Will your temperature only rise if you raise the vcore?


Limp Gawd
Nov 13, 2003
Like, if you were to go from 170 x 11 up to 180 x 11, 190 x 11, 200 x 11, etc, on your cpu, would your temps really go up that much in idle/load? My understanding is that it only really increases when you start upping the vcore?
From my experience overclocking doesn't really affect your temps until you up the voltage. So yes, your correct.
Generally speaking, your temperatures will increase linearly with clock speed increases, and exponentially with voltage increases. Most cooling systems have enough overhead to handle increased clock speeds with no voltage increases, but once you start bumping up the voltage, look out. ;)
Wraithblade said:
Generally speaking, your temperatures will increase linearly with clock speed increases, and exponentially with voltage increases. Most cooling systems have enough overhead to handle increased clock speeds with no voltage increases, but once you start bumping up the voltage, look out. ;)

Wraithblade said:
Generally speaking, your temperatures will increase linearly with clock speed increases, and exponentially with voltage increases. Most cooling systems have enough overhead to handle increased clock speeds with no voltage increases, but once you start bumping up the voltage, look out. ;)

best answer!