will Nvidia's Series 8 Cards be DX10

Sep 28, 2004
does anyone know for sure if Nvidias Series 8 Cards will be DX10? Or is their a possibility theyll still be DX9.
the more important question is, when will nvidia's 8 series card will be out? i'm thinking augustish, but that is purely guessing based on the previous launches.
The truth is most of us know as little as you :p

The decisions on DX10 aren't being made in Markham (ATI) or Santa Clara (NV), they're being made in Redmond (MS).

Don't go making a big deal about Vista, isn't even out yet. My 2 cents.
I personally think that everything will be readily available at October, which means that it'll be released around August. This includes new mobos, processors, vid cards, etc.