Will Microsoft Have a F@H Client Now?


Limp Gawd
Mar 23, 2007
The Folding@Home client seems to have been a good PR move for Sony, does anyone else think that Microsoft will follow through and have Stanford create a client for the 360.

I’m all for it, the more the better.

If anyone hasnt seen the stats so far here they are

I actually think it would be kind of interesting to have a battle between the PS3 and 360 for most TFLOPS contributed. My guess would be the 360 would win just because so far its got a lot more units on the street.
It would be neat to see. The X360 could do a pretty good job with 3 cores or maybe better if they used the Ati GPU.
I don't think Microsoft will never release a Folding@Home client, the reason being that it couldn't compete with the Cell processor's floating point calculation power. Those SPUs are very well suited to this sort of thing, it would just make the Xbox 360's CPU look bad. (I believe a Sony representative said that a PS3 folds around 30 times faster than the average PC.)
I would like it as I could have both my ps3 and my 360 folding up a storm :)

But I feel that it would also add another huge topic for people to argue over their emotional attachment to thier console if it becomes a pissing contest.
holy shizzle I just saw the PS3 at 400 TFLOPs. I would really like to include the 9-10m xbox consoles in this as well im sure the over all folding increase would be huge.
I heard someone suggest achievements on the xbox 360 for folding units. This would be a great way to get people active. I'm sure with all the 360s out there and achievements in place, things would really take off.