Windows 8 Start Menu Alternatives


Fully [H]
Nov 16, 2005
Here's what I've found so far. I'm curious to know what else is out there that I may not have seen. The two best Start Menus are StartIsBack (free) and Start8 (paid). At least from what I've personally used, as well as what I've heard from other people.

Free (recommended):
Start is Back! (free until out of beta)
Classic Shell - (Also available on Ninite)

Free (other):
Start Menu X
Start Menu for Windows 8
Power 8
Windows 8 Start Menu
IObit StartMenu8
Spesoft Free Windows 8 Start Menu
Alternative Start Menu - Looks like some guy coded this, I wouldn't personally try this one... DL URL is in his YouTube video description.
Taskbar Classic Start Menu
Revel BringBack 2012
Handy Start Menu

Paid (recommended):
Start8 - ($4.99 or $4.50 if you like their fb page and get a promo code)

Paid (other):
Classic Start Menu - ($19.99)
RetroUI - ($4.95)

Since I'm a Start8 fan, here are a couple of shots. I really think it's worth the money if you want a Start Menu on Windows 8. However I do think that something like Classic Shell has a lot more powerful options. Start8 wins hands down for me since it is sleek, simple and has proven stable so far. It's almost as if it was meant to be there. ;)

Windows 7 Style (Start8):

Windows 8 Style (Start8):

StartIsBack (generic shot):

I figured a single thread might be of more use, versus me posting this info in random posts everywhere. I'll update this as I find more info as well. :)
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I had issues with StartIsBack while running games in fullscreen windowed mode. While you're ingame and hit the windows key to bring up the task bar and then click another application like Chrome, nothing happens, the only way to get out is to alt tab. This doesn't happen always, but its somewhere around 50% of the time. Back to Start8 for me.
Using start8 without issue so far on my main gaming rig and a laptop, seems to be worth the 5 bucks at this point
So far startisback seems to be very polished. No issues so far.
That "Start is Back" one will actually require a fee once he finishes it. According to the forum on his website.

Are these something that Microsoft has the ability to disable? Then you would be out your money.
Updated the note on SIB.

As for them disabling it, I don't think they would. Just the same as they would not stop you from installing Chrome or Firefox. That's not to say its impossible, just not likely IMO.
I've tested several and I think Start Is Back is the closest to Windows 7.

Unfortunately, purchasing Windows 8 and putting in these programs is still a +1 sale to Microsoft. I will not support their horrid desktop OS design choices.
Are these something that Microsoft has the ability to disable? Then you would be out your money.

They have the ability to do anything, but they don't have the likelihood. In the case of StartIsBack since its using native start menu functionality in explorer.exe, MS would have to completely rewrite explorer in order to tear the start menu out due to the shared code/jumplist nature of it. In other words there are dependencies.

Regardless, the slim to none chance of losing 4 or 5 dollars in the event Microsoft decides to piss off desktop users even more and demand more bad press than they're already receiving is a calculated risk that's not going to keep me up at night.
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