Win 8 love

I got it since it was so cheap ($14.99) but I like it a lot now. I only have one particular issue I do not like, when you install as a Live account instead of local it changes all of the default folders (for temps files and such) which can create a hassle installing programs. I've been fighting some software for about a week and the only conclusion I came up with is I would have to fresh install with a local account to get it to work.
I got it since it was so cheap ($14.99) but I like it a lot now. I only have one particular issue I do not like, when you install as a Live account instead of local it changes all of the default folders (for temps files and such) which can create a hassle installing programs. I've been fighting some software for about a week and the only conclusion I came up with is I would have to fresh install with a local account to get it to work.

Was this an upgrade install?
I got it since it was so cheap ($14.99) but I like it a lot now. I only have one particular issue I do not like, when you install as a Live account instead of local it changes all of the default folders (for temps files and such) which can create a hassle installing programs. I've been fighting some software for about a week and the only conclusion I came up with is I would have to fresh install with a local account to get it to work.

No need to do a fresh install, you can change your account to a local one without a fresh install.
I bought it as a no brainer.
I had built a system for my young son upstairs (C2D @ 3.2 with a 5770) and didn't have an available OS so I installed the Release Preview.
Then I got the e-mail that I could upgrade, even from the preview software, for 39.99 and I said HELL YEAH!

Know what. After a few google searches I find myself only using the start page, now that I have it set up like I like it, and I actually get annoyed when it goes to desktop. I like it. There. I said it.
If I wasn't the cheapest bastard on the internet I would upgrade my big maching too. But I just can't when I've got a perfectly good Win 7 install going.

Only thing. The upgrade didn't transfer my games and I can't get rid of the Windows.old entry in my file tree.
I did not read all the posts (before posting), but got some of the general trend, and I just wanted to say I'm really excited about Windows 8. I had a computer for about 5 years, and finally got into upgrades. It has only taken a few months, but the world has really changed. I started learning my way around the keyboard, and no longer have to use the help (that much... ). I am starting to understand how everything works, and it is exhilarating. I got the Windows 8 Pro (32 bit) during this process, and I have to say I have had no problems with it... weird navigation tools aside...

It seems to run much better than the previous (Vista Home Premium) 32bit operating system I had installed... . And while that may be largely due to the upgrades on my computer, and becoming better acquainted with or aware of it's architecture, I none the less have to applaud Microsoft for designing a system that runs well, superbly, and is easier to navigate, does not spend as much down time, as previous incarnations, and finally got the Explorer to actually work. Well, in fact.

I actually look for Microsoft branding now. It runs well. Before I would download others (Google chrome still works well , but I don't prefer it the way I once did... ).

So after all that gushing, am I going to get hate mail, or be threatened with expulsion from the assembly?

(There still are some weak points I failed to mention, but over all the system strengths outweigh them... . Mainly, that I still prefer the desk top to work, over the app versions... I think they're for mobile users... and I would like to try the apps first before down load... some work really well like weather, news, and finance... ).

Okay... I'm going over board, so... FLAME ON... . (Whatever that means... ).
I did not read all the posts (before posting), but got some of the general trend, and I just wanted to say I'm really excited about Windows 8. I had a computer for about 5 years, and finally got into upgrades. It has only taken a few months, but the world has really changed. I started learning my way around the keyboard, and no longer have to use the help (that much... ). I am starting to understand how everything works, and it is exhilarating. I got the Windows 8 Pro (32 bit) during this process, and I have to say I have had no problems with it... weird navigation tools aside...

It seems to run much better than the previous (Vista Home Premium) 32bit operating system I had installed... . And while that may be largely due to the upgrades on my computer, and becoming better acquainted with or aware of it's architecture, I none the less have to applaud Microsoft for designing a system that runs well, superbly, and is easier to navigate, does not spend as much down time, as previous incarnations, and finally got the Explorer to actually work. Well, in fact.

I actually look for Microsoft branding now. It runs well. Before I would download others (Google chrome still works well , but I don't prefer it the way I once did... ).

So after all that gushing, am I going to get hate mail, or be threatened with expulsion from the assembly?

(There still are some weak points I failed to mention, but over all the system strengths outweigh them... . Mainly, that I still prefer the desk top to work, over the app versions... I think they're for mobile users... and I would like to try the apps first before down load... some work really well like weather, news, and finance... ).

Okay... I'm going over board, so... FLAME ON... . (Whatever that means... ).

