Windows BIGADV is Here

going back to big's to test my new OC on them, got one right away 2 minutes ago
27 min tpf and dropping, be jealous :)
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Just making sure....the servers are out of bigadv wus now right?
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3.5 ghz, aiming for 3.8 as a final clock.

settled to a 27:19 TPF, about 43k ppd, and just under the 48 hour window

On a serious note I'm liking how easy these run on my rigs, i may try to drop the voltages a hair on my i7 because these are so stable. If only the point value was near A2's this would be perfect

As for top 20, I'm test firing everything for 4-5 days straight, a burn in you can say, to try and snag a top 10 slot. Then i shut down, down the temps and cruise at 60k till winter or a better job
3.5 ghz, aiming for 3.8 as a final clock.

settled to a 27:19 TPF, about 43k ppd, and just under the 48 hour window

On a serious note I'm liking how easy these run on my rigs, i may try to drop the voltages a hair on my i7 because these are so stable. If only the point value was near A2's this would be perfect

As for top 20, I'm test firing everything for 4-5 days straight, a burn in you can say, to try and snag a top 10 slot. Then i shut down, down the temps and cruise at 60k till winter or a better job

That really is amazing. Just think of the damage you and Kendrak could do when you eventually put dual 6 core 56xx Xeons in that monster motherboard. Are you going to continue running your SR2 rig naked, or will you plan to eventually move everything to a case when you have your desired overclocks?
Shelf it and rack it
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I finally got another bigadv early this morning and am cruising at 32:06 tpf with 2 GPUs crunching away as well. It's all good again. :cool:
nice, these are not as sensitive to oc's as the A2s were it seems
nice, these are not as sensitive to oc's as the A2s were it seems
Yeah, pretty much most of the A3s are more tolerant of high OCs than the A2s ever were. It could be because they are much less memory intensive, IDK. They will be great to run after summertime is over. I'm going to wait for the current northeastern heatwave to abate before running -bigadv again, though. No sense in risking half a week's worth of work to the high heat. Besides, I've been shutting down some systems during the day anyway..
As for top 20, I'm test firing everything for 4-5 days straight, a burn in you can say, to try and snag a top 10 slot. Then i shut down, down the temps and cruise at 60k till winter or a better job

I told ya once you get the hand thing sorted out to give me a call on the job front. Yet no calls :(

I'm gonna be a leftie for 6-8 weeks :(
gonna make it hard to get a job, especially since I can't use a mouse or type faster than 10 wpm lol
I already lost my second job, kinda hard to run a track hoe with one hand lol

I'm trying to do everything on my phone cuz I text left handed, Ive redone two rigs entirely thru logmein on my phone lol

on the plus side I can't game, so my 470 is putting out a steady 14.5k ppd now :)
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This conversation went down hill, talking about hands and jobs.......Don't do it Vaulter

Back on topic, I havnt been paying attention much but what does a 3.8 ghz i7 bring in on these? I'm running A3s on it to cover my 80% incase I drop a unit from oc'ing but these units are nice and stable so I'll go bigadv tonight to even out and lower my draw a bit

also, would memory speeds or QPI speeds make a noticeable impact on a bigadv unit on a dually?

And for the ultimate noob question, what's the best way to stop one of these windows clients for system work without screwing it up or losing work?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I've stopped my windows -bigadv client multiple times with ctrl-c and restarted the computer with no ill effects.
Would I lose any progress?

Anyone one know anything about QPI? I've got mine on the lowest setting, should I up it? Anyone with duallys?? That's the link between both CPUs right?
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The only progress you'll lose will be whatever was accomplished since the last check point. I think mine is set for 15 minute intervals.

Back on topic, I havnt been paying attention much but what does a 3.8 ghz i7 bring in on these? I'm running A3s on it to cover my 80% incase I drop a unit from oc'ing but these units are nice and stable so I'll go bigadv tonight to even out and lower my draw a bit

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For an i7 920, it looks to be around 46 minutes per frame, which is about 19k ppd.
Ok, gonna switch her over tomorrow

I'll keep her running after I kill my GPUs next week

any other ideas how to optimize times on these in Win7? I'm hoping to crack into the 25 TPFs, ideas?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Back on topic, I havnt been paying attention much but what does a 3.8 ghz i7 bring in on these? I'm running A3s on it to cover my 80% incase I drop a unit from oc'ing but these units are nice and stable so I'll go bigadv tonight to even out and lower my draw a bit

also, would memory speeds or QPI speeds make a noticeable impact on a bigadv unit on a dually?

