Working with heat... Advice needed :)


Sep 26, 2001
So I've got 6 machines in my rack folding, with a 7th next to my desk (which is next to my rack), and my laptop folding 24x7 in a 11x11' room... My office's temperature has reached 80 degrees. I'm not too heat-tolerant, and I'm sure my machines aren't either. They've all got good cooling, so they're not too bad, but I'm having a hard time dealing with this heat when I work :) Anyone have some ideas to circulate some of the cooler air from the rest of my place to the inside of my room?

There's only one doorway into here, and I have a ceiling fan going. I still have to assemble an Athlon64 machine and several smaller-caliber rigs, but those will be "colocated' at my parent's place. hehe
Fans my fans, oscilating fans, little handheld fans, etc etc etc....thats my only advice.
Fans, window AC unit or adding a second central air vent to the room.
Like everyone said, fans, fans, and more fans. It's all about the circulation.
Blitzrommel said:
Fans it is. :)

Should I have a fan blowing out or in the room? Or one of each?

If you can do it I would recommend a fan blowing out up high like through the wall (vent). Another one on the floor blowwing in. The cieling fan really does nothing but mix the air up. I have the exact same problem at home myself. I have not put a hole in the drywall yet but I keep thinking about it!!!

Mayhem33 said:
If you can do it I would recommend a fan blowing out up high like through the wall (vent). Another one on the floor blowwing in. The cieling fan really does nothing but mix the air up. I have the exact same problem at home myself. I have not put a hole in the drywall yet but I keep thinking about it!!!

Interesting thought...

There's only a vent that blows inward for this room, and that's in the celing. The grate is 13" x 7" and for some reason, I can't remove it. Maybe if I put a heavy duty fan on that vent, sucking in the air...
Blitzrommel said:
Interesting thought...

There's only a vent that blows inward for this room, and that's in the celing. The grate is 13" x 7" and for some reason, I can't remove it. Maybe if I put a heavy duty fan on that vent, sucking in the air...

That method would theoretically offset the balance of the A/C system. It is supposed to have been designed and load tested as it is currently set up. It is the same reason they tell you not close of the vents in any of the rooms.
Mayhem33 said:
That method would theoretically offset the balance of the A/C system. It is supposed to have been designed and load tested as it is currently set up. It is the same reason they tell you not close of the vents in any of the rooms.
You know, I would really like to know the whole theory behind that. You see, in my building, some of the offices get really really cold, and the building staff are too lazy to actually adjust the temperature, despite several requests. So people block their vents, and then get yelled at, because the other offices get even colder. What's this "balance" you speak of? And why can't we just have a user-adjustable temperature!? :mad:

The ceiling fan's doing no good, if you ask me. It mixes the hot air from the boxen with the cool air in the rest of the room. Keep the two separate as much as possible. You might try a "window fan"--the kind that's maybe a foot high and a few feet wide, with two fans, and mount it in the top of your door, blowing out. I hope your A/C vent isn't by the door, though.
Mohonri said:
You know, I would really like to know the whole theory behind that. You see, in my building, some of the offices get really really cold, and the building staff are too lazy to actually adjust the temperature, despite several requests. So people block their vents, and then get yelled at, because the other offices get even colder. What's this "balance" you speak of? And why can't we just have a user-adjustable temperature!? :mad:

The ceiling fan's doing no good, if you ask me. It mixes the hot air from the boxen with the cool air in the rest of the room. Keep the two separate as much as possible. You might try a "window fan"--the kind that's maybe a foot high and a few feet wide, with two fans, and mount it in the top of your door, blowing out. I hope your A/C vent isn't by the door, though.

The air vent is on the opposite side of the door actually, which happens to be right in front of my rack.

Temperature reached 80 degrees in all of my rooms last night. I was forced to shut down pretty much all of my machines to regulate the temperature again... that'll hurt my score. :( It was just unbearable though. Before I left for work today, I fired up a few more, because I know they're not hot systems. The real hot systems I shut down were mostly two P4's that I set up. The dual P3 server I've had issues with had to be shut down too. So I basically lost 8GHz for now. :(

I could probably get away with firing the dual P3 rig back up. But I wanted to ensure that I could regulate my pad's temperature, and I think the rigs I shut down totally passed up my A/C's capacity! I've entertained the idea of a window A/C unit, but I find some problems that would surely arise.

One, power -- I'm pretty sure installing that would blow the fuse for my office, as it's all on a 15A circuit (its own, fortunately). I've had no problems running 9 computers, two printers, a light and a celing fan unit (even all at the same time)... But I think the capacity's right there on the edge, waiting for a large appliance to blow the fuse!

Two, SWMBO... Enough said. She'd go nuts about the idea of another power-leeching appliance. :)

Three, my apartment rules -- this I'll have to check on, though. Since we all have central air and our own units, it's possible they have some rule forbidding these. Then again, it's our power bills, right?
bah my room at home stays at around 86-92 all summer long. The A/C unit is set at about 70.

The key like everyoen else is fans fans fans.... And sitting in your underwear drinking a cool beverage at all times. Be it ice water, ice tea, or Jack Daniels on the rocks. It helps. Also if it is going to be a long night at the computer get a bucket and get some ice out of freezer and put fan over it, along with cold wet rags.

only a few more months until winter. Nothing like windows open with it is 30 outside :)

When it gets too hot, I use these to keep my balls cool... :eek:

AtomicMoose said:
When it gets too hot, I use these to keep my balls cool... :eek:


I think you need a better fan guard.

if anything spinning is that close to me, it damn well better have guards on every side that it can lol

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Thanks for the sickly thread hijack :p

I found a fan that came out of a rack here at work, it's about 7" in diameter and maybe 2-3" thick; 35 watts. Plugged it in, and it wasn't terribly loud at all. I'm gunna see if anyone would miss it... That'd go great in my office. :)

Duster: Maybe I'll try that bucket thing; I always have my icemaker going so I'm never short on ice.

EDIT: Menards had a nice sale on window A/C units, and found a small 5000BTU one for a hell of a price. Only 5A too. Works well so far, even with my ghetto install!
Solution: Move to Victoria, BC. ;)

I'm sitting here in my home office, the window open and nice sea breeze, and a cool 17.4C ambient temp. Computer core (OC Semperon 3300+) is at 30C, MB at 22C, and hard drives at 23C and 21C. And, the electricity in BC is on the inexpensive side. Antec case with 3 input fans, 2 output fans plus PS. System runs nice and cool. So far, the absolute hottest core temp I've seen is 38C on a "hot day."

Nobody I know has AC here. Winters are mild (rarely below 0C), and summers are also mild. Nice place for a vacation. My car doesn't have AC, and I only regret it when I visit my brother in Redding, CA (hot city).

Celerator said:
Solution: Move to Victoria, BC. ;)

I'm sitting here in my home office, the window open and nice sea breeze, and a cool 17.4C ambient temp. Computer core (OC Semperon 3300+) is at 30C, MB at 22C, and hard drives at 23C and 21C. And, the electricity in BC is on the inexpensive side. Antec case with 3 input fans, 2 output fans plus PS. System runs nice and cool. So far, the absolute hottest core temp I've seen is 38C on a "hot day."

Nobody I know has AC here. Winters are mild (rarely below 0C), and summers are also mild. Nice place for a vacation. My car doesn't have AC, and I only regret it when I visit my brother in Redding, CA (hot city).

I'm in the midwest, known for very extreme temperature ranges... 100F in the summer, -20F in the winter! Even with the hot room temperatures though, my computer temperatures remained reasonable.
yup, B.C. is cool :p but i dont think anyone will move here for our weather, dont think they will like the rain ;)