No hate! Its all good and what people like.
When I decide to get win 8, I will put classicshell or similar on it. I like it almost as much as 7 after that.
OK, just found another third party app I think I'm gonna like. Start Menu Modifier, it basically lets you put the start screen as a pop up/drop down onto your desktop. It puts all of your start screen tiles in a row that you can scroll thru with your mouse.

So I arranged them so the ones I will want to see the most are at the start of the row. Weather, Calendar etc.

hit the windows key and it drops down from the top of the screen a little less then 1/3rd, so i can still see the desktop but get a quick glance at info I might need. Hit Windows key again and its gone.

Search functionality is still there, windows key and start typing it just doesnt fill the entire screen
No need to do a fresh install, you can change your account to a local one without a fresh install.

This does not change the folders. For example, instead of your temp folder being in "user" it will be in "user_000" which can create problems apparently. I tried it already, nothing changes about the installation it just shuts off the Live access.
I like Win8, run it everyday for work all day long doing all sorts of things in a corporate environment with no issue. Have been running it since Sept.
Love the fast boot times and wake times, makes a big difference on a laptop when you are on the go a lot.

I use it with Start8, but can even go without that these days if I really wanted to.
OK, just found another third party app I think I'm gonna like. Start Menu Modifier, it basically lets you put the start screen as a pop up/drop down onto your desktop. It puts all of your start screen tiles in a row that you can scroll thru with your mouse.

So I arranged them so the ones I will want to see the most are at the start of the row. Weather, Calendar etc.

hit the windows key and it drops down from the top of the screen a little less then 1/3rd, so i can still see the desktop but get a quick glance at info I might need. Hit Windows key again and its gone.

Search functionality is still there, windows key and start typing it just doesnt fill the entire screen

That sounds like a neat ass idea. Got a link?
I installed Win 8 on a fresh SSD on my daughter's computer (keeping Win 7 on the original HD until I make certain everything works). But, the main thing she uses, Sims 3, won't run. Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2 work on Origin, but Sims 3 just sits there with a spinning mouse cursor and 99% cpu utilization. The various Sims forums are pretty worthless with some saying it works on some PCs and not others with no explanation why. So the switch is going to have to wait until this one gets fixed. Sims 3 is such a PITA...
I'll put in my vote for liking Win 8 as well. I bought it from microcenter for 40 bucks as an upgrade and have not regretted it whatsoever. I was hesitant at first, but thought why not for 40.
same here. Took me like 3 days to get used to it. I dont like it better than 7 but I dont hate it either. Its fine and people are making a huge fuss about it.

I have been having some weird issues with some software but I assume that its cuz its a new os
This does not change the folders. For example, instead of your temp folder being in "user" it will be in "user_000" which can create problems apparently. I tried it already, nothing changes about the installation it just shuts off the Live access.

Oh OK, I haven't tried it out. Weird that your having problems though, hope you get it figured out.
`The only issue I have with Windows 8 is the fonts.

Screen fonts just don't look the same as with previous editions. I've looked it up and it seems that MS changed Cleartype somehow but haven't been able to find a definitive stance on it.

They just don't look as smooth.
I enjoy using Windows 8 so much that I've purchased licenses for all my x86 devices-from my fully loaded desktop to a shitty netbook and various machines in between, all run more smoothly on Win8 than they did on 7. I also have StartIsBack licenses for each computer as well. I am a big fan of the enhanced ssd performance, leaner resource use, fast boot, new explorer/task manager/file transfer dialog, and numerous other improvements over Win7. I use the metro interface on a regular basis to check the weather, read news, twitter, reddit, instagram, etc-I find many of the apps more aesthetically pleasing and simply better to use than the related browser based website. I don't have a x86 device with a touchscreen yet, but gestures for regular laptop trackpads are greatly improved in Win8. Overall, I'm a big fan of the OS, and quite frankly I think most of the hate for it comes from people who detest Microsoft for shoving new things down their throats. If you can't keep up with change, you'll get left in the dust.
I enjoy using Windows 8 so much that I've purchased licenses for all my x86 devices-from my fully loaded desktop to a shitty netbook and various machines in between, all run more smoothly on Win8 than they did on 7. I also have StartIsBack licenses for each computer as well. I am a big fan of the enhanced ssd performance, leaner resource use, fast boot, new explorer/task manager/file transfer dialog, and numerous other improvements over Win7. I use the metro interface on a regular basis to check the weather, read news, twitter, reddit, instagram, etc-I find many of the apps more aesthetically pleasing and simply better to use than the related browser based website. I don't have a x86 device with a touchscreen yet, but gestures for regular laptop trackpads are greatly improved in Win8. Overall, I'm a big fan of the OS, and quite frankly I think most of the hate for it comes from people who detest Microsoft for shoving new things down their throats. If you can't keep up with change, you'll get left in the dust.

