widescreen gaming better than 4:3


Limp Gawd
Mar 21, 2006
does having a widescreen monitor help with the image quality, is it worth it to get sell my 4:3 17 inch monitor and get a widescreen monitor (same size or better)???
Widescreen vs. 4:3 aspect ratio has no bearing on image quality. IQ is determined by panel technology and your video card.

That said, I much prefer widescreen for gaming, and I'm sure many others would agree with me. I would never go back to 4:3.
Why would you even consider this. Widescreen all the way. Have been using widescreen since they came out and would never never never never go back to standard.

And mind you have i have high end crts in my closet that are standard and they are just collecting dust.
For me, the question is not widescreen or not, but rather how big of a widescreen to buy. :D
Some work and some don't. A lot of games don't "just work" but can be made to work by modifying a file.
and will it be stretched, or black lines, or will it actually show more on the sides? im looking at widescrrengaming forums and i see solutions but not many explanations
boardsportsrule said:
and will it be stretched, or black lines, or will it actually show more on the sides? im looking at widescrrengaming forums and i see solutions but not many explanations
Obviously showing more on the sides is the best possible case but that's unfortunately not always the case, even with some games that support widescreen natively. Basically there's 3 ways it's done:
- Adding more to the sides
- Cutting out the top and the bottom from the image (ugh...)
- Stretching the image wide (aka "suck city")

Here's a pretty snazzy list of games that support widescreen, and how they do it:
well most all good games have widescreen, and you get more image to the sides, really quite wonderful

widescreen all the way

and for the games that dont have widescreen, they get stretched - but they're are a lot of different mods and scripts to run to fix it, revealing more to the sides

also, with a 20" wide you can play 1280x1024 in a window, or with a 24" you could play 1600x1200 in a window, for games that really dont support widescreen and you dont want to go through the trouble of going to a website and copying over a simple solution and if you dont want to see anything stretched (which isn't really THAT bad)
im on a slightly older computer. (2yrs)

i just went from a 1024x768 to a 1680x1050 16:10

great for windows, but sluggish as fuck when it comes to games. im seriously considering replacing it for a standard 4:3 1600x1200 with more pixels. but leaving the option open for 800x600 for really demanding games at acceptable framerates.

at higher res eaither way AA becomes less of a necessity, but widescreen does kill framerates on the odd games.

regardless more is better.
hmmmm... so, almost unamomus widescreen is better. well then, what do you guys suggest for a fairly cheap (cant have anything over about 20 inches anyway) widescreen. should it be 16:10 or 16:9. and by the way thanks for the replies
I have heard a lot about the new 2007...ok NO info just everyone wanting to know if its any good..guess we will see the first of may.

what about the games that the list says none for mod.
like diablo II. Does the user "have a choice" of stretched, or maybe black down both sides and a normal image or ???
the reason I said have a choice, was because if it just stretches the game and you can't use it the game is dead on your system as far as I can tell.
by the way some people have mentioned this.

"some WS monitors support 1:1 pixel matching"
what does this do?

man I want one but just like every thing else ...you need to wait till the new ones come out.
ahhhhh LOL

if the only thing new to monitors is the video compliance to play movies, I should get one now. I don't watch movies on my pc.

I gotta throw my vote down in favor of going widescreen as well. It feels a hell of a lot more natural in FPS games.

The problem is...can your rig handle it? Mine is struggling with older FPS's and I haven't even bothered with newer ones like FEAR yet. But I'll be ugrading soon so that won't be a huge problem for long.

If you have the means...go widescreen.
Widescreen is awesome, you don't have to change your playing style or anything, you just feel much more competent