And for the ultimate noob question, what's the best way to stop one of these windows clients for system work without screwing it up or losing work?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

My folding rig's 930 is running at 3.46ghz and is getting a TPF of 51 to 52 minutes if that helps. Next time I have a chance, i'm going to set the priority of the client from idle to normal as people are posting that it helps lower the times just a bit.
3.46 gets 52 TPF on nehalem, dual nehalems at 3.5 get 27:12

that's almost a straight line performance wise, looks like good scaling to me :)
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Back on topic, I havnt been paying attention much but what does a 3.8 ghz i7 bring in on these?

On my Daily Driver (rig in sig) I'm getting about 50 to 51 minute TPF average, with a little gaming thrown in. TPF during the night when noones touching it looks like about 48 minutes.
The 1st one of these I posted gave me a touch over 58k, and HFM is reporting the current one at 16,770 ppd with about 10 hours left.

If these hadn't come along when they did, I would have scaled back a bit, as the WU I'd been getting just didn't seem worth the amount of power they were using. :D
Ok, gonna switch her over tomorrow

I'll keep her running after I kill my GPUs next week

any other ideas how to optimize times on these in Win7? I'm hoping to crack into the 25 TPFs, ideas?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

I turn off as many windows services as i can. spool, server, audio, group policy client, ect. not a huge difference i have shaved as much as 10-15 seconds off a stardard smp client in the 4 minute range. was also playing with running my memory at 2000mhz only made a few frams before it curupted best i can tell seemed to have knocked off another 10-15 seconds.
Got a list of all services in 7 that aren't needed on a dedicated boxen?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
my 920 @ 3.9 is getting around 56TPF this sound about right?

That looks to be a little slow. My C0 920 @ 3.9 is getting around 49min TPF, but it is driving 3xGTX285s (GPU2). You should be getting faster TPFs than me. My second C0 920 @ 3.6 is getting 51min TPFs driving a 9800GX2 (2 x GPU2).
how sensitive is the windows client to other applications running? I"ve only got pidgin and feeddemon running
not familiar with either program, but any of the clients are sensitive to CPU cycles being lost to other programs.

With that being said, I use WinAFC to set my GPU2 clients to very high and my SMP2 client to normal (default is idle). It is still very responsive
my 920 @ 3.9 is getting around 56TPF this sound about right?

My dedicated i7-2 boxen (no gpu client) gets 49:04 TPF @ 3.6ghz (21x171) with the ram running at 8 divider. (1368mhz)

Either you have something stealing serious cpu cycles or your ram is really downclocked. Could your divider be set at 6?
Are you running any gpu clients?

Even my primary i7-1 @ 3.8 with 2 260 gpu clients gets just under 49min TPF and that's with a ton of other stuff running including Illustrator/InDesign/Photoshop CS4, Panda Cloud AV, Steam, etc. The only time I shut down the clients on my primary is when I'm playing games. (I leave them running while doing my freelance design work and don't notice any performance hit whatsoever, either in my apps or by way of worse TPF)
My xeon at 4.1ghz driving two GTX275s is showing 47 mins TPF for about 18,000 ppd
Oh crud. I threw a 0xc0000029 error after going 44%. This makes twice now so I'm going to take a look at the OC and make it all happy again. At least I can run regular A3s until I can revisit the OC.
Got a list of all services in 7 that aren't needed on a dedicated boxen?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
there are a few more but none of my rigs are 100% dedicated like windows audio, defender none of which will make a huge diference. add them all togetheir nets say 10-15 seconds on a 6014.
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I was without internet since yesterday and the cable repair guys just got here and fixed my internet just in time. I have a bigadv that will be uploading very soon, and had me worried. Damn city tree cutters were trimming my neighbor's tree and ended up cutting my cable line. Even worse is that my cable repair guy said that they tried to duct tape it back together from what he saw up there.

I was without internet since yesterday and the cable repair guys just got here and fixed my internet just in time. I have a bigadv that will be uploading very soon, and had me worried. Damn city tree cutters were trimming my neighbor's tree and ended up cutting my cable line. Even worse is that my cable repair guy said that they tried to duct tape it back together from what he saw up there.

haha thats awesome
haha thats awesome

It had me very worried as these 2684 bigadv work units put me up almost at the 4 day deadline since it takes my rig 3.7 hours. This also wasn't the first time public workers damaged my cable line while doing tree maintenance.
My folding rig just pulled a 6050 regular A3 work unit. I guess this means that we are now completely out of Windows bigadv work units? In the past, it might have taken 6-8 attempts but it ultimately pulled a 2684. After it finished my last bigadv, it went straight and pulled that 6050.
I've kinda given up on Windows Big Adv. My PpD with regular A3 WUs isn't that much less than with 2684 WUs plus I don't have to worry as much. Plus the uploads are obviously much smaller and spaced out. For now, I won't be doing Windows Big Adv.