This made me LOL!

Your last statements condtadict you using startisback on all your machines.
You took away what most dont like about win 8.

But then you say you use metro to check websites. So why is it that you bought licenses for all of the machines of startisback?!
The "if you can't handle change you'll get left in the dust" mentality among all the new overnight experts in computing trends does crack me up, esp when factoring how long WinXP has been around, how long Win7 will BE around, and that Metro can't get any forward momentum going or attract even a small measure of interest from any Tier1 app devs to save its life.
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The "if you can't handle change you'll get left in the dust" mentality among all the new overnight experts in computing trends does crack me up, esp when factoring how long WinXP has been around, how long Win7 will BE around, and that Metro can't get any forward momentum going or attract even a small measure of interest from any Tier1 app devs to save its life.

Not sure where you're getting that Metro can't get top tier apps to save it's life. Metro did get the #1 game last year on mobile, Angry Birds Star Wars, many major content providers have Metro apps, Kindle, Hulu, Netflix, Nook, etc. At three months after general release Metro apps have a long way to go but not at all a bad start and do you really think that as the number of Windows 8 machines increase which is inevitable that more and more apps won't come to the Windows Store? We are talking about a platform that is going to be in the hands of at least 100 million people this year, the apps are going to come.
Yea, 2 1/2 months on the market, major apps like the ones you mentioned heatlesssun, and we get 'no major apps for Win 8 metro' bah. Anyways, you can completely ignore metro apps on the desktop and you still get a quick launcher for your main apps, with tons of under the hood improvements from security to performance to stability, for a relatively cheap price if you took advantage of the upgrade program.
I find myself using a mix of Metro and desktop apps both on a tablet and the desktop, it just depends on what I want to do. While the desktop and desktop apps aren't optimized for touch there's a great deal that does work reasonably well with touch and I a number of the content presentation Metro apps are beautiful on a big screen.

Whatever issues Windows 8 has it's incredibly powerful and flexible if one actually learns to use it rather than just critique it to the nth degree.
Of course. I use Metro Apps on my desktop at times, and find them useful. Just saying, if they make people break out in hives mentally, they don't need to use them. We've been through all of this dozens of times, but that key fact seems not to stick, that even if you don't use metro apps, you get a very good system for very cheap.
Of course. I use Metro Apps on my desktop at times, and find them useful. Just saying, if they make people break out in hives mentally, they don't need to use them. We've been through all of this dozens of times, but that key fact seems not to stick, that even if you don't use metro apps, you get a very good system for very cheap.

Yep, that was what drew me to it. I thought the improvements would outweigh the cons, and IMO the improvements to the core OS far outweigh the cons of "metro" and the tiles, especially considering you never even have to look at them if you don't want to.

I used a variety of 3rd party apps from Stardock like fences and even rocketdock on Windows 7. To me that was almost a primer for Windows 8 because eventually my desire for a completely clean desktop drove me to find apps that performed much like Windows 8 does.
Yep, that was what drew me to it. I thought the improvements would outweigh the cons, and IMO the improvements to the core OS far outweigh the cons of "metro" and the tiles, especially considering you never even have to look at them if you don't want to.

I used a variety of 3rd party apps from Stardock like fences and even rocketdock on Windows 7. To me that was almost a primer for Windows 8 because eventually my desire for a completely clean desktop drove me to find apps that performed much like Windows 8 does.

I was actually going to put win 8 on my main comp but I went to my MB manufacturer, and there are no fricking drivers.....BUT there are drivers for my 970 extreme3 MB... WTF!
Of course. I use Metro Apps on my desktop at times, and find them useful. Just saying, if they make people break out in hives mentally, they don't need to use them. We've been through all of this dozens of times, but that key fact seems not to stick, that even if you don't use metro apps, you get a very good system for very cheap.

I agree with what you're saying and understand that a lot of the angst over Windows 8 is because most app defaults are set to Metro apps. Metro apps are at this point not intended to replace desktop apps, thus the hybrid design of Windows 8. I really doubt that Metro apps will ever really replace desktop apps. And many of the in the box Microsoft apps are very good at this point, at least for more advanced users.

