Will 3*2 GB 1600 MHZ RAM limit overclock?


Limp Gawd
Nov 18, 2008
I am doing a new build, and want to use 1600 mhz ram over the 1866/2000 mhz ram, in order to save some cash. I was wondering, would doing this limit the overclock on a core i7 920 at all? I wouldn't think so; however, I want to make sure.

The ram in question is corsair dominator DDR3.
It depends on what memory divider you want to use. If you use, for example, the 2:8 divider and run a 200BClock you'd be at 1600.
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Thanks Mike. Do you know if 2:8 would be a performance hamper? I am new to Core i7, so I am not fully sure.
Thanks Mike. Do you know if 2:8 would be a performance hamper? I am new to Core i7, so I am not fully sure.

No not at all. A lot of this is really going to be determined by how fast you can run the BClock. IF you can get a 200BClock, that's 4ghz on the CPU and DDR1600 on the memory with the 2:8.