy that played just FF6.

The 51M is not a 5 grand laptop, at least not the stock configuration, although adding stuff adds up quick, esp if you want RAID on your laptop.
PSP.....no thanks. Nintendo DS/GBA/GB.......no thanks.

I can get every game that I want, have them fit on my keychain, and all of them together would cost less than either the PSP or NDS.

Yes, I do have all 26.

Add to those my keychain Tetris and keychain Etch-a-sketch. I only have the Tetris and Etch-a-sketch on my daily keychain....the rest are for road trips of more than 3 hours.

And yes....Perfection gets me royally ticked off. I still play it though. :D

i think the PSP looks hawt, but I havent played one yet. Til then, I got my trusty DS
mr.fishie said:
Who cares about how it looks, all I care about is the games.

Someone posted that sentiment already, please use the search function before posting. Thanks.

;) :p
Tiny said:
Someone posted that sentiment already, please use the search function before posting. Thanks.

;) :p

No i will not, Thanks.
;) :p

jk, some of the thread pages wont come up because of "questionable words", so says my proxy (I'm at work). Which would explain the double post. Sorry i made you take three seconds to read a redundant post.
Thats ok....I don't have to go back to work until March 2nd anyway, so I have time.

Tiny said:
Thats ok....I don't have to go back to work until March 2nd anyway, so I have time.


haha, i have 2 hours left of a 12 hour shift, f**k i hate my job.

sorry, off topic.