Windows 7 x64 only goes into S1 Sleep, S3 rarely


Jan 31, 2008
Hey guys,

My problem is that when I first boot the computer, I can tell it to sleep and it will enter S3. However, once I load the CPU for any length of time, say over a minute, it will no longer enter S3, and just stay in S1. After doing powercfg /a, it shows me that S1 and S3 are supported. I was using the High Performance power plan, but switched to balance in hopes that it would finally work, but no dice. Specs are in sig, and hard drives are a Corsair C300 SSD and Samsung F1 HDD. Any ideas? This is really frustrating.

I have already selected the "go to sleep" option for media sharing, as well.
Under Edit Plan Settings, where it says 'Put the computer to sleep', what do you have it set to?
Does your keyboard have a button on it to sleep? Try alternative methods to sleep it.

Also try to manually sleep it via cmd line. Open an elevated cmd prompt and try

Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep
Check BIOS settings. The machine may well support S1 and S3, but if you've told it anywhere (low level or OS) to only use S1, there's your problem.

Granted, the S3 /then/ S1 thing makes me wonder. A lot. Not sure what's going on there exactly.
I've set the Suspend type in the BIOS to S3, and have not specified any specific sleep settings in Windows or at a low level, short of disabling Hibernation.

Like I said, it stops doing S3 after I introduce CPU load for any sustained period of time. I need to do more testing, though. It could be my video card driver, since it stops doing S3 after I play a game for 5-10 minutes.
Good call on the video card driver being the potential issue -- I know both ATI and Nvidia have had issues with cards getting clocks "stuck" either down or up due to broken power management in various drivers. Not sure if that's an ongoing issue with drivers for either camp.
Definitely not the video card driver, I uninstalled 10.12 today, and then installed 11.1a, still can't S3 after playing a game.

edit: I may have solved it using the "dumppo" tool. I changed my minimum sleep state to S3 and it was able to sleep after playing a game. Before I applied that setting it would only enter S1.
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Update for people who may have this problem in the future

Turns out my problem was that I didn't update the Intel Management Engine when I updated my BIOS. It's absolutely CRUCIAL to do this. After I updated to the 1.8b10 BIOS from MSI, it also included the IME firmware update. When I finished the update, I can load down my CPU for however long and then S3 sleep with no problem now.