Windows 7 Boots up with Italics


Oct 19, 2002
So I've looked around the net and a few people have an idea of what's going on with this, but nobody really came up with a solution that worked in my case.

So I haven't done anything major that I can think of besides windows updates, but I restarted my computer and when it booted up I had an error that "iastoricon" had crashed. Which I looked up and apparently has something to do with Intel's storage controllers. Also my fonts were all set to some italics, I assume arial or something.

Anyone have an idea as to what happened?

edit: starting VLC... it did the whole "rebuilding font cache" thing it does when you first start.
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Sounds like your font files got messed up.

Is it the names of the icons that are in italic? If so, maybe rebuilding the icon cache will help.
Sounds like your font files got messed up.

Is it the names of the icons that are in italic? If so, maybe rebuilding the icon cache will help.
Well the names of the icons are italics, but the rebuilding of the cache that VLC did wasn't the fix.
I've had this italics thing before. Download the Arial font from somewhere and replace the files. Will work fine.
Well the names of the icons are italics, but the rebuilding of the cache that VLC did wasn't the fix.

Oh, sorry man -- I thought VLC had some font cache that it was rebuilding, didn't catch that it was the windows one.
None of the suggestions worked. It's more than just the icons. It's the start menu items, and the taskbar items too. Also at the login and all the places where "system font" would make sense. The bottom part of the Explorer window where it talks about sizes of images and stuff too.

I checked and there is an arial font in the fonts folder too.

edit: switched to windows classic theme and my fonts are better, so... who knows.
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Tried it and.. failed?

Try starting it yourself:
net start trustedinstaller

If that doesn't work, your installation has some bigger problems.
What about:

sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c:\ /offwindir=c:\windows

Might need to repair your installation.
Trying above I get...
"The arguments passed to sfc are invalid. The offline windows directory
specified points to the online system."
Whoops, meant to say you need to run that from the repair console.
mkay I'll give that a shot, gotta restart with disc for that. I don't even have a damn cd drive internally. I have to usb it up :) takes like 10 minutes to load the damn disc so I hesitate to do it.
At this point, easier to move everything to an external and format. You could've probably done it 5 times already in the time spent trying to fix this install.