But Metro is a new environment and there are some nice apps out there though there's a long way to go. I think that if one is trying to avoid Metro altogether they would probably be better off with Windows 7 or whatever strikes their fancy.
I agree with what you're saying and understand that a lot of the angst over Windows 8 is because most app defaults are set to Metro apps. Metro apps are at this point not intended to replace desktop apps, thus the hybrid design of Windows 8. I really doubt that Metro apps will ever really replace desktop apps. And many of the in the box Microsoft apps are very good at this point, at least for more advanced users.

But Metro is a new environment and there are some nice apps out there though there's a long way to go. I think that if one is trying to avoid Metro altogether they would probably be better off with Windows 7 or whatever strikes their fancy.

I think it would be better to try win 8 with a 3rd party solution, and then decide if they want 7 or 8.
I think that the improvements coupled with the 3rd party software is a better and cheaper solution to 7.
I was actually going to put win 8 on my main comp but I went to my MB manufacturer, and there are no fricking drivers.....BUT there are drivers for my 970 extreme3 MB... WTF!

That shouldn't be a problem. My Gigabyte X58-USB3 MB doesn't have any official support and everything is working perfectly, with the exception of having to disable the USB 3.0 ports to get Hyper-V to work. Not really a big deal as I don't have any USB 3.0 devices on the rig anyway and I could also plop in an external USB 3.0 card.
That shouldn't be a problem. My Gigabyte X58-USB3 MB doesn't have any official support and everything is working perfectly, with the exception of having to disable the USB 3.0 ports to get Hyper-V to work. Not really a big deal as I don't have any USB 3.0 devices on the rig anyway and I could also plop in an external USB 3.0 card.

Neither do I on the usb 3 stuff. Hmmmmmmm! I guess I should try it on there and see how everything goes. I dont mind reloading since I have backups of everything and enjoy reloading. hehe
I think it would be better to try win 8 with a 3rd party solution, and then decide if they want 7 or 8.
I think that the improvements coupled with the 3rd party software is a better and cheaper solution to 7.

This is perfectly valid. I just think that the idea of trying to avoid the new UI is going to have diminishing returns as Metro matures.
Neither do I on the usb 3 stuff. Hmmmmmmm! I guess I should try it on there and see how everything goes. I dont mind reloading since I have backups of everything and enjoy reloading. hehe

You shouldn't have to reload anything, I simply disabled USB 3.0 in BIOS and everything was perfectly fine after that.
This is perfectly valid. I just think that the idea of trying to avoid the new UI is going to have diminishing returns as Metro matures.

I guess if they have a crapload of apps, then maybe, but I dont see myself using it. i have shortcuts and use the taskbar for my apps.

I think MS should of slowly changed, instead of the going cold turkey style. It hit people hard
whether they were full computer guru's to newbies.
I guess if they have a crapload of apps, then maybe, but I dont see myself using it. i have shortcuts and use the taskbar for my apps.

I think MS should of slowly changed, instead of the going cold turkey style. It hit people hard
whether they were full computer guru's to newbies.
What I think they should have done is to leave the desktop UI alone, but add the ability to run modern apps from there. Make ModernUI the default GUI on tablets and phones, sure.

Then they should have really pushed hard with the phones and tablets; make windows tablets and phones financially competitive with Android devices, ignoring apple devices in the short term. Really build up the app market, but more importantly, build up the interface's reputation. Make people *want* modern UI on the desktop. Then introduce it in the next version of windows, but leave the traditional desktop as an option. Although, if it were me, I would have included the ModernUI interface in W8, but disabled. Make it somewhat easy for hackers to figure out how to enable it, and let them act as PR for you. Make them *want* to enable it ( because it's a secret to everyone! ).

Around the same time, they would start releasing premium devices to compete with Apple devices, specifically offering things that apple devices don't offer.
I think MS should of slowly changed, instead of the going cold turkey style. It hit people hard whether they were full computer guru's to newbies.
The vast majority of Windows 8 haters are angsting over the removal of one button.

How does one "slowly change" removal of the Start menu?
The vast majority of Windows 8 haters are angsting over the removal of one button.

How does one "slowly change" removal of the Start menu?
Well, ok, no. Not at all, but I guess we're at the "making shit up phase" of the thread so that's acceptable.

What people are actually upset about is the GUI change. As has been discussed to exhaustion.
I just wished they had (or would in the near future), allow desktop users the option to install the older interface. Now I'm not upset about the start button, but damn, I was just starting to actually use some of the aero features in windows 7 finally and liked the look of it, and now I have this flat cell based windows of 3.1 era. Choice seems like the best idea to me, let us choose which version of the desktop interface to use...