Windows 8.1 won't boot after GPU change?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 27, 2007
Heres my story:

So I was having issues with my new 290x, and I have a feeling it was due to the drivers acting up after I switched from Nvidia. I also had Amazon ship me a replacement card just in case. I decided to throw a new SSD in the system and do a fresh install of Windows on it. This afternoon, I installed Windows and everything seemed to go smoothly. I let the PC sit at that point while I went to work and waited for the replacement GPU to arrive. When I got home, I switched out the GPUs and was intending to install the Catalyst drivers. However, when I turned the PC back on, after the BIOS splash screen, I got a weird, corrupted looking video output. I turned the PC back off and powered back on. At that point I started getting the following error:

Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose your langugae settings, and then click next
3. Click "repair your computer."

Status: 0xc000000e
Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.

I tried repairing from the USB, but it said it failed. Now both of my SSDs will not boot and I get the same error. I've since unplugged all of the drives except the new SSD, and I'm attempting to do a fresh OS install again. What in the world happened? I've never had any sort of issue like this before.
"The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible."

The new SSD is probably faulty.
Just as an update, I finally got things working last night. It was a very strange situation that I think partially stemmed from having 2 bootable SSDs in the PC. After a 2nd OS install on the new SSD, I realized that the drive was no longer showing up in the Boot Priority section of my BIOS, but it was showing as bootable in the Boot Override section. If selected in the Boot Override area, it booted just fine. I was able to get the few things off my old SSD that I wanted and just formatted the drive. I did a quick CMOS clear, and the new drive started showing up under Boot Priority like it should. Everything seems to be working fine now, but this was easily the most painful GPU swap I've ever come across...well it's technically the first time it's ever given me a problem at all.
Just as an update, I finally got things working last night. It was a very strange situation that I think partially stemmed from having 2 bootable SSDs in the PC. After a 2nd OS install on the new SSD, I realized that the drive was no longer showing up in the Boot Priority section of my BIOS, but it was showing as bootable in the Boot Override section. If selected in the Boot Override area, it booted just fine. I was able to get the few things off my old SSD that I wanted and just formatted the drive. I did a quick CMOS clear, and the new drive started showing up under Boot Priority like it should. Everything seems to be working fine now, but this was easily the most painful GPU swap I've ever come across...well it's technically the first time it's ever given me a problem at all.

Glad to hear it.