Windows 7 Explorer Hang Issue


Jan 31, 2008
Hello everyone,

I'm having a weird problem with Windows 7 when waking from sleep. When I open an explorer window and try to explore a folder (by double clicking, anything), it acts as if it's trying to access a network share or something and times out. I then close the window, and the next time I open it, everything is blank:

When I try to kill explorer, it simply won't terminate. I love Win7, but this issue is pretty annoying and keeps me from being able to use sleep.

Any ideas?
It's a beta. There's your idea. Submit feedback on the issue.

Oh, and I have experienced the same thing.
Have the same issue. Also, after this occurs I can't even reboot my computer properly, it ends up hanging during the logout.
I've got a similar problem with Vista which essentially means I can't sleep. It's a driver issue though and can't be fixed with OS updates – not that I looked deep into the issue :)

I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s some driver causing this on Win7 too.
Sleep in Vista worked perfectly for me.

I have submitted feedback on the issue, but I wanted to see if anyone had found a fix or